Mature-miilf live! sex chats for YOU!

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18 thoughts on “Mature-miilf live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. This used to happen for me when I had long hair and went to bed with wet hair. The wet hair would activate the mildew smell in my pillows which developed from the many nights of wet hair. I changed my pillows and got better at drying my hair before bed and eventually the smell went.

  2. I agree with others that his continued antagonistic behaviour is potentially emotional abuse. Obviously hitting someone isn't great, but he saw clearly what was happening to you, seemingly took pleasure in your reactions and kept going and going even after you physically removed yourself from the situation. And then “apologised,” and then continued. The other thing that sticks out to me is that he was preventing you from sleep? You say unintentional, but I wonder. Are you OK to clarify on this point? I only ask because often abusers will use sleep deprivation as a way to keep you off balance so it's easier to trigger the emotional reactions they're looking for. How long have you been together? Have there been other instances of this kind of behaviour?

  3. So she’s mysogynistic, homo/transphobic, belittles you as a person and seemingly love to pick fights/start drama?

    And why are you still with her? You deserve better my dude.

  4. If you ever need to just get all those feelings and thoughts out, feel free to DM me to vent or rant. Sometimes it just helps getting all those thoughts typed out and sent to an objective party. It helps you process it all. I may be some 25yo stranger, but I’ve had my fair share of experiences with lackluster and even straight-up awful relationships partners. I’ve got an ear to lend and would be happy to send words of encouragement and validation your way.

    I’m sorry that you’re going through this, you are not being treated fairly by this man. If you ask me, it’s time to move on, leave him be. Ultimately, everyone is responsible for their own mental health, and the illness shouldn’t be used as justification for their actions.

  5. Maybe you need to stop jumping all over someone who just got a bombshell dropped on them and is probably reeling and processing.

  6. I will need someone to be with me around the clock for 2-3 weeks, unable to sit or bathe on my own let alone care for pets and the house. No family that I trust to do that or are willing to take the time, I live! alone, and no friends who can get that much time off on such short notice because it was supposed to be him and he put in the leave request a long time ago.

  7. Ok thank you. I was thinking about telling him but I wasn’t sure if it would be better to act like everything was fine instead.

  8. Thanks. It’s definitely unexpected, so it complicates things, but I don’t need to stick around to deal with any of this. I need therapy if anything, to deal with this mess he made.

  9. I get what you're saying. Money has not been a concern for me: I do have a sizeable savings account that I haven't touched since I stopped working and although I'm not working, I keep up with my licensings and educational units because the plan has alway been that once the kids are at a certain age, I'd go back to work.

  10. Tell her she can take the more expensive ticket if she can pay for it?

    Or maybe involve her in the budgeting and planning so she has a better sense of the finances?

    Or cancel one of the other trips?

    She seems pretty entitled and not really understanding finances.

    If her parents are going to actually pay for the other flight, that’s one thing. But I didn’t get that impression.

  11. She says she wants to have sex with me. Originally she was scared of the pain but now she suddenly isn't

  12. What bullshit behaviour? He did nothing but compliment and support me. I was quite surprised when I pushed him to tell me what bothered him so much he lost sleep at nights. I dont think less of myself, apparently him too. He too doesn't really understand why he is so hung up on this and we are looking for advice to try before brraking up.

    I dont give up on my loved ones at the first sign of distress anyway.


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