Maylin-liisa live webcams for YOU!

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20 thoughts on “Maylin-liisa live webcams for YOU!

  1. How do I move on? I can’t stop crying about it. Last week he told me he was about to come and see me

  2. The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.

    Seriously. I know it sounds crude, but a big part of the recovery process is you realizing that the things you experienced with her, the things that were unique to her, that big hole in your heart that can't be filled by anyone but her…. Can TOTALLY be filled by someone else.

    We all like to think we're spectacularly unique, and that includes our relationships. But the truth is, we are so not unique. What you had with her was not lightning in a bottle, and there are literally millions of women out there who are just as capable of loving you and being loved by you as she was.

    You need to take a minute to accept the reality. She's gone now. You need to go through the grieving process, so don't jump back into something serious right away.

    But a casual fling is definitely in order. The sooner you learn she wasn't “Ms right”; she was “Ms right now”, the faster and easier the healing process can begin.

  3. He doesn’t think you are going to die. You are changing your face which he evidently loves the way it is. Plastic surgery is not risk free no matter what you may think.

  4. Billowing_flags is spot on. A partner should enhance your life, it sounds like he is just using you as he needs. You are not responsible for him. He needs to work on himself before he even thinks about another relationship.

    You need to think about you. What makes you happy? What are your goals? What brings you joy? Head in that direction

  5. You found out he's married…yikes, sorry. Do you know a way to get into contact with his wife? It might be an option to let her know, but you should only do so if you feel safe – its not always going to be as simple as “just tell her” if this guy knows where you live and is that aggressive. This is also so that you could, if need be, use that as a sticking point if he keeps coming around. “Leave me alone or I will tell your wife.” You could also say “we will tell your wife” to let him know you have someone out there looking out for you.

  6. We’ll done, you’ve really thought this through.

    You have a good head on your shoulders & from what you’ve said, your boyfriend sounds supportive. You know what to do next, do it with confidence & preparation.

  7. You will never, ever forget that she said this. My brain would be replaying this all the time and resentment will keep building up inside. If this is not the first time she has done this, I would say it’s a huge red flag ? and you possibly need to find someone who does not think so little of you.

  8. Break up with BF and tell mom grandkids aren't coming from you. You do not owe her grandkids!

  9. Update: i talked to her about it on the phone. we were talking about how i made her O just from sucking her nipples and i was like is my rating higher than the first time we had sex. she responded with “i never even rated you because i knew i wanted to be with you”. and then i called her out and i said i know that’s a lie. she asked me why and i just said straight up because i’ve seen the list before and she goes “you just started something for no reason im gonna go take a shower i’ll just text you”

  10. An invitation is not a summons. Like others have said, a simple ” No, but thank you ” is just enough. If they inquire more about it (which I doubt, but if the conversation just comes up out of curiosity), you can say it's just not something you're interested in but respect that he is.

  11. Therapy to unpack why your wife is ready to sacrifice her relationship and future for her possibly narcissistic mother is a good idea. We don't owe our parents that for being born, and the ones who expect that are usually shit parents anyway. Found family is 1000x more important. This would be a deal breaker for me if she won't budge.

    This is excellent advice, and excellent insight.

  12. Your gut about him not seeing a future with you is probably correct. I think you need to decide this as if you are not going to stay together. Either you want this baby and are willing to be a single mother if need be or you don’t. Don’t be surprised when he dumps you after you abort.

  13. “Your father and his wife’s actions sound insane.”

    They do, don't they?! They give me very bad vibes. As if they were about to highjack OPs life again, make it all about them.

    And do the same to his children as they did to him.

    Plus: they seem to stalk OP. Which is even more concerning.

  14. Same here. A high end collectible is one thing. It will be stored properly. I'm a whole grown person with a nice house and I'm not littering it with stuffed animals. And I definitely don't want anyone's paintings. They're rarely as good as the artist thinks they are, and I don't want to hurt someone's feelings.


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