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20 thoughts on “Meelanny1 live webcams for YOU!

  1. Dude doesn't want to meet halfway, but also wants to make things sexual immediately, but also flips out when you make a totally reasonable request. Nope the fuck away from him.

  2. He’s lived in Aus by himself for 3 years. But yeah he doesn’t have to worry about the cost of living or debt or loans… anything really.

  3. Why do you reply to these moronic comments but not to the question of why are you putting up with this abusive behavior from your husband? If he cheats he's probably cheating “raw”, so think of the STIs! He's putting his sexual needs before your health which is so selfish and wrong, put yourself first.

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  5. Big dick energy: hearing a compliment about your average dick and being grateful for all the great sex you have with it.

    Small dick energy: hearing a complement about your average dick and deliberately taking it as an insult because you need your lover to lie to you about your dick size for you to “feel like a man”

    It's his choice.

    Big dick guys out there begging someone to take them on, but he's there getting fucked and sucked, and he's whining about it?

  6. If you want a woman that wont walk straight after sex, date a woman with MS.

    (Source: am woman with MS)

  7. If you want a woman that wont walk straight after sex, date a woman with MS.

    (Source: am woman with MS)

  8. Seriously, Im shocked by these comments. This landlord sounds much less like some asshole who owns a bunch of property and more like someone who rents out a room in their house to get by. I rented out a room in a house I myself rented for 3 years in my early 20s because there was no way I could afford it otherwise. Very similar living situation to this post considering my “tenants” never interested with my rental company and just had a lease through me. But yeah, screw me over lmao.

  9. I’m platonic friends with my ex’s but I sure as hell wouldn’t hang out and drink with them if I was in a relationship.

    It’s normal to feel insecure about things like this. The problem is that you have mentioned that these things make you feel insecure and she doesn’t seem to care or want to make you feel more comfortable. “You shouldn’t feel insecure” is not the same as actually doing something to make you feel more secure.

    You gotta set boundaries that make it possible for you to feel good.

  10. Honestly though, as a woman, if a person told me “I love you and I'd love to be with you exclusively, after my trip though” I'd 100% be assuming they're planning to have some hook-ups while abroad. Why else wouldn't you ask to be exclusive immediately? And if they're getting some last minute fun with others before comitting, why couldn't i?

  11. If you valued your girlfriend enough, you wouldn’t seek out visual stimulation from other women live because it causes her pain. Saying that you have tried makes you sound like a teenager. Seriously. You’ve tried? You just can’t control yourself? She should find someone who respects her.

  12. You need to work on your independence. That's gonna be the only way she might ease off. But as long as you're living in her house, it's her rules.

  13. I’m just going to put this out there as a warning. Had two friends in a relationship and she wanted a child bad bad. So friend 1 and the friend 2 arranged a stranger donation and friend 2 gets pregnant pretty quick. Friend 1 loves that kid like it came from her and they are a happy little family for a year or two with F1 just as loving as involved as the bio mom. Then as with most relationships they run into some issues and it eventually leads to the breakdown of the relationship.

    Friend 1 tries to keep in contact with the kid but Friend 2 is gone off the rails into petty theft and drugs and eventually kid goes to her family a ways off.

    Friend 1 doesn’t get to keep contact (whether it’s Friend 2’s wishes or the distance)

    So she loses the child she loves, that’s she’s helped raised for years and carries her last name.

    If you’re wanting to be a mother that bad, carry the baby yourself. Just bypass all the potential issues.

  14. said I was being dramatic and making things up the next day and I guess I believed him that maybe I didn’t remember correctly.

    This is gaslighting. Narcissists do this.


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