Melissa-moreno online sex chats for YOU!

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36 thoughts on “Melissa-moreno online sex chats for YOU!

  1. because we love eachother? i don't love him because of sex. i have loved him way before we got in a relationship, and he feels the same way. i don't want to still be with him just for sex, if that's what you think. i said i'm willing to give it up to be with him

  2. I think this is a bit of a double edged sword. On one hand I think that if you feel it’s best for your mental health to do it, then you should do it regardless of the consequences.

    But on the other hand I think you have to understand that this is 99% likely to end up with your BF breaking up with you, and I don’t think he’s at all outside reasoning to do that. If you after 10 years can’t really decide if you’re all in one way or another then it’s probably best you breakup. This is going to be a backwards step for him, and if I was in his shoes I would probably just end the relationship and let you go find yourself with no bad blood between us.

  3. Personally, if I'm dating someone, I'd want to be there with them for important events. I know people aren't always into things that their SO are into. And that's fine. But you should want to support your SO in things. Also, I don't understand why after all this time she hasn't met your mom. That to me would make me pause, especially with marriage plans.

  4. Remember, this isn't some kid the BF doesn't know that he would need to guess these things about. The BF is in a position to have a very clear idea of how athletic Jacob is.

    Under no circumstances should someone who is “mostly a bench player” be getting an award for [gender] athlete of the year. That is an award for someone who reliably produces measurably outstanding results, someone who the coach wants on the field at all times.

    And here's the thing. I'm pretty sure Jacob knows this. He knows that there are players who are better than him. He knows he got an award he didn't earn. Can't imagine he feels good about it.

    This crap is not how we end transphobia; this is how you make it worse.

  5. He told you you don’t satisfy him on top so you got off. You told him he doesn’t satisfy you without foreplay and he got offended and told you you’d insulted his masculinity. He insists on blowjobs when he’s nasty and sweaty but doesn’t care if you cum. He’s 30 years old.

    Girl. What are you doing.

  6. it really boils down to if you can get over it. If you are completely unattracted to him it doesn't really matter if it's a “valid” reason or not. No sense staying in a relationship with someone who has flicked your off switch. It will just end up making you and him really bitter/resentful.

  7. This man has zero respect for you. Just leave. You staying and allowing this is showing him you have no self respect and he won’t stop. Basically he is choosing these girls over you. It’s that simple. Don’t you want a man who will choose you? It’s not like you’re asking something crazy of him. You’re literally asking him not to hang out with girls he has a history with in the middle of the night. Also I will say if he cheated on ex with you? What do you think is going to happen? His history is the biggest prediction of his future self.

  8. So you’re an advocate for domestic violence?? If someone you care about is causing you bodily harm or destruction of property, why would you not call the cops? “Handling in private” is how people in those situations end up dead. If they don’t want their life “ruined” then perhaps they shouldn’t do things that will in fact ruin their life.

    What Ops boyfriend did was stupid, no question about it, but your line of thinking is a major red flag dude. Idk how you’re not seeing that

  9. But… did you in fact have to drop off “some people,” or did you only drop off “one” person? And if one, why did you say “some”? I can kinda see why she can’t tell if she is being lied to.

  10. This, @op my female friend recently got a text from a fling from SEVEN YEARS AGO. He wanted to get head and head out again. She blatantly called him out, funny as fuck.

  11. You have no evidence for his motives other than the yard work needs to get done and OP is outside a lot gardening. They're bound to be out at the same time.

    I already proposed a solution. Wife does the yard work from now on and hubby kicks back.

  12. I will cover some lesser talked ways of investigation, good luck!

    Keep track of UNEXPECTED CHANGES in her look/way of dressing/routine over the day. Try to see which underwear is she leaving home with and if she comes dressed with another pair. If home, try to great her when coming home with at least a hug and check if she smells different. See if she goes straight to the shower against her old routine.

    I don't know how some men can't recognize the smell of intercourse but if this is the case, all you need to do is to check her used panties if they are wet . Yet, don't jump to any conclusion, just preserve them to get completely dry (overnight) and check in the morning if they dried and become stiff/”frozen” in that exact position and still preserving the shape when repositioned. The confirmation will come if when touching the area that was wet and if it feels like sand paper, abrasive and stiff.

    On such a pair you can do a lab test if you want an official proof.

    However, any man can smell the infidelity and I don't refer strictly to the underwear, you can smell her hands (kiss them!) while fully dressed and you should know instantly…

  13. if you're going to go into swinging or BDSM. you have to have trust. and rules. or it's doomed to fail. i know from experience. If she wants hers you get yours first…. if she declines then you never have to worry about the guy's threesome ever. if boundaries/rules cannot be agreed to then there is no trust.

  14. Two ideas for you. 1. Therapy – possibly a rather short course of it. 2. Find enough stress in your non-romantic life (work, hobbies, adventures) that a nice stable relationship feels like a sanctuary. In other words, find another venue for emotional and mental chaos.

  15. OP doesn’t have to put ANYONE on the birth certificate besides her name. Which is what was suggested I do so my sons father couldn’t try and take him from me when he decided, much like this guy, he wanted to play daddy after being gone for years and telling me to abort it.

  16. I'm posting from the arse end of the world (Australia) so hopefully our way is a fairly widespread thing!

    But yeah 100%. Effort is very much discretionary, too.

    As an example I could have served up generic whatever for dinner last night but everyone got something to their own tastes – I'm not running a restaurant so that's not sustainable every single night but I care and I plan ahead with groceries and I cater as much as I can. Child Services would give me a tick mark regardless because everyone's nicely fed but I want them to feel happy and loved and like their preferences are noticed and acted on. After working a full day in the office I'm tired as shit but my husband thanks me and reminds our young kids to do the same and it makes all the difference. Cycles can be positive as much as they can be vicious.

  17. It’s the current climate we online in. People have this “groomer” fear and it’s kinda stupid in this case. That said, to each their own I guess

  18. U don’t.

    U break up, go no contact and help whatever trauma and insecurities you have to EVER contemplate staying with someone who treats u like shit and why u accept it.

    Block him. Get a therapist and move on.

  19. Is he an only child?? Those are YOUR games, he needs to stop being a controlling dipshit and contribute to his own charities. Is he getting a reward for bringing in the most games or something??

  20. She enjoys them when we do end up doing it, yes. My question is how do I bring this up with her while not sounding unreasonable? Because it's something that's really been bothering me.

  21. You are not an asshole! Can't you see how he's got you all twisted up and taking ownership of the situation when HE CAUSED IT with his reaction? Jesus, he's an emotional abuser. Can't you see that??

  22. Was he good to you? If he was cool to you then it’s a kind gesture to go. Unless you and her scream and yell or act foolish. I would slip in the back and slip out before being seen but that’s just how I roll. I don’t need to be seen to pay my respects

  23. I think just take a little step back for a second. At best you've known him about 8 weeks, and a big chunk of that time has been you fighting for scraps of attention. I suspect you've nailed it when you said you love the idea of love, rather than loving this man.

    You're not on similar wavelengths, and when that's the case you both have to really want to make it work and put in a tonne of effort to do so. And should it really be such a trial in the very early days when it's supposed to be fun?

    You've done the right thing.

  24. I value working nude and working your way up in jobs

    You've been with him for 5 years. He is 29 years old. Surely you can do the math after 5 years to see that he has no ambition, and he wants to do the bare minimum in life? No?


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