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38 thoughts on “Mia 18 Andrey 25 the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. It is ok to get a lapdance. It is even okay to fuck others. If you have discussed it, and agreed that it is. Otherwise no.

  2. I would return those shoes and buy myself something nice!

    Go to the dollar store and buy him $5 worth of junk. He needs to feel your pain.

  3. Hello /u/Mission_Wall6014,

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  4. Dude, her body. She’s going through hell and back for your baby. It’s NOT about YOU. Read up on pregnancy a lot. Educate yourself. It’s her stress. Whatever she feels comfortable with.

  5. You got a glow up and are more attractive now but desperate to get the attention of a married man with a kid on the way? You need a personality glow up.

  6. It's a safety thing. Some guy can't take no for an answer and get violent. You can't tell if a guy is going to snap so it's just easier to be fake nice and lie to get out of the situation.

  7. Well, you somehow believe your wife is simply fine with all of this, for one. You’re not grown enough to realize the impact this situation has on her. The prank was already a dick move and should have resulted in your sister getting her ass handed to her. The video, though? Oof, man. The malice involved in making that edit and posting it is obvious to everyone but you. I can’t even imagine how hurt she is to see herself portrayed like that on such a public platform, not to mention the pain of reading comments like that. No wonder your wife is pretending to be okay around you. My god my husband would be scorching earth for me, and you’re just sitting there twiddling your thumbs like a child.

    You’re a husband and about to be a father. Fuckin act like it. Stand up for her and try to fix this before she realized how inadequate you are

  8. Well, you somehow believe your wife is simply fine with all of this, for one. You’re not grown enough to realize the impact this situation has on her. The prank was already a dick move and should have resulted in your sister getting her ass handed to her. The video, though? Oof, man. The malice involved in making that edit and posting it is obvious to everyone but you. I can’t even imagine how hurt she is to see herself portrayed like that on such a public platform, not to mention the pain of reading comments like that. No wonder your wife is pretending to be okay around you. My god my husband would be scorching earth for me, and you’re just sitting there twiddling your thumbs like a child.

    You’re a husband and about to be a father. Fuckin act like it. Stand up for her and try to fix this before she realized how inadequate you are

  9. Female here in the future try “hey I would like to get to know you better what music are you currently enjoying?” Next time you see them ask them what book they enjoyed last if they are still receptive get to coffee good luck ?

  10. Female here in the future try “hey I would like to get to know you better what music are you currently enjoying?” Next time you see them ask them what book they enjoyed last if they are still receptive get to coffee good luck ?

  11. I dont think this is about the stranger. I think this is about you and your sister. You feel she's not respecting your family in general and are hurt by it, from the sound of it. Is there a way to maybe address it that way? Set aside some time to just talk to her and explain that you've noticed your relationship with her is becoming more and more strained. You clearly value your family a lot and are getting more and more frustrated that she doesn't seem to share those values.

  12. My ex didn’t cheat on me, but after we split up, he got back with an ex-gf, and started posting about her on social media in ways he never did with me (despite being on social media during 99% of any day), and yeah, it hurts. I was the one who broke up with him, but it just felt like yeah, you really didn’t care about me as much as I did you

  13. It seems like you’re just cool and the zoomers wanted to hang out with you lol, there’s 100% creepy older dudes who deliberately hang out with younger people but it just seems like you’re out having fun after a rough patch!

  14. What like he forced his unprotected punishment into her mouth full of teeth?! Highly doubt. Not saying a rapist wouldn't do that but it would require a threat or a weapon at the least.

  15. When tf did playing pool and listening to comedy become male only ?!

    Engineering, I know a girl who studied this, only girl in the class, they were all horrible to her.

    She now has a very lucrative job and flies all round the world and loves it. She says even now she finds those ass holes who don’t think she should be in her job.

  16. Good for you man, I know this is a really difficult position to be in and I truly hope that you and your daughter come out of all this okay.

  17. This is a case of the lowest common denominator wins. You're not going to change his attitude towards tidying. If it's honestly that big of an issue for you you're probably going to have to get divorced. Otherwise you'll either have to lower your standards or accept that it will be you doing the majority of the tidying to get things to your standard.

    You can maybe pick one or two small things to make an issue out of, IE leaving plates out but any more you're just going to be introducing stress into your relationship for no gains.

  18. Draw it wherever you want. Clearly this is bothering you and you want someone on Reddit to tell you that you’re right and tell you to break up. So…okay.?‍♀️

    You two have dated a month and you’re harkening back to things that happened in December when you weren’t even on the scene.

    I think you’re giving this chick too much mental real estate and need to just let it go and either enjoy your relationship of a month or move on.

    This is just way too much self induced drama.

  19. Then turn it back around on her.

    Next time she brings it up, be like “imagine bragging about hooking up with that loser all these years later! Couldn't be me. Some people really do peak in high school. What's he doing now, still working that hourly retail job? Let's go over to Walmart and say hello!”

    And no, it's not inherently shameful to work an hourly retail job. It's shameful to stagnate when you don't want to, and this isn't about Random Redditor reading this and working at Walmart, this is about OP not standing up for himself.

  20. My ex that swore she couldn't get pregnant had a baby within a year of moving in with the guy she cheated on me with. People are dumb.

  21. Ok but don't be a cheapskate about getting to the airport. Get your own transportation on the day. His father might make you miss your flight.

  22. Thank you so much for your kind response. You made a lot of great points, and it made me really think about everything. I apologize for not responding earlier, but I felt that I needed to check out from social media and let my brain take a break from this whole situation. The part about my mom not being able to grow from the relationship of me as her child vs me now as an adult, really resonated with me. The funny thing is, that this all happened not too long after I moved in with my husband, about 6 months after we started dating. It was slow, but then it became more and more. I remember one time I wanted to spend time with my mom for either her birthday or Mother's Day, and they are typically the same day, same week or side by side. And I remember that she couldn't take the time to make plans with me, and only had time to spend with my brother. The reason we can't share her attention on that day is because he cannot relinquish control over her attention. I referenced my wedding planning, and I didn't give a lot of details. But one of the things, that has still been mentioned to this day, that was a problem for her, is that I didn't include her in any of it. She got mad because I had been talking to my aunt (her sister) once we started getting closer to the date, because I was tired of not being able to get her help. She got mad the day before while setting up, because my aunt knew more than she did. That's because my aunt knew I needed the help and knew that my mom wasn't helping. I wanted to iron all of the seat covers, my mom said that they were fine (they weren't, they were completely wrinkled) but my MIL stepped up and went and bought a couple irons and ironing boards and started ironing everything, because she knew that I needed them ironed.

    I don't want to give up on them, but at the same time I am just so very exhausted. I feel like with everything they have said to me, that they are the ones (especially my brother) that has given up on me. I see your advice on maybe sending a gift card or something, and that is something I may do soon. I heard that they are finally opening a Pizza Hut (one of her favorites) in town, so I was considering sending her a gift card so that she can treat herself. I think that the one thing I am going to allow myself to do, is to finally separate the very last thing that I have that she can hold over me. I've always been on their family cellphone plan, just because it is so much cheaper. But I am going to finally get my own plan. One to separate that and finances, and because it will end up saving them close to $400 a year, and I know that will help them very much. We are not rich or even fully without debt, but we do pretty well for ourselves, and I think it's time for me to do that. My husband still has his on his parents, but we will change his in time, I'm sure.

    Thank you for the quote as well. That really made me think, and that is what I want. I want to live my life the way I want, along with my husband. We are making our little family, just us and our cat and dog for now, but I have to take care of my mental wellbeing first. And that's just what I am going to.

    I truly want to thank you for everything you said, and would love more insight, if you're welling.

  23. I’m sorry but what I’m saying is true. I come from a place where people think drinking paracetamol and coke would stop pregnancy. Other than discussing what the sexual organs are and what they do, they don’t teach us anything else, it’s a taboo in my country. We only learn about the reproductive system once in elementary and it’s the most basic of all basics.

  24. I don’t think you should be worried that he’s not saying I love you. It took my current partner and I a year to actually say it (with them saying it first). However I do think you should be worried about his lack of care toward your feelings. Consider a relationship with this man if he never changes. Would you be happy? If not, it may be time to reconsider. While it’s true that you do have to teach people how to love you and respect your needs or boundaries, that logic can only extend so far. You can only teach someone so much, and you can’t really expect anyone to drastically change for you. It sounds like you’re going to have to have some difficult conversations with him. Take what he says (or doesn’t say) to heart and really truly evaluate if this is a relationship you see being happy and fulfilling long term.

  25. She is bending herself into a pretzel to try to make him less unhappy, and blaming herself when she can’t. OP, he’s the problem, it’s him.

  26. Lol I’m not tho. As a woman in a committed relationship, the line should’ve been drawn awhile ago. The romance book and being shady about the meet up are red flags. And honestly if she is even just emotionally cheating I can’t blame her bc I can’t see much that the husband is truly doing to keep her interested. But regardless, yeah as someone in a committed relationship the ways this guy is acting would make me incredibly uncomfortable, especially if I were to take into consideration my partner and children.


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