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16 thoughts on “Mia-fire live webcams for YOU!

  1. Agoraphobic here! She definitely needs to see a psychiatrist about that if that’s something she might have. And touching on the sexual trauma aspect…therapy is your answer. It helped me a lot and I’m better able to function in society now. Good luck.

  2. To be fair there were two incidents earlier in our relationship where I did use porn during a rough period with us. This that we have worked though now. I did admit it to her without her having to go looking for it or anything like that. But it's been like 9-10 months since I've used it. How would I go about setting a fair boundary.

  3. You probably didn't know him that well seeing as he went and killed himself because of the way you treated him his entire life. If the poor teacher was a bit more persistent maybe his life could be saved. But sadly, the kid had only you, and so it ended how it ended. Leave your daughter alone, you already drove one kid to his death, don't do the same to the other.

  4. I've dated some women with self-esteem issues due to emotionally abusive exs, but this is extreme. At least OP seems to understand that this is her problem, not his. Unfortunately, logic rarely overcomes emotion when it's an emotional issue to begin with, so keeping it from being his problem doesn't seem likely. This is will require a lot of patience on both their parts.

  5. Comments aren't helping much but sounds like undiagnosed ADHD or ASD. You can't do anything unfortunately, it's on him, you can be supportive and encouraging, prompt him regularly, but that's not your responsibility unless you're in it for the long haul and without his consent he's going to start resenting you for making him feel inferior or a failure.

    Communicate. Tell him your feelings, ask if he'd like help, if he says no, byebye baby, if he says yes, be willing to help him. If you're not willing then the relationship is over.

  6. Please go watch Chasing Amy. It's basically a story about a guy who fucks it all up bc he's behaving just like you are. Great movie, and worth thinking about.

  7. don't necessarily wanna side with her bc I know I'll get downvoted to hell, but I will give my own experience.

    My husband currently works over a 40 hour work week. He makes absolutely shit money. Before this, he was in the military. Similar pay but he was gone 80% of the time. I saw him most evenings if I was lucky. I work a shit job for shit pay. We're barely scraping by.

    Regardless of having no time or money, we still go out for a cheap dinner when we can. We go out for walks. We sit in and watch movies together. We play video/board games together. He gets me flowers if they're on sale. He gets me cheap little shitty gifts that I love bc I know he bought me that $5 stuffed cat from the grocery store bc he thought of me when he saw it. It's the little things. I know you said she's demanding, but I also saw you say that you “could” do these things for her, but are choosing to make her wait until you make more money, which you don't know when that is.

    People here are saying she just wants a sugar daddy bc of her friends older bf. Maybe that's true. But maybe she's been quietly miserable, thinking she's in the wrong for feeling neglected, until she saw what she could be treated like from her friend's relationship. And it doesn't have to be that she wants extravagant dates. Have you asked her? If she wants you to blow your entire paycheck on her, that's one thing, but if she just wants you to show you that you love her, its not that nude to do. And if you're not willing to put that little effort in, then break up with her and let her find someone she's compatible with. It doesn't sound like yall are compatible at all. You need someone extremely low maintenance (not to say she's high maintenance, but a relationship requires effort that you're not willing/able to give)

  8. Pathetic petty OP … get a life, and mind your business. She has issues… but get off your high horse… if you want to do good offer her help, instead of trying to ruin her life. The justice system doesn't rehabilitate individuals, it further ruins then. Plus they wouldn't waste resources prosecuting someone for recreational drugs…

  9. Yeah you are probably right. I didnt see it as calling her a liar and not knowing me well enough but thats probably the way it came out.

  10. Unless there was a recent event that triggered these feelings. She may just be using your past relationships as an excuse to break up with you OP.

  11. I think you’re probably right, she’s feeling the pressure because she’s told them about your progress (in the way that anyone who’s proud of their partners successes would do) and now they’re saying “what, little miss rich-boyfriend won’t put her hand in her pocket and help out her own family??”

    I wouldn’t take personally the insults she threw at you. That’s almost certainly what she’s hearing from her own family and she’s running it through in her own head too – so it’s helpful that you’re not caving.

    Tell her you said no, and that’s final. That she can tell her family that, and you’re happy to be the bad guy if she needs to explain it to them. (My husband and I will happily be the Bad Guy for each other’s families, if we want to stand up to them and keep things going forward as it means we personally don’t hurt their feelings and there’s no room for further argument.)

    Work out how you want to treat your money going forward- what’s hers, what’s hers to spend on family, what’s yours, and if need be, what is the family pot that you both agree cannot be emptied by one of you alone, because it’s vacation/house savings/children/new car funds/renovation costs. I’m assuming that you’re right – she doesn’t want to sacrifice so much but is under immense pressure to do so and if you can offer a way out from the pressure (a nude no from you with limits) with a way to safeguard your future, you might both be able to get comfortable with it.

    (The first time the family pot gets emptied for her family, break up. It’s never getting better.)

  12. Each time she randomly brings one of her stories up and I just picture OP getting a mini heart attack 🙁

  13. There's a big difference between some banter back and forth jokingly, and outright telling friends that you annoy him. I would bring it up and see how he explains it. It is normal to vent to friends a little bit about our partner, I guess it depends on how serious he meant it. This is already altering the relationship because you want to distance from him, let him know exactly how you feel.


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