Mia-hot-cum1 online sex chats for YOU!

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14 thoughts on “Mia-hot-cum1 online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Why haven’t you blocked him? If he continues to harass you don’t engage and just contact the police.

  2. My thoughts exactly. I think the relationship is coming to an end, just how healthy it ends is the question.

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  4. 12 years of marriage and 3 children later

    …she comes clean. What an absolute fucking monster, letting him have kids with her so he'd be bound forever.

  5. You want her to see you. You think by being her go to that she’ll want you and choose you.

    You are pretending to be her friend. Stop it.

  6. Go walk that stage and enjoy your graduation even if it's by yourself! Don't show up for people who didn't care to even check dates and choose another time to get married that isn't your graduation. Something tells me this wasn't a coincidence.

    You worked so hard and finally are becoming a doctor officially and that is a big cause for celebration. You deserve to be celebrated too even if it's by yourself. Your family are the ones who should be ashamed of themselves for thinking this is a minor thing when it's not and not being there for you. They could choose the date of the wedding, you had no choice over the date of your graduation, plain and simple your brother is an asshole for choosing that specific date.

    Choose yourself and your graduation.

    And congratulations for becoming a doctor!!!! ?✨

  7. This is such a good example of how even the most extraordinary women can be trapped in a cycle of abuse. One of the worst cases of abuse I know is a friend who was a paediatrician (top medical school graduate), extraordinary mum and friend. Her husband is a secondary school teacher. He has worked on breaking her for years and years and she is increasingly unable to leave: two children, dog, social ties, but most of all she is just slowly becoming a shell of herself without the confidence or energy to leave. She sometimes says she wishes he would hit her so she could draw a clear line, but until that point she tells us she can’t find it in her to leave. It really ramped up after the first kid, got so much worse after the second. To the world she has everything, but my god as her friend it’s just heartbreaking. OP get out, get out now before it gets even harder. A new house, a second kid…nothing is going to change someone’s deeply held opinions about your worth.

  8. I thought about that but we’ve been talking about marriage so much recently bc i truly love him. so it wouldn’t make any sense if I didn’t go in detail. I don’t wanna make him insecure but he’s the type who never stops until he gets a real answer.

  9. When weed is the cause for dozens of family issues, e.g. inability to properly look after and feed your children and is responsible for leading 3 cousins and 2 friends down the wrong path that ultimately lead to their death, chances are you might develop an “anti drug” propaganda.

    The fact that someone with a major role in my life uses weed AND hid it from me, just adds to this.

  10. My friend you are REALLY over thinking this. Most people can barely handle their OWN extended family so having to bear a spouses can just be a bit much sometimes and she was venting that’s all. Also she wasn’t speaking of your entire family, she vented about one loud mouthed fool. Have you honestly never vented about someone that irritated you ever in your whole life? Seriously let it go.


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