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26 thoughts on “Miichelle evans live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. The guys were drunk and acted like drunk guys. The female didn’t like you and was trying to humiliate you.

  2. Don’t marry him or have a child with him unless he gets help. Have him investigate the free or low cost programs in your area. If he isn’t willing to help himself, you are fighting a losing battle that will ultimately consume you in the process. There is an old saying, don’t borrow trouble, but in this case I’d say don’t marry it either.

  3. She broke up with me. Over the phone. Said she wanted to just be friends. I told her I didn't really want that. She still texts regularly.

  4. I have a daughter and I am absolutely teaching her to lie in these situations if she feels unsafe. Her life and safety are more important than some guys entitled feelings everytime.

  5. I have took a moment and I have thought about this. Did you read the part where I have said that I am aware of how I have treated him? And that was one of the many reasons why I decided to get help with my unsolved issues? I know that I have treated him poorly this me being self aware of my behavior. This is why I mentioned I have been going to therapy. Because I know that I have unsolved issues but that I wanted to get help. So that I wouldn't treat him badly anymore.

  6. How would you feel if the shoe was on the other foot? Would you want her to tell you? How would you react?

  7. Jeff definitely has an ED and I understand your hesitation. Honestly, if you guys were closer I’d say to absolutely say something to him. That being said, the fact that you guys aren’t close may have a negative impact on him and make him more insecure if you choose to say something.

  8. Leave him, walk away with your dignity intact. He lacks empathy and you lack time. Don't be sorry for eight minutes. Just leave.

  9. It makes no sense at all and just comes down to “manly pint glass too big for delicate feminine hands”. It's not about alcohol content because a glass of wine has comparable same number of units of alcohol and its not about the volume of liquid when they buy the same amount, just in two glasses. And it leaves her with two drinks to keep an eye on instead of one.

  10. A standard example of two people having different expectations. You should talk about that, ask him what he expects of you and come to some compromise.

  11. I agree with your first point and I appreciate your take on it. Honestly, I wanted to take it to the grave, but it didn't feel right to create a life with him where he didn't know, especially considering we are going through the IVF route. I realize that telling him was motivated by making me feel better about it, that was selfish.

    But, he wouldn't have wanted to keep it 10 years ago either. The issue isn't that he feels betrayed because I had an abortion, he thinks it was the right call. He has said that he doesn't blame me for that part of it all, we were nowhere ready for a child, especially considering how much we worked at the time.

  12. You don't resolve this, you carry on and do what is best for you. “To Thine Own Self, be True.”

    On a side note, it is exceedingly unhealthy to be in a relationship with someone who is unsupportive of you making good and positive change. Its not about you, its about her insecurities. Defining a persons worth by their weight is shallow and disgusting. Shame on her for thinking you will lose weight, create value(which you already have) and leave her for someone else. You are as valuable today as you would be at 150 lbs.

    But losing weight and being healthy will make you feel better, you will have more energy, self esteem and confidence.

    Behind every eating disorder is a story of trauma. What is yours? Unfortunately if you don't get to the root cause of it, you will struggle with food as your coping mechanism for unaddressed pain and wounds. Doing so will also make it blatantly obvious, as it is to everyone reading this, that you are in an abusive relationship. And that you deserve much better.

    Take care, and please stop putting others needs ahead of your own. Go to the weight loss center because its a demonstration of self love and care. Don't listen to any negativity. You did it before, it worked and you will do it again. ❤

  13. Sounds like he doesn’t think to prioritize you. If he’s serious about you I think he would be putting in more effort to spend quality time with you. If you feel that he hasn’t, then I would start prioritizing yourself. Make plans for yourself, go out with friends. Don’t wait on him. As a matter of fact, don’t ask him to spend time anymore. See what happens next.

  14. Give her space to decide what treatment she feels is best for her. Is she otherwise affectionate and attentive? You are going to have to give it to her straight. You have been patient and caring, but you're not a saint. You have needs that she seems to not take into consideration. One min. late to an appointment, so she doesn't even go in? She's in no hurry to take care of the issue to be a genuine partner. Set up a timeline, decide if you want to talk to her about it or not. If there's been no movement towards resolving the issue by your deadline, then you'll need to take a another look at the relationship and decide whether you stick it out or move on. It's already been quite a while. How long does she expect you to wait?

  15. I have been handed condoms during cons before. I have also grabbed them out of fishbowls. What do I do with, shove them in a pocket and forget about them.

    My favorite condom story is, I was a bar with some friends. And the bartender asks my husband's friend if he would like a compliment. He said yes. The bartender handed him a condom and a mint, and said here is your condom-mint. (But says it like compliment)

    I don't use condoms, but I probably have some in my house somewhere.

  16. From my perspective, I've only accommodated his needs. I haven't put any pressure on him to move in with him (it's his house). I'm seeking advice on this forum, so what tangible solutions are you proposing? A cleaning schedule?

  17. “cloak and dagger stuff isn't for me.” Sir it isn't for anyone, it isn't easy but it is necessary.

    Now you have no proof, empty words, and even more concerns.

    I bet you still sit her down again and throw all your cards on the table and let her manipulate you emotionally. A far too common course of events, and you will be back here in a few weeks/years regretting your choices.

    Look i can tell you are puting all the blame on the AP, but he didn't betray your marriage your wife did. AP being a sociopath has nothing to do with the fact that if she cheated she betrayed you, period. Your wife is an adult, she has her own free will, her actions are her own.

    Your going to have to come to terms with that, no running from the reality if the situation.

  18. Omfg. He’s a pediatrician?? New fear unblocked. I mean, pediatricians are somehow childish (think about Mickey Mouse ties or unicorn headbands) but his a different kind of immature.

  19. “This thread is just full of evidence that redditors don't have friends.”

    Uh… welcome to being part of that thread then? WHAT the eff you do not get with:


    Are you just unable to get that? Or simply blatantly unwilling?


  20. Oh my. You are disappearing in this relationship. This is so unhealthy. I obviously think you should move on. But. Since you won’t do that, it’s time for couples counseling.

  21. Devil's Advocate here… technically, running alongside number 2 listed, it could be porn related… if he is jerking off too much, or just plain too near to the time you are having sex, he could be faking to save face and running out of steam before actually shooting his shot because he had already let one off on his own earlier.


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