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Mike & Miranda, 37 y.o.


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Mike & Miranda live sex chat

28 thoughts on “Mike & Miranda the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. It’s like trying to do the same experiment several times and get the same result but hoping for another. Leave. Your mental health and self worth needs you to leave. Please leave. LEAVE. Because every time she’s out, you’ll be paranoid. Every text she gets. Every time she is late coming home. It’ll always be in the back of your mind. She is not at all in any state of mind to be in a relationship. Maybe some day when she grows up but not now.. again. Leave and work on yourself. When you’re glowing and positive, you’ll attract the right partner ?

  2. Yeah, nah, bullshit.

    Like all guys who reckon they have “very logical theories” you just think the world owes you something.

  3. Not sure how much he's devoted to God if he is dating an atheist and having sex before marriage.

    If spirituality was important to him, he would want to be with a fellow Christian girl.

  4. Right after my husband and I were married he had a medical situation that needed addressed personally (his family are all states away, and it would have taken a lot to travel in peak Covid).

    Because we were legally married I was able to be in the ED because he couldn’t speak let alone advocate for care.

    I shudder to think what could have happened otherwise (and I still had to sweet talk myself into the department). Again, peak Covid no shots available yet. It doesn’t happen until it does and you’re glad you get a pass.

  5. This sounds tiring from both ends. He wants an engaged partner who actually pays attention to him. You want someone who doesn’t react like a child when he’s not getting what he needs from a relationship

  6. You’re right it is out of character, it’s his true self. He was playing a character to get you on the hook now he’s testing how far he can push you.

  7. Coercion is still rape. He is a disgusting vile rapist and a miserable excuse for a human. You should gather some support and have them with you to throw him out. He will continue to rape you. You either have to get police involved or make others aware of what he is doing. You deserve better. You deserve safety. You deserve more.

  8. Nah man.. that would drive me insane too. I would say you need to have a good old adult conversation. Tell him how you feel about all this. If you do this and nothing changes, leave. If you have already tried talking to him, maybe its ultimatum time. Couples counselling, or break up, whatever feels right. If he doesn't step up and do his part in the relationship, why should you stay with him?

    Sometimes “love” is not enough.

    Also adding: the reason why he is clingy outside, is because other men roam in the wilds. He has successfully isolated you, and would like to keep it that way, so he is marking his territory when out and about with you. At least that's how I see it.

  9. I would have brought it up the minute I saw blood. Try to approach him with concern without sounding judgmental but I'm sure he's going to feel embarrassed either way. The longer he waits, the more $$$ it's going to cost to fix it.

  10. Why did you look through her phone? I normally don’t judge this behaviour as it’s often the only way to discover the truth, but what was your reasoning so early in the relationship?

    As for your gf, her past is her past, however her ex is a part of your life and she lied about their history. That’s a massive breach of trust, so you now both have to deal with being in a damaged relationship (from both sides).

  11. Lol I can sorta sympathise with the guy, especially if it’s a friend he constantly meets up with and looking at said friend’s face conjures up an imagination of you and the friend having sex. Now the problem is he is letting his intrusive thoughts win which ain’t your problem to solve.

  12. I chance of adoption? Or getting a surrogate? Or an egg donation?

    That sounds awful. I’m sorry

  13. Dude, back up. He’s allowed to have his own special time away from you. Why do you want to sit and wait around at a barber shop when you could do literally anything else?

    It’s okay for him to have his “bro” time. Just like you’re allowed to have time with your girls. His barber is his barber and while they may chat here and there he isn’t his close friend and you don’t need to meet him anymore than he needs to meet your gynecologist.

  14. Go do something useful like pick up trash in San Diego. You could volunteer to help with the unhoused by sorting clothes or making sandwiches. Going to a foreign country for one day to help at an orphanage is kind of gross imo.

  15. Might I ask why? You seem very set in your ways, but you chose to make an account to post this. Was this simply to vent, or are you actually asking for advice?

  16. I understand with what you're saying, and I've already moved on from the relationship. There is just no sense of peace with myself anymore. I probably sound completely hellbent too, lol.

    But I know I can't approach her right now, that plan of reconciliation was for later down the line and such. I just really wanted to express my own thoughts I guess, even if some of it is rather intrusive.


  17. She did! The gyno 'inspected' her and concluded, you do not have vaginismus, however you are tight. Do tell your partner to be gentle and take it easy.

    Even when I do that she yelps out in pain. So Idek at this point.

  18. Then ask. If you don't want to date a Christian you ask them.

    But not doing so and then getting pissy is ridiculous, especially when said illness is very very easy to not pass on.

    Do I also need to disclose I get colds easily ?. Way more likely to get someone sick that way. Maybe you don't want to date someone with a weak immune system, but if you don't ask it's on you. ??‍♀️

    Like, imagine, getting mad at someone for not disclosing every little bit of info on them lmao.

    Also, I got mine as a baby, so maybe refrain from 'STD', it can be sexually transmitted but it's not exclusively that way.

  19. In regards to your edit: if you're concerned he will hit himself or is not your responsibility to stay and make sure he doesn't. If you truly have an imminent concern, or if he threatens to do so, just call 911 and report it to them. If he's a real threat to himself they, unlike you, are equipped with training to handle it. And if he's one of those types trying to emotionally manipulate you using threats of self harm, you taking it that seriously will put a stop to it real fast.

  20. Ffs OP. Yes, what happened to your partner is bad. But she was 14! What happened to her for her to be so sexualised at such a young age? She was also a child and YOU DON'T KNOW HER STORY. You're calling her a “disgusting bitch” for something that your partner said that he was okay with at the time.

    I'm not saying that it was okay. Support your partner. Help him through what he is going through. But leave her out of it. I understand that you're upset, but threatening to call her out on social media for a consentual sexual act between two underage people does not speak well of you.

  21. It is totally healthy to not be in the minds of your partner but not while he is getting very hot at the body shop. Something is literally wrong with you!!!

  22. If you'd love him beyond what words can describe you wouldn't cheat on that man.

    What should you do? You should apologize for being such bad human being and leave him alone for good. He deserves better than a cheater.

    If you're looking for sympathy, you won't find it here.


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