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28 thoughts on “MISSTRESPERVERT live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Playing devils advocate, it is very hot to judge someones tone in a message. His instinct was to check you were ok, he never knew your mum did it. He could have dealt with things better but all deal with things differently.

    On a different note, the comments section seems more worrying, it seems you are at different stages of life and priorortise different things. He was going to take a job in london, you felt he should have discussed and you are right but he is also entitled to chase his career path, in his mind, he may think being successful is a help to you.

    It is possible you are both good people, with many you like about each other but are in the wrong stages of life, you seem to be looking for things in life he does not posess or priortise. Does not not either of you wrong or bad people.

    I would not focus too much on the reaction to the crash and evaluate the relationship as a whole, do not make a rash decision but go with once you are sure.

    We only have one side of the story and you are in the position to get the other, you could start with trying to get all the answers you need from him.

  2. None of what you said means infection. Sure it's possible but he could also just have been more sensitive or your hands were unclean or you applied the wrong kind of pressure. Regardless this isn't the right sub for this kinda issue.

  3. It's his job and his project. He expected you to clean up after the dog and devote hours of your day to helping him, when you were sick enough to not go to work. Not only do you have your own job, but he had a problem with you wanting to get home when you weren't feeling well. I hope you and the dog feel better, and your SO comes to his senses!

  4. Depends on how they structure their finances. Legally, you're correct, but looking at it that way, she then also couldn't have stolen it, since it's marital money.

  5. Except you didn't. When you offered any olive branch you undid any support for your daughter. You let this happen for years. Wtf.

  6. saying how he is a really bad person and he’s really sorry

    I mean…yeah. He is and he’s flipping it to make you comfort him when he is legitimately a bad person.

  7. Hello /u/neve0768,

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  8. Info: where has your mom been in all this if you're able to send her there now? I don't want to sound cruel but your sister should not have been your responsibility at any point – and especially not your finances. You also co-signed on a car for her? It sounds like you took on a significant amount of responsibility without including your fiance and she's fed up and burnt out. Please forgive any assumptions or information I'm overlooking.

    In any case, your sister needs help and is vulnerable. I would make sure she was being cared for over my partner if I were in your shoes.

  9. GOSH, when someone is upset is difficult for them to express what they feel, especially if they try to communicate that in their second language. It’s easier for her to write it down (and trust me, to be able to name the actual issue in a calmer way).

    Why don’t you learn her language, and in that way she will roast you alive when you have an argument, that way she doesn’t have to struggle finding the words.

  10. I told him that he needs to stop using marriage as this standard when we have a fight sometimes. He ended up telling me that by me saying that he should no longer talk about marriage that means me and him don’t want the same things..?

  11. Funny you mention that, I have said to my partner “I bet he hasn't told his wife all of this”. I feel sorry for her.

    Truthfully I'd love to tell her, but we all know it would just make everything 1000x worse.

  12. I see, but I feel like my break doesn't affect me anymore. It sure did when first started seeing her but now a lot of time has gone by I think

  13. Either she wants a normal birthday party or you should talk to her friends about having one of those Tupperware type parties where they sell sex toys instead of overpriced totes. Come to think of it, they both have something to put your junk in…

  14. We talk all day everyday. It wasn't normal and I was concerned. Also, not really. This would be the first time in seven years that's happened and also the first time in seven years she's been hanging out with her sister and not sent a pic of her neice….

  15. Just walk away, you do not want to further involve yourself in this. Most likely she already knows he sleeps around.

  16. He thinks that he owns you now that you're married. That's a deeply unhealthy view of your partnership and of you as a person. If a partner said something like that to me, that would be the end of that relationship, regardless of any wedding ring.

    Looking at you post history, you regret marrying him, the first three months were the worst three months of your life, he's investing in stocks without consulting you, hiding things… Honestly, find a lawyer, see if you can get an annulment, if not then a divorce. Stay safe.

  17. Tell your mom, she should be made aware that she's married to a man who has these.. interests whilst her own daughter is living under his roof.

  18. IF you aren't trolling then you have some real insecurity and lack of empathy issues you need to work on..ps you have not asked for advice in the slightest. You just tossed out the chum first.

  19. You guys are NOT compatible. Why did you even propose to someone whose idea of sex is different from yours, and shames you for it?

  20. If you go, sign the guest book, respectfully attend the service and leave her alone. Don’t make this about you & her but paying your respects to her stepdad if that is something you feel

  21. I'm 36m, maybe a little old school or conservative in this department, but you women…idk how to say it, but it's like you have a superpower with your vaginas. This superpower of yours, in a sense, is deserving for only the deserved. The men who may gain access be those who are worthy of the V.

    The fact you're feeling this insecure about sleeping with him that you're compelled to ask complete strangers for their opinion is quite telling to me that your gut is trying to tell you something. That this request of his may be a red flag to you, subconsciously.

    My relationship advice on this one: Don't do it if you feel weary, unsure, and insecure about having sex with him. In my old school / conservative take on this matter, sex is something to be treasured – something serious – and something that should be shared with those very special someones. He wants to test drive your vagina before committing? What about your personality? What about how much non-sexually fun you have together? What about shared interests and values? Nah. Home boy just wanna fuck. Let him in if he's worthy of your superpower. Hold that shit in high regard, queen, don't let the swine dine at royalty's dinner table.


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