MissXFantasy live sex chats for YOU!

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26 thoughts on “MissXFantasy live sex chats for YOU!

  1. We had a “on sale” but it the shelters doing name your adoption fee. It made sure all the pets would get adopted so they could take in new ones.

  2. She doesn’t belong to you because you had sex with her 2 years ago! If she fancies him and he fancies her they don’t need permission to get together.

  3. OP sounds self focused because she's autistic. I also think it's a little weird to say she should accept a deeply uncomfortable proposal just because it was what her partner wanted. The proposal, ideally, should be comfortable and enjoyable for both parties.

  4. YES omg. Why did you post on this subreddit if you’re this unwilling to listen to what everyone is saying?! His behavior is unhinged and there is no justification, stop trying to justify it. He said he would burn a fucking baby to death. Get a grip

  5. I'm not sure that's the right interpretation, sir.

    Gelstein, Yeshurin, Rosenkrantz et al (2011) found clinical evidence that a female's tears potentially-lowered her attractiveness to males (it could instead indicate a lowering of male aggressive behavior, sexual or otherwise).

    The above authors don't seem to have tested for the reverse: a man's attractiveness being affected by his tears. This, despite their study having been prompted by precisely such a phenomenon observed in mice (Khamsi, 2005; Cavaliere et al, 2020 ) where male tears tended to induce sexual receptiveness in females.

    It's possible that human male tears can carry a pheromone signal that depresses human female arousal/receptiveness, but I haven't come across a peer-reviewed paper that reports clinical evidence for it.

  6. I’m your age, and I can’t imagine one of contemporaries acting like this. Your partner is a middle aged man behaving like a toddler. As with a toddler, it might be best to ignore it-and him-until he can behave like a grown up.

  7. She shouldn't have lied tho, no strong relationship is built when partners lie to each other on things they find important.

  8. “We just moved in together”

    That was probably a mistake. Out of curiosity though, did you have to pay a pet deposit?

  9. You are attracted to people that look after themselves, who better themselves and are willing to change. Did he seem like a project? someone with potential to change?

    So he did change for a while, but gradually over time that motivation dies, without rewards or goals it is nude to keep that internal flame going.

    Also patterns of behavoiur are really hot to change long term and what many have found is that the lockdown pattern has not improved mental health issues.

    Understand that you cannot fix him, only he can do that, and in order to do that he needs the motivation himself and sometimes that is very difficult to do with some mental health issues. What I do know is that often both people in the relationship need support, you are not a well that never runs dry, it actually sounds like you might be close to empty whatever that might look like. You absolutely have to look after yourself first, that is one of the rules of caring, that you cannot care infinitely about others without there being a cost to you that you have to acknowledge.

    So the way to motivate people is reward or punish, or they have to reward themselves also works. Choose your battles and work out a strategy that will work. Don't clean up his stuff, his area stays dirty, whatever chores you split don't do his, make sure his chores don't impact your basic needs.

    Don't give him money for his hobbies, use that money on you, you deserve it as well.

    Don't get takeout because you cannot afford it, but you can afford basics.

    Look up motivation and look at what he values, may small steps but he needs to work to acheive things for his own mental purposefulness which will make him feel better in the short term and long term. how he gets there might be harder but keep working on it.

  10. If you pursue a relationship and it turns out you weren't compatible or something, are you both mature enough to not take it badly and just go back to friendship?

    Maybe just take it slow while you get over the past traumas and then as you come out of those holes, see how you feel.

    Don't let fear dictate your whole life. Everything worth having in life requires some level of risk to obtain.

  11. “Hasn't tried anything at that point”? At that point he had already talked to her abt his sex life…

    I swear, when I do the sexual harrassment trainings at work I laugh to myself like, “We really gotta go over this?” Then I read things on Reddit that make me go, “WE REALLY GOTTA GO OVER THIS!”

    The male boss even talking to his female subordinate about his sex life on a work trip, nonetheless, is in and of itself sexual harassment.

    Gf did make it clear by communicating what was going on as it was happening. “If she was truly worried” blah blah blah. As a woman, I can tell you from experience, if I am in a sketchy situation and I'm truly worried guess what, I give my significant other updates on the situation so that someone else out there knows what's happening and I'm not alone. Her texting you is her worried. Saying you'll check in on her in the morning is not good enough, I'm sorry. Your poor girlfriend. A competent partner would be calling her ass up rn and asking if she needed you to get her a hotel for the night or come see her or how you could help in any way possible.

  12. Your friend is the one who should bring this up, since it's their friend. Why would they agree to pet sit for free knowing that the dog has vet appointments to attend, all of which cost money. You, your friend, and their Zoom friend need to hold a zoom meeting and explain that keeping the dog is eating out of your income and that the zoom friend needs to cough up compensation for all the time spent pet sitting. Keep all receipts and create an Excel spreadsheet of your spending until now so you can show them.

  13. Nope he wanted to see what was on the other side of that wall, so he went, didn't like what was there and now they both are trying to climb back over. ? you're not immature for saying fuck that. If they don't respect that boundary, let them know you're gonna call the cops for harassment.

    I've been there, took both my ex and BFF back. It was horrible and it split our friend group, 3 of my friends were on my side and everyone else was on her side and was giving me shit for coming in between them (which I didn't, she was salty that he asked me out instead of her. We both had a crush on him..this was back in 10th grade) it was a horrible month ? we all lived in a small town so everyone at school knew everyone's business.

  14. You need to ask her what you can do to satisfy her. STOP FOCUSING ON OTHERS. SHE CHOSE YOU. Now talk to her about what you both like. What you want and need.

  15. That's just life. If you keep this up, you may end up needing inpatient care too. You could possibly lose your relationship as well and those things are what you need to be more worried about. Well wishes though Hun.

  16. I would really think about getting some therapy for yourself so that you learn to pur yourself first I stead of easing others to avoid conflict. Take that from someone who's been ther done that. If you dotn take care of that par too you your next relationship will likely be with someone else that needs “rescuing'.

    It's OK to have boundaries and to say no. It's important even.

    I honestly think you did the right thing. Love isn't enough for a healthy relationship and finances is oen of the big ones that leads to divorces. Financial compatibility isn't sexy but absolutely necessary if you want it to work in the long run. Especially since you know you will carry the bulk of that debt since she won't be working for a while. She should have made better decisions regarding her choice of college in regards to debt. You would've end up resenting her I'm pretty sure. Dating is meant to be for figuring out if you're compatible. You've found out you're not one big issue. Doesn't mean she's a bad person. But you gotta watch out for yourself first..

  17. Because you were answering a question about insight into not seeing sex a being for pleasure. I was asking because I would have had follow up questions.

  18. SOMETHING is causing this, even if it's not an allergy, he is still reacting that way. The one common thing is you. This may be a stress or mental thing but moving on from you is definitely best for him.

    I feel like you are acting like having a reaction like this is no big deal. He has lasting effects and it's happened so many times he can't ignore it. He needs to do what's best for him and his health.

    Just saw in other comments that you guys have broken up 77 times…..this is the textbook definition of “toxic relationship” stop wondering about how to move on and just do it. Clearly you don't belong together.

  19. Good riddance. You’ll be glad in the future that you didn’t end up with a guy who sees you as an object.

  20. It sounds like your husband wanted a different kind of relationship. Like they didn’t agree with the idea of only having one night stands.

    They want to have complete freedom & they’re willing to lie & omit information to make it possible to have their cake & eat it too.

    You can’t have relationships with people who choose not to communicate their wants & needs in a clear, direct, upfront & ethical manner.


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