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  1. u/Funny_Struggle_8901, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  3. I totally feel you! Same exact situation- I have a larger family, we’re all very comfortable with each other and can get quite loud but my husbands family is more quiet and boring. Nice and well meaning definitely (and things could be A LOT worse) but even after 9 years together I’m not fully comfortable around my in-laws and feel like I need to be on my best behavior. Like they don’t listen to music in the car which is so crazy to me! But don’t let his family’s behavior change how you feel about your husband, it sounds like you guys complement each other well with a balance of fun/serious 🙂

    If you find a solution to making time with boring in laws more fun please let me know!! (Before Christmas Eve preferably lol)

  4. I once heard a good piece of advice that any sort of sex toy should be discussed in depth before you purchase it for someone else. Hannah Witton on YouTube has a video exploring the dos and don’ts of gifting sex toys and how to properly communicate about it. Tell your boyfriend that for future sex related gifts, you should agree to him purchasing it beforehand. Totally understandable that you’d want a different type of gift for Christmas. I’m guessing he thought since you had discussed the possibility of anal sex before that the gift is something you’d be open to, but clearly enough communication hasn’t been done.

  5. She ruined her relationship with my father, but she did everything she could to apologize to me over the years and I was almost too harsh on her, because that does exist in my particular situation. There were some things I didn’t know, so I really did not need to do what I was doing for as long as I did because it just wasn’t fair. Her cheating put a hole in the glass and I took a hammer to the whole window, essentially. OP is questioning their entire life, which is a dramatic hurt reaction to this situation. It’s a natural one that I went through, but it’s one that OP should rein in when he gets a grip on himself so as to not cause himself to spiral further. There are ways we can react to things that worsen our mental health, and I’m advising OP to not do those things. It fucked up my life for years, so I’d like for OP to not do that because they probably don’t deserve to go through it.

  6. Yeah, we're thinking about something like this. It's ridiculous, and it's not even a part of the culture. My parents grew up the same way and that was not their experience. It's naked to tell my gf that her parents just want to offload the expenses onto me and they don't care. They don't even try to have a relationship with me either

  7. He's not perfect. He's predatory.

    He's not just old enough to be your father. He's your manager.

    “Personality” is not a green flag. It's been six-ish months. Anyone can keep up a nice guy front that long. BEHAVIOR is where you look for red or green flags. And his behavior is all red.

    You are being foolish and thinking like a teenager. Which is pretty normal because you're a teenager. He should know better though. And he probably does, but can't give up the ego boost of a young hottie on his arm.

    You probably will not want to believe this, but if you pursue a relationship with him, he will use up some of the most important years for your growth and development in early adulthood, make you miserable, and eventually this will crash and burn. Because you'll outgrow him. Or he'll find a new and exciting source to boost his ego. Whichever comes first.

  8. I don’t think you need to confront them tbh… their actions are enough to know it’s likely they said these things. Their actions alone are enough to end this relationship. You don’t need proof…. You are well within your right to do what’s best for you and your family. You did a beautiful thing and it’s ok for that relationship to come to an end ❤️

  9. OP, I hate to break this to you, but this behaviour is toxic af, and you may have to consider getting out of this repationship asap. This soubds more than manipulative – you literally get shut out when sth is not going accordong to her and she doesn't let you have a conversation – do you want this to go on forever?

  10. I phrased it wrong. Hearing someone tell me I exhibit behavior of codependency doesn’t scare me. Being codependent has proven to be very exhausting and scary. I have experienced the most codependent of relationships that made me feel like I was dying to separate.

    I went into this relationship with a different mindset, but it’s not something that just goes away. You’re completely right, it’s not okay and it is scary to be codependent. I’m working on myself everyday, I’m not going to let it get worse. Hearing it is a great reminder for me though, that I need to work a little harder on getting rid of the dependency on others for the way I feel. Thank you ??

  11. That's a sunk cost fallacy. It's never too late to drop shitty people from your life, no matter how long you've been friends with them

  12. Get therapy. I don't want this to feel mean or like an attack, but if he really has given you no reason to suspect he's cheating it sounds like you suffer from trust issues that will lessen your quality of life in every relationship you may be in in the future.

  13. Get in great shape before the wedding. Show up looking smoking naked in a red dress. You’ll forget all about it.

  14. I don’t think you’re wrong in any way for not wanting children or long-term commitment. That’s an individual choice and it sounds like you’ve made it responsibly and respectfully.

    That said, the child deserves a partner to their mother that actually likes them, not just tolerates them so he can date their mom and resents them for existing. For everyone’s sake, you should move on.

  15. Unless a person is into BDSM, genuinely likes to be hurt, and has given enthusiastic consent, NO contact with your partner should leave a mark or lingering pain. If you had a disease or condition that made you bruise easily, IMO that would make it even more troublesome that you are constantly left with bruises or marks, as they are still signs of subcutaneous damage, and you bf isnt taking care. (It might be a good thing to talk to a doctor about it.) My point there being–it makes no difference if you're more “sensitive” than most–this is not normal or acceptable.

    You have repeatedly told him not to hurt you, made it clear what activities are unacceptable, and he still repeatedly (maybe even habitually) has left you with marks and bruises. It is not playful or loving, it is abuse and assault. It sounds to me almost like he is intentionally visibly marking you as his “property” and mixing pain with sexual activity as a further act of physical and sexual domination. Please find a partner who respects your boundaries and seeks to preserve your bodily autonomy and health.


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