MusiKin on-line webcams for YOU!

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12 thoughts on “MusiKin on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Maybe exploring whatever kind of erotica works for you and warming yourself up a bit with that? It doesn't have to be videos- you could do audio stories or just reading stuff.

  2. and it didn’t feel good for him

    I thought men never feel pain during sex unless they have a problem

    This is a lot of ignorance on your part. Sex can be painful or uncomfortable for any gender, both physically and emotionally.

  3. After she told me off, I haven’t tried contacting her. She wanted space, so I’m giving it to her.

    About the mutual friends: she’s telling them all the stuff we’ve said behind their backs. None of which is at all significant, but my friend is obviously twisting words around to make it sound like S and I are mocking them. This is so utterly high-school that I can’t believe it’s real life right now.

  4. That man is crazy. Tell her to report him to the police and get your ass away from him as fast as you can.

  5. When it comes down to these weddings, there sometimes will be feelings hurt.

    Maybe you learned that you think of her the best friend, but she doesn't think of you as a best friend.

    Maybe you'll learn as the months go on that you're totally glad you aren't a bridesmaid because she might be a bridezilla.

    And in my opinion , her response doesn't actually acknowledge the story of how you two dreamt and fantasized about being in each other's wedding.

    So it could be that she's choosing this opportunity to actually not make you front and center in her wedding, knowing that it could pretty much disrupt the friendship

  6. Yup, my ex was just like this. I thought I could deal with it but the resentment ate me alive, andd ended up coming out in other ways – I was grumpy at work, with family members, anything else that asked something of me because I was so occupied giving everything to my ex just in hopes I'd get a scrap in return.

    Maybe OP's partner will be different, but my ex didn't change. Some people's needs/expectations in a relationship are just…different, incompatible, I guess.

  7. I really appreciate this, he’s never ever made me believe he’s not attracted to me. The opposite, he tells me all the time that very attracted to me and I can see how much he is. When we had that conversation he told me that he has never been as attracted to anyone as he is to me and I actually believe that’s the truth for lots of reasons. You’re so right, I really need to let it go because my relationship actually is great.

  8. I feel like this is the way most people have their notifications? Was there a reason you didn't change it before now? Did something happen as a catalyst to make you think hey I am gonna make the notifications more private? Are his notifications on his phone in preview mode?

    My other question is how did he know you changed it? Is he regularly going through, picking up or otherwise having access to your device where he would notice if something like that was changed?


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