My names Julia :) the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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My names Julia 🙂, 19 y.o.


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24 thoughts on “My names Julia :) the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. nah he disrespected their relationship. at the end of the day, he knew it would hurt her and he probably knew it would make her see him differently, which clearly it has. as humans, we just want exclusivity. having some naked ass and puss in ur face and literally touching you, is not exclusivity. something i especially wouldn’t accept from a long term bf / fiancé / anyone I take serious.

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  3. She's hitting the puppy. It's in this thread.

    Maybe this, maybe that. To hell with her and her head games while this poor creature is being neglected, yelled at, hit and abused.

    And, I don't care about their marriage. I care about the abused animal.

  4. So if I stop being impatient, should I continue to see this man? Is the problem that our timeline isn’t in sync? Or the face that he essentially deceived me, I should no longer trust him? I’m so confused.

  5. Yeah that's super fucked. Imagine if you were waiting for an important call from a job or a sick relative and missed it. Guaranteed if you pull some shit like that with him he would have lost it.

    Fun date idea! Put his phone on DND and watch the inevitable display of mental gymnastics unfold as he explains why you doing it to him is bad but him doing it to you was totally normal!

  6. You mean elsewhere where those taxes provide them with universal healthcare, free/cheap college education, and early childhood care?

    I’d gladly pay 50% of my income for that.

    Where I live!, not even in a HCOL area, I will have spent in excess of $500k for daycare, after-school care, and public college for three kids. PLUS an average of $15k/year in health insurance premiums. PLUS $1k/month on prescriptions.

    Let’s not pretend the US’s comparatively low tax rates actually provide a comparable set of benefits.

  7. Ugh… that is tough… I would hate to hear that. It would hurt me emotionally and kind of wreck my confidence.

    All my sexual fantasies involve my husband. Literally all of them. I would never imagine anyone else during sex or masturbation. And I hope he never imagines anyone else… I want to be what my partner wants because he is what I want. So it would hurt me to find out he was thinking of someone else when we have sex.

    But you can't control her thoughts… what's done is done… so now you have to figure out how to move past this together. Asking the right questions and listening to the answers and trying to understand is always a good start. You need to be able to tell her how it made you feel and she needs to be able to try and explain herself. Best of luck friend…

  8. Try not dating a 45 year old. Seriously, this AHole controlling behavior is the reason he’s with you and not with someone his own age.

  9. as an 18 year old. We are not adults lets be real. We are just slightly older 17 year olds with a lot more legal responsibilities. Nothing else changes really.

  10. Inform both your parents why and then leave

    Don't let her turn this on you

    Keep copies of all that stuff until it all blows over.

  11. How stupid are you? You’re young but old enough to know better. Before you go anywhere with them again, tell them your card is maxed out and they have to pay and see how fast they make an excuse not to go. Tell your gf you expect her to pay you out of every paycheck, even if it just $10. And never never give her money again. She might break up with you and you’ll never see the money but at least you will know her motive is money and not love.

  12. You should go alone and have him stay home if he’s so adamant on her going to the sleepover. But you definitely need to have a serious conversation about him throwing your non bio parent status in your face. That’s absolutely not okay. When you legally became her parent the bio parent argument became irrelevant. I’d honestly demand couples therapy or I’d be rethinking the relationship

  13. Are you actually happy or are you telling yourself you’re happy? If your current bf is “everything I wanted and more” then why does your heart pull for your old crush? You may be having these feelings because he’s both nostalgic and you’re in a rough patch with your current bf. Or, maybe you’re not as head over heels for your bf as you were are for your crush. Talk to your boyfriend. Address what is causing you guys to have these ups and downs and rough patches. If you want to be with him, you’re going to have to work through things together as adults. If you’re not willing to talk this out and make things work, there is nothing you can do other than break up. No one can tell you what you want, you have to figure that out for yourself.

  14. My 2 cents is to leave. He isn't willing to change. If he even made some effort it might be different, but he's stuck and not willing to get unstuck.

  15. He either has OCD issues wrapped into control issues and/or he is financially abusing you. You need to get into couples counseling with a therapist that specializes in financial issues or OCD or whatever. The therapist will then tell you both where to go from there.

  16. Do not take him back until a counselor says he is ready. Have requirements and refuse to be manipulated. Cheaters must be held accountable before they can get well and they can get well if they make that choice.


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