Nathan Silac the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Nathan Silac, 20 y.o.

Location: Kentucky, United States

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Nathan Silac on-line sex chat

30 thoughts on “Nathan Silac the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. This is no laughing matter.

    You were assaulted by a group of people. You are being bullied. You are being harassed. You need an adult to intervene or to advocate for you. Please tell someone.

    And what's wrong with kids these days? They just watch and laugh? No one has reported this to the school administration? Parents who are reading this, please teach your child that they have a responsibility to keep each other safe. WTF.

  2. I'm not getting the dumb reason you mentioned in the title. He lied to you for your attention but then doesn't respect or care for you (a you which includes chronic illness)? No, he is not sweet, you are in the honeymoon period and high on oxytocin. You are under no obligation to stay with someone you don't feel 100% safe and trusting with, for whatever reason. At the six month mark you could still be practically strangers- you do not owe him your life.

  3. Hello /u/Dmoney91,

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  4. This generation would not know how to cope if they lived a hundred years ago when older men married 14 year olds, geesh.

    I get this myth is a fun one to trot because you vaguely remember something you read about the Middle Ages, but historically this has always been uncommon (even in the medieval era). In the early 20th century, the average age of marriage was late teens/early 20s. Cases of 14 year olds marrying were considered outliers and socially dubious at best. In the early 20th century, child marriages were a symptom of extreme poverty and/or lack of access to education. Further, as the century went on, they became increasingly uncommon.

  5. just leave, if you have to confront him do it when you're not in the same house. this type of guy will likely lie or try to manipulate you into staying. just get away

  6. Polyamory was already a deal breaker for you. Speaking as someone who practices polyamory, him being dishonest about it is worse.

    I don't see how there's enough trust to even try maintaining this.

  7. I'm a woman & I can tell when a woman is out on the prowl. Looking around a lot to see who is looking at her, kinda posing if that makes sense? Tossing hair around a lot. Does she do this stuff? Then she's relishing in the attention. If she needs the external validation constantly, she may have some self-esteem issues. Either way, you should only date people you're comfortable dating.

  8. She’s like a russian warship flying red flags all over and steaming right at you.

    You can get out of the way or you can be sunk. Your choice.

  9. I think you are right that it was a manipulation to guilt him into staying. If it was too painful for her to throw out, she shouldn't have even been there when he came to get the stuff. That was an intentional move.

  10. Probably projecting because he is looking for hookers and nsfw friends if his post history is anything to go by

  11. How can I difference between someone that only wants sex ? :”(, We passed good time together, even playing videogames, we cooked together, have a lot of things in common :”(

  12. Absolutely, you are right, and what you and others have said is valid.

    From my pov, I think if others knew what this organization does, they might have a better understanding as to why OP wants to go.

    Various people donate financially to non-profits.

    Some organizations that do the “help starving kids in Africa thing” might send a photo or letter to a contributor.

    Some other charities / non-profits might be sketchy with where their $ goes.

    With this particular organization, they want to give donors an opportunity to see where their $ goes – to see the orphanage in person, to see the actual kids they're supporting, etc.

    I get why OP is getting a lot of blowback and criticism, but in her defense, this is a legitimate organization that genuinely supports 10 orphanages that does not receive government assistance, and they rely on individuals to donate and support them financially.

    And for some, they enjoy visiting the kids and bring them supplies on the bus.

  13. You're the one making the baby it's your decision to keep it no one can take that from you but it sounds like this man wants nothing to do with the child, so be prepared to be a single parent to 2 children if that's your choice.

  14. Don't put your life on hold for a college relationship. I'm sure he's a nice guy and all, but you have your dreams for good reasons, and you'll always resent him if you don't follow them. Don't get stuck in the south dreaming about what could have been.

    And what you said is right, why are his preferences for where to online better than yours?

  15. If gfs friend has a block about using dating apps then who is going to be messaging these guys she matches with. if its the friends profile and she's the one messaging then what's the issue with her also swiping on them. Also, the premise of your gf doing the matching implies that she'd be matching with people who she finds attractive as well, not just people who she thinks would be good for her friend.

    It wouldn't take any effort at all to start matching with people and messaging them herself (gf that is), she'd have the excuse that it was her friend messaging them and not her, I wouldn't want my partner having anything to do with a dating app, even if it was “for their friend”.

  16. Stand your ground. In a relationship, it has to have lots of sacrifices to work. Not just you or him giving into what you want to do in it

    If yiu really don't like it, you just don't have to and tell him that's that. If he says okay, then the issue is settled… For now.

    Most likely he will try and open it up to you again. He will likely not just go idly and say fine. So you have to stand your ground and do what you must to let him know about you reservations whenever he opens it up. But you have to also review your reservations. As time goes on, it may change or yiur views on it may change to like I use to say, cloae the door but don't like it. You might someday find the courage to open and enter that door.

  17. Well why should it be a thing? Why should a marriage have to first get permission from an uninvolved 3rd party before it can occur? Is the woman alone not able to decide for herself who she wants to marry?

    I don't fault anyone who likes and chooses to continue the tradition, but to act like it is in no way archaic and is needed as a good foundation to follow is simply absurd and just wrong.

  18. He’s a jerk to your dog, he’s a jerk to you about your dog, and from your other post it looks like he’s not being a great partner in regards to respecting you. I’d honestly cut my losses and dump him. He seems to be giving you more grief than happiness.

  19. This is just my opinion, but maybe you shouldn't be considering marriage to this man. It doesn't sound like you'd be very happy long-term.

  20. Only my opinion, but I do think it will be something that comes between you at some point. He’s maybe hopeful that you’ll change your mind at some point. If he’s already disclosed previously it’s a deal breaker, then it sounds as if he’s tying to pacify you because he loves you. If he loves kids that much, and you’re adamant that you never want them, is it fair to expect him to give that up? Sorry OP, but you both want different things by the sounds of it.


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