NATY-SEXYSUGAR on-line sex cams for YOU!

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11 thoughts on “NATY-SEXYSUGAR on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Why would he cheat on her via an anonymous account? I thought cheating usually happened in person.

    Also: don't say shit like this on Instagram. Or any other medium. Pick up the phone and call the person and say who you are. None of this anonymous stuff. That's cruel and ineffective.

  2. Shes wrong for not telling you about her past before marrying you, that mind of stuff isnt inconsequential or something 'in the past', but nor should people be pinned to it or judged for it. Simply, you should have been let know so you could make the choice on whether it was a dealbreaker.

    And now, regardless of it being before you, its manifested into something straining your relationship.

    Accept it if you love her enough, leave her if you dont.

  3. Whether or not you are overacting is subjective. To me it appears as though you value “what we did” more than he does. To you it appears to be some type of significant event where you finally opened yourself to the idea of him after all this effort he put in. Only to then have him bounce to the next girl soon after.

    And from my perspective this just seems like a sexual conquest to him.

    But only you can answer this. Is he just your friend? Or is this the boyfriend that you reference in your post history.

  4. Honestly I’d worry more about getting some help for yourself right now. Sounds like you were assaulted. I wouldn’t want to be with someone whose response to their partner being assaulted is anger, and your ex went scorched earth here. He isn’t the person who is going to support you through figuring this out.

    So sorry, op.

  5. My mother was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer and we had to move the wedding up as fast as possible so she could be involved, we were already engaged at this time and lost a lot more people together. It doesn’t matter really when we got married because I know deep down that she’s my soulmate and that I’m hers. I would have married her the day I met her if I could have.

  6. Don't use people. That's shitty behavior. You know he's not doing this just so he can treat you to a free meal.

  7. Ouch… I'm so sorry you had such a bad experience with someone… I promise I'm not just shoveling junk food. I am not particularly watching what I eat, but I try to be aware.

    I'll try to take it up a step. Intermittent fasting shouldn't be naked and I'll keep an eye on my portion sizes. One thing I know: I'm not selfish enough to make someone else's life miserable for my own enjoyment.

  8. Ew. Ruining your perception of him? You are not perceiving him as gross, he just IS. I couldn’t bear to have sex or share a bed with someone so disgusting.

    I’ve dated more than one blue collar man, and one that lived on a hog farm and they were ALWAYS clean. Always showered before bed. So do with that info what you will.


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