Nicki_thick on-line sex cams for YOU!

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18 thoughts on “Nicki_thick on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. He wants you to sit around and wait while he fucks other women? So you can cook and clean while he parties?

    What is in this for you? And before you say you love him so much, make sure you’re loving yourself too.

  2. You don't need many friends, but you do need good friends to talk honestly through your problems. It sounds like your cousin is a true friend. A therapist will give you an outside perspective without the emotional charge of someone who cares for you, but I think you should also think over what your cousin said: she puts you first in this, and is saying what she thinks is best for you.

  3. How about any time before he had to ask?

    How about her subtly shutting down the potential hangout and then telling him why later?

    Is there anything she could do that would be wrong in your opinion?

  4. The damage is done. You are super young and will have no issue finding a man who will tell you how beautiful you are.

  5. So glad to hear that you got confirmation from family and friends. I'm even more glad to hear that you blocked your cousin. Now you can focus on healing. Just remember when times are rough, you'll always have someone to lean on. The loss of a loved one is never easy, and the pain from it will never quite go away. But it will become manageable in time. Just stay strong, and talk to someone if you need to. I suggest counseling to help you get through this. And keep close to the people that care about you. I wish you the best OP.

  6. It’s not that bad yet it doesn’t look like I have a dick or anything it just looks like a swollen clit which is a side effects of the supplements. It’s something that I accept as long as I do not sound like a man and still have my feminine features there’s no issue on my end.

  7. So as you've said yourself and demonstrated with your actions, you're a stupid motherfucker. So you should erase all nudes and sex videos you have of any ex's since it looks like you're too stupid to remember that shit is fucking private and you shouldn't be sharing it all over the damn place without permission. That is scummy as hell dude.

  8. He called you immature but then proved himself to be by now valuing his partner's feelings. Why did you ever marry this degenerate? What kind of AH threatens divorce?

  9. Men generally know within the first two years if they want to marry their SO. There's no reason for him to keep waiting other than he doesn't want to get married or doesn't want to marry you. If he wanted to marry you, he would have already. At 33 he should have already had his shit together.

  10. That's exactly how it feels, like I'm abandoning him, and it sucks. Yeah, maybe you're right, idk. I've never been a huge fan of ultimatums; I just feel like I shouldn't have to use it as a tactic to get people to do what they already should be doing. If the only thing compelling enough to get him to do what he should be doing is the threat of me leaving, then he doesn't really care about me and my happiness, he cares about the impact my leaving will have on him. At least, that's how I see it.

    I shouldn't have to threaten repercussions to him in order to get him to put in an effort. I feel like if he really cared, seeing how I'm impacted would be enough to push change.

    Then again, at this point, I feel like it's that or just leave entirely, so it might be worth a shot. Thanks for responding.

  11. Naah the sex of the reproductive organ doesn’t matter. I actually like using curse words that are stereotypically used for men on women and for women on men. It throws people way more


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