Nicky_rose on-line sex chats for YOU!

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Birthday day ! new toy/tip menu ON – Goal: Cheers on my body [Multi Goal]

26 thoughts on “Nicky_rose on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Yep, this! Add to the fact that NOW that you've lost it and MET the goal, he wants to leave. Honey, someone who loves you would be cheering you on and ecstatic for you. I hate to say this, cuz I'm sure its not what you want…but let him go.

    Once you're farther along in therapy and your self-esteem is better you'll be happy he's gone. Honestly, you deserve way better than someone who makes you feel like crap o er who you are for even a second! Much less a year, a decade, and more!!! If he can't love YOU, “imperfections” and all, he doesn't deserve you.

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  3. Late 40s woman here, I feel like I might have a bit of insight on the uncles behaviour based on his generation.

    I think in his clumsy, Boomerish way, he was trying to give you a jokey compliment based on the connection you both experienced.

    I don't think he was trying to make a move on you – that's why he asked if you had any OLDER, SINGLE relatives. He felt very comfortable with you, but recognises that you are much YOUNGER, and also NOT single. He's basically wishing for someone age-appropriate that he could feel a sense of connection with.

    That would also explain why he made his comments in front of another uncle – from his perspective, there's no actual intent, so there's nothing to hide. Also, as someone more than twice your age, he probably perceived his “crush” comment as so ludicrous it was harmless.

    I think he would be confused and mortified if you were to launch into that suggested speech about how you would never hurt your husband.

    I've had similar comments made to me by Boomers, and never detected any sexual undercurrents, and nor has there ever been any yikes-y follow up behaviour.

    I'm trying to think of a comparative comment that's often used by younger generations. The closest I can think of is when single people say to someone in a relationship “Urgh, why can't all men/women be like you?!” Can you see what I'm getting at? It's meant as a compliment, not as a genuine interest in pursuing anything with the person being complimented.

    I don't want to negate your feelings; I can understand how you'd find the interaction uncomfortable. I'm just trying to give you a different perspective that might ease your mind a little and give insight into his behaviour.

  4. Why do you want to stay with someone who isn't giving anything close to the same as you are to the relationship. You deserve better. Long distance relationships especially only work when both partners want the same thing and over time, figure out what the end game is to be together, like who's moving where. Trust and communication are the life's blood of a LDR. Without either of those, and in your case the communication definitely seems lacking, the relationship won't survive.

  5. You’re really inconsiderate and whiny. You need to get her back to the doctor. This isn’t her choice. This is a medical issue.

  6. yea but i was down. I dont know if you can understand this. I didnt even shower. all idid was sit around all day and sometimes eat :/

  7. Uhhhhh with those comments you're going to stay married? I wouldn't want that man within 10 feet of me let alone any children he could infect with that sort of gross mentality. If you have a daughter she'll think it's alright for her husband/wife to speak to her that way if you have a son he will act like that to a partner.

  8. Please get out. They’re treating you like a bang maid and not like a girlfriend. Find someone who is better for you.

  9. He keeps saying yes in the future. Soon. I’m thinking about it. But I don’t wanna ask and pester him anymore

  10. Lawyer here.

    If possible, delete any messages where you admit they are his kids.

    So you’re a lawyer that is recommending deleting evidence, and that thinks her deleting messages somehow also deletes the message on his end?

    This kind of bullshit is why no one should ever, ever take legal advice from Reddit.

  11. He didn't do anything wrong and he isn't doing anything wrong now. He already cut her out of his life and doesn't talk to her. It's only the other girl comitting crimes to get OP to leave him.

  12. It’s not the sleeping with someone else after the break up that’s the problem, but the fact that he slept with this girl specifically who he knows has been trying to ruin their relationship for a long time and knows how much it would hurt OP and still did it anyway.

  13. He laid a boundary down and you road right over that. He didn't want to know bc he knew he'd have a problem with it but you told him anyways instead of letting him come to you and ask when or if he's ready and able to handle it. Let this be a life lesson to you on how to respect a valid request from someone you're in a relationship with.

  14. She didn’t even bring it up before deciding? Knowing she already had plans to move with you? That seems awful. I don’t think it’s about the weather I think it’s about the living with friends and hanging out and having that experience which I get, but why not bring it up to you?

  15. Do you think 50/50 with this guy as the dad is really what’s best for the kids? Because that should be OP’s number one priority.

  16. Hey sorry for the late reply (things got busy) but I truly appreciate your genuine concern invested into my situation. I’ll think about your words and keep you posted (my DMs are open).


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