Nicole-Klifa online webcams for YOU!

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24 thoughts on “Nicole-Klifa online webcams for YOU!

  1. Thanks. I really don't understand the people telling me to leave, cause I think its really my issue, and to be honest my question to the group was how to let go of all this stuff that happened in the past and be happy.

  2. You do realize they ha e to insert a long needle into her stomach to get a sample of the amniotic fluid, right?

    And that it is expensive and usually not covered by insurance, right?

    And that it is a risk of infection that can absolutely be settled cheaply as soon as the baby is born, right?

    Sounds to me like you just don't want the kid. Pregnancy is ALWAYS a risk if you're having sex. Stop being a dink.

  3. I just celebrated my 13th wedding anniversary. Together for 16 years. If my husband shit-talked me to his friends, I'd move out. That's the lowest of low blows, and it would destroy any trust I had in him. OP's husband is a fucking trashbag.

  4. He votes to make the laws in your own state against you!!!! How is he gonna FigHt fOr You when he’s already demolished your rights? Wake up. He gonna punch the governor? Good god, girl.

  5. Even if so, have you considered that there's a number of reasons why you might say something?

    “I am sorry if I seem distant, and with me requesting transferring away from you / to work from home until then. I don't want you to think that you did anything wrong, or that I'm upset or offended, but the truth is that I've developed some feelings for you and it's uncomfortable with me being happily married.” – Just to give one example.

    Hell, she may have literally just been hoping he'd tell her that he didn't reciprocate to make the feelings easier to process with her not wanting to act on them.

    Explaining the situation is hardly comparable to her mounting the guy in the office. She didn't do anything wrong, nor did her colleague.

  6. You can tell him that you wish he was more generous but be prepared for him to tell you that he wishes you were more generous, too.

    There are people who want to take on the role of provider, spoil their partners and sponsor their lifestyle. Other, seek more of an equal partnership and prefer that both parties contribute equally financially.

  7. Girl, I was in your place three weeks ago.

    My (ex) fiancé had the audacity to tell me he still loved me. Like fucking shit you do. You cannot love someone and slip your dick into another chick at the same time.

    I moved out two days later. I've recovered from the initial shock of finding out. Its still painful but much more manageable now that I'm not in the same house as him.

    He keeps texting me telling me how worthless his life feels without me blah blah blah. I was an awesome partner who gave him respect, adoration, valued him, went out of my way to show him I cared. Of course you fucking miss me. He claims to be on the edge of suicide (politely called his mom so that someone could help him while maintaining my distance).

    But I refuses to be lured back in. Love bombing will not work on me and I hope it doesn't work on you either. These guys will absolutely cheat again. Let them feel the consequences of their actions.

  8. Sit down and divide tasks, and get a verbal agreement to take care of your own messes. AND THEN STICK TO YOUR GUNS. STOP jumping in to offset the consequences of his actions. Maybe even have your own dishes for awhile. The only way you can answer this question is if you MAKE a boundary about what you won't do for him and then STICK to it. See what it looks like when you're not pulling teeth and picking up the slack, then look at it truthfully without delusion and assess if that's how you want to spend your life. Good luck

  9. I really don’t even know what to say anymore to you. It’s not baseless accusations. It’s clearly written in black and white. She had sex with a guy in the middle of a relationship with another guy. She then didn’t tell OP about this other guy.

    You can come up with any fantastical scenario you want in order to pontificate women’s right to not tell their spouses about their past sex lives, but the facts are the facts. Should OP speak to her about this? Absolutely. But why you’re going to such great lengths to stick up for someone who is showing a pattern of lying (not telling OP about this guy and the fact her own timeline implicates her in cheating) is something I’ll just resign myself to not understand.

  10. Like you said… If you're not worth $1 to him?

    You know you're worth it. Move along and find someone else.

    You control your body and he controls his. If he won't take steps beyond pleasure and you want more than pleasure?

    You know the answer… You two are incompatible at that point because you both have base opinions at odds with each other and won't budge.

    You shouldn't budge – I agree with you. He won't budge because all he cares about is pleasure – not you.

    Just say “this isn't working out”. End the argument and go seperate ways while you can do so amicably

  11. The fiance beat up the guy. It seems clear that after that, the fiance grabbed the books and left. The situation got chaotic after the “friend” told the fiance that now that he knew they could maybe share the girl.

  12. My mother's suffering has taught me alot and i dont want to treat her this way. I am going to work on this relationship and try to bring her out of her shell but i dont think it will be easy for her she has been living like this for her whole life.

    Your husband seems like a nice guy hopefully you will have a nice and happy life. Wishing you guys well. Thank you for your advice and time.

  13. I'm confused as to why this means he's not your birth father? Doesn't it just mean you all inherited blood type from Mom? Also its posible to have different blood from either parent if the both have the same recessive gene.

    You need google, you are confused between DNA and blood I think.

  14. Encouraging and convincing aren’t the same thing. Like I said, if you say do this or I’m leaving then it’s time to just leave and let her be motivated. Being encouraging can be done wherever she is in the process. Or truly maybe the best approach is to say I’m hear whenever you need me, I don’t want to force anything, I love you very much and whenever you’re ready or wherever you are, I’m ready to support you. Then simply stop pushing or bringing it up.

  15. We’re starting to hear the real reasons. So, this woman, 13 yrs younger than you, got sick of being a mom to a man-baby.

    But it “came out of nowhere”. ?


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