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24 thoughts on “NicoleBrat online sex cams for YOU!

  1. That’s great!! Please get a locksmith and change the locks, get an alarm and ask a few big, burly friends/relatives to stay with you for awhile. Best wishes to you.

  2. This is an unfortunate situation, it sounds like you really need to reflect and remove your child from the toxic environment. Respect is now out of the window and he has already moved on to dating other people. He’s likely telling those people that you are the baby mama from hell; figure out a plan and cut your losses.

  3. You know what an exclusivity agreement is right? So why are you asking us if you should let your FWB know? By definition, you should.

    As for the other guys? How much do you value your 6-year friendship?

  4. So she sounds exhausting. I wouldn’t go with that but if you want to keep giving it a chance go for it I guess.

    Tip though for when you have a girlfriend that’s actually appreciative and works for money: don’t only do that when she asks. Give her flowers (if she likes flowers) or bring her her favorite snacks without her asking. It shows that you think of her and she doesn’t have to ask for you to think about her.

  5. Normally I would say nothing against someone who is set on trying something like this, however you need to understand there is a 17-18 year old kid in this situation. They are still a package deal and believe me when I say that kid is likely not going to be happy with her mothers fling/boyfriend (whatever you would call it) only 5 years older, in fact if I was the kid I'd be disgusted with you and my mother. This can seriously damage the relationship between mother and kid.

    I'm not saying it will happen, but you have to look at the bigger picture here.

  6. The fact is that one can divorce for any reason, at any time. And change one’s mind about reconciliation at any time. So you’re covered there.

    What’s unfortunate is that if you always knew the timer was on for the relationship, you’ve been in false reconciliation for the last decade. Usually it’s a non remorseful wayward who does this extremely painful action of letting their betrayed partner work on reconciliation in good faith. In this case it is you who allowed your wayward spouse to work on reconciliation in good faith, believing she had a partner. So of course she is inconsolable. Just as she ripped your reality away from you 11 years ago you are doing the same to her.

    What this means is that you never actually engaged in the work a betrayed spouse can do to be a partner in reconciliation and perhaps be able to live! with what happened.

    I don’t know what family therapy you’ve done with the kids but it might be a good idea to do family therapy with all of you, as your kids may not be so understanding.

    Anyway I would visit two subs for two different reasons.

    Supportforbetrayeds for help with the emotional process of separating and divorcing.

    AsOneAfterInfidelity to do some due diligence to make sure you actually did everything you could.

  7. Yeah you’re a piece of shit. The tone of trying to justify this is pretty sickening. As someone who personally struggles with accepting accountability, wake the fuqq up my guy

  8. Did you discuss race play prior to those comments coming up in bed or did she just spring them on you?

    If you were to start slapping and choking her in bed without knowing whether she was into it or not – would you consider that okay?

    Wether it began consensually or not, It’s concerning that she keeps doing it and dismissing your concerns. Feels like she doesn’t care about you and even if she isn’t saying those words outside the bedroom, she’s showing she doesn’t care or respect you by invalidating your feelings. To me, that stinks of racism and seeing black people as less than herself. Including you.

  9. I think My attitude would be, you go see if you can find someone better than me and so will I. You’re the one with their life on track. Sounds like you’re smart, have a good job and on track to own your own home. Having a custom ring made (you can go ahead and stop that) for her. If she doesn’t appreciate you, I’m pretty sure there will be a lot of women who do.

    Tell me what kind of young successful men will be panting after someone who works in a salon? Oh she’ll date but the men will likely be good looking bad boys who will treat her like she’s nothing. If she’s so shallow that, that’s what she wants then let them have her. Find someone with real substance, someone at your emotional and intellectual level because she isn’t it.

    Let me ask you something, just how did the women at work find out about you? They may have seen you but it’s more likely got their opinion from her.

    Stay broken up. Completely go NC with her. She insulted you at the highest possible level. She needs to find a way to grovel and win you back. BTW, don’t be surprised if you hear from the girls in the salon wanting to go out with you

  10. Did he say he was your boyfriend or are you casually dating, it wasn't going to last anyways if you are saving your hymen for marriage .

  11. Why do you treat yourself so badly? Who taught you that you should put her on a pedestal and worry about her reputation first ? This is really backward logic. Maybe you need to get some counseling to understand why you think so low of yourself.

  12. This is why you keep your “roster” to yourself. I don’t ask. I don’t share. It’s completely irrelevant and just gives us something to cling onto/get upset about. Sorry you’re learning this lesson the hot way.

  13. Why would he bother with better manipulation? What he's doing right now is working fine on you.

    You're sticking around, you're trying to fix things for him–trying to fix him–and, yup, you've now resigned yourself to looking up couples counsellors because he won't. So yeah, his lazy and short-sighted manipulation is working great on you.

  14. Okay, so it's been an entire year since he did it. What all has he done to address it then? Therapy? Counselling? Reading books? Support groups? Anything??

    Nope. He just wants you to believe that he 'feels bad' and that it was a 'mistake' and that he 'doesn't know why he (intentionally and deliberately) did it.'

    Don't you think if he was truly upset about his behavior and his actions, he would've pulled out all the stops in figuring out why he did it? Instead, he dumps it at your feet, with absolutely no effort on his part, and then wants couples counselling?? Wants you to invest in fixing this when he's had an entire year to do that and hasn't done jack shit.

    Let's not forget that it was somehow simultaneously 'a mistake' and a deliberate, planned action. He went there with the intent of doing that! Then kept it a secret from you for a year! And now that he's told you, he wants to share the 'blame' and the burden of fixing it rather than focusing on what's wrong with him.

  15. Why don’t you start opening up and talking to him a little bit instead of shutting down. Sometimes no information can make somebody feel insecure. Like when he asked about what was going on with you after you went to the tornado I would tell him. I’m devastated. My hometown is broken up some thing. It’s almost like your answers are toucans like it’s not about you at all. Like that’s supposed to sort of fix it so I would just open up to him.

  16. I don’t see this ending any way than with a binary choice. As others have said you should’ve addressed this with your friend long before this. Your wedding is not the time or place for an intervention. If this was a one-day thing I’d tell you to suck it up, but a week long event? If he’s as toxic as you claim then it probably won’t end well.

    I’d just explain to your friend that you don’t want him there (as gently as possible). That you still want her there but that you’ll understand if she chooses not to attend. Then the ball is in her court. If he’s as abusive as you think then it’s more than likely that she’ll choose not to go without him, so be prepared for that to be the most likely outcome.

  17. You're right that searching for validation through sex isn't the healthiest way to do so. Work on yourself ❤️

    But also communicate with your partner!

  18. The answer is to not date a cheapskate who can’t get a decent job. I’m sure there are plenty of genuinely nice dudes with jobs who would love to date a successful woman in your area. Even if I was making less than a partner as a man I’d still pay at minimum 50% if it was even remotely viable for me to. Hope it works out for you!


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