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Nika, 19 y.o.


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20 thoughts on “Nika the naked live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. In my first marriage, my husband cheated on me while I was pregnant. I left. He had the right to see our son but never did. Not once. His mother saw her grandson once, by her own choice. When my ex died ten years ago he had five kids by five different women. That man could not be faithful to anyone. And a man that cheats on a pregnant partner is the lowest of the low. I have never regretted ending things. I asked myself if I was going to be happier with him or without him. The answer was eye opening. Four years later I met a great guy. We’ve been married almost 36 years. Don’t waste your life on someone who doesn’t treat you like you deserve.

  2. First things first.

    “How do I know if I'm good enough for someone?”

    That question is unfair to you, OP. Your worthiness and intelligence are not on trial, no matter what this FWB thinks. Lemme rephrase the question to be less self-deprecating: “Am I what he's looking for?”

    Maybe not. And that's probably for the best.

    I could be way off base here, but it sounds like he's chin-high in that oh-so-charming pseudo-intellectual phase many of us hit in our teens and early 20s. We learn new concepts at school/online/in books/etc., and all of a sudden, we're the smartest person in the room! But in reality, we're just regurgitating what greater minds have already said (often with less nuanced understanding), and everyone else seems like an uncultured dullard (Flowers for Charlie from IASIP comes to mind ?)

    Basically, I doubt he's as brainy as he thinks he is. He seems to confuse arrogance for acuity, which is some weak shit.

    Here's a much more important question for you to consider: is he what you're looking for? I kinda doubt it. Is the sex worth all this “sapiosexual” peacocking? Because nothing in your post suggests that he makes you feel good about yourself, or is at all fun to be around. You use words like “garbage.” You mention that disagreeing with his flawed arguments gives you so much anxiety that you stay silent for fear of crying, which lets him prattle on ad nauseam. You don't even feel comfortable enough to ask for a hug from someone who has, presumably, been inside you! What the hell is he bringing to the table?

    OP, your self-esteem needs a boost that this self-proclaimed brainiac is incapable of giving. Of course, how we feel about ourselves is our responsibility, so I hope you'll reconsider seeing him in and out of the bedroom. He doesn't respect you and you're uncomfortable around him. You deserve better.


    You admit this is all your fault (followed by excuses and more excuses). She doesn't OWE you “an explanation”. You already know exactly why she's fed up with your sh*t.

    Leave her alone, learn the lesson, be a better person and a better bf for the next person! JFC!

  4. Just accept that you're the man of the house and he has to give birth. He's allowed to name ONE of the kids.

  5. Have you ever considered that you might be autistic?

    Find people who's presence actually makes your life better. Clearly you don't care about these people in any way, so why be in their lives? It's not healthy for you to be totally isolated and independent, humans are social animals/pack animals so please, find YOUR people.

  6. I get that, but it seems to come at my dispose. Is there any way to fix this or compromise? I’ve looked at other posts but it doesn’t seem to be solutions. It’s all just “we’ll you’re just different.” I’m struggling on how to deal with this. I’m not opposed to giving space, but for a relationship that already operates with some time apart, I don’t get why she wouldn’t want more time with me. Doesn’t add up to me

  7. Would you want someone to tell you if it was happening to you? That’s the general guidance I’d live by. If people didn’t want to get caught cheating, they shouldn’t be cheating :/

  8. OP my mother does this. It’s a power play – distance yourself.

    I’ll explain:

    Nearly 10 years ago my mom was in a car accident – she wasn’t driving, but in the back seat and the car hit on her door so she was really hurt – her injuries were genuine.

    But there after – she fucked herself over.

    Wouldn’t get an X-ray. Wouldn’t let the doctors help her – by the end of it I was low-key hoping for internal bleeding so the good lord that I don’t even believe in could take her off my hands ?

    10 years on – claims she can’t work because her pelvis was broken and never healed properly – starts throwing things when I point out that she can’t possibly know that since she never got the X-Ray

    She just likes to get everyone to do things for her because she has this excuse now.

  9. He doesn’t have to tell you. But you don’t have to be with someone who won’t tell you.

    I want to be a part of my mans life, and I just broke up with someone for this very reason. He kept me on the outside though I begged to be let it. I need more. Even from the amazing.

  10. He has been an assict, he is an addict and he wants to stay in this still.

    So his choice is clear.

    OP, why chose someone rather than your own safety! And instead chose HIS comfort and addiction?

    WHAT do you know what he did over all those years you havent found out yet?

    Get yourself checked for sexually transmittable diseases, btw. HIV, HPV, etc!

  11. Thanks for this! I did just this and it went as well as it possibly could. He was disappointed but understood, and it just reinforced these great qualities I see in him. I’m kicking myself that I didn’t feel the spark! Really, like, we hit it off so well in common interests that we’re going to meet up in 2 weeks for a coffee and geek out over a shared interest.


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