Nikollmonroy live webcams for YOU!

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11 thoughts on “Nikollmonroy live webcams for YOU!

  1. Well I'm sure he hit his daughter enough to where that was an automatic response, but at the same time , I'm not a fan of getting bitten, especially a surprise bite done by a little kid who can basically chomp down very naked.

    You don't seem to have any issue with spanking , you just don't like seeing it . so basically I do think that you will see it some more because this is a habit of his, and it's how he is choosing to raise his kid.

    You will very likely see this again so you just have to decide now if you want to be around when it happens or if you already want to get out of the situation

  2. How big is the master bedroom? I am not meaning to be rude, I just know that my husband was happy and willing to help me reach my dream of motherhood. He would have been fine with however many I wanted BUT I have high risk pregnancies, so I had to stop at 2.

  3. Have you ever considered your just not an effective communicator? It seems very egotistical of you to go on this rant about all the “opportunities” you’ve had especially with how they stack up with your boyfriends. It comes across as humble bragging. I can’t even begin to imagen how your boyfriend felt when he heard how you get irritated from him not understanding a subject your passionate and particular about, when he might, understandably, not be interested. Math especially is quite alienating to the vast majority of people. It’s not because people lack the capacity to learn or wanting to understand. It’s because the way math is communicated and especially taught under systems is imperfect. Maybe it’s not your passion to teach, but what your doing when you trying to have these conversations with your boyfriend is teaching. Teaching requires patience, a clear understanding of the concepts, common misconceptions, and the ability to reword, and recontextualize the idea or ideas your trying to teach. Idk what to say about you wanting to break up with him…. If feel if this makes you doubt your going to have a naked time finding what you want. Best of luck to ya.

  4. I wonder if taking the pole classes has been a very positive, non sexual, empowering experience. Stripping in a club, depending on who you are, doesn’t go down like that. If she’s taking a pole class it’s likely she’s made friends with the other girls and views pole dancing as a cool community of open minded strong women. Women in strip clubs although nice are much more difficult because you are competing against them for tips. There’s more risk of sexual assault. The men hitting on her won’t have the boundaries of other women in a class. Has your wife gone to a strip club recently? Does she know what she would actually be signing up for? And assuming she does; if she’s going to explore this part of herself and that intention bothers you so deeply maybe it’s time to move on.

  5. If he is willing to basically toss them aside over this, I can’t imagine he’s all that sincere about holding the views he claims to hold.

  6. I think people know when they're unhappy in a relationship. Especially after 10 years of being with that person. It's not “just cold feet” when you truly describe your relationship as an unhappy relationship. You can appreciate the person you're with as another human being because you have been with them so long and yet still not be in love with them or want to marry them.

    Cold feet is a few seconds of apprehensiveness about the wedding and your life changing. Situations like OP has is just plain ole realizing you don't want to waste anymore time with someone you don't feel absolutely crazy about. That's a hell of a lot different and people that chalk this stuff up to cold feet are the reason why western society has normalized getting into and staying in boring/toxic/stale/dead relationships that feel badly for both parties. It's time people break the cycle that their parents and grandparents and great grandparents before them got stuck in and for everyone to stop saying “it's just cold feet, go ahead and get married!”

  7. He just found out you are a little harder to break than he thought, so he's trying again. Tell him thanks for the dinner growers and chocolates, but you were in a better place in those hours he finished with you and blocked you, and you want to return to that place as of now. Block him and don't look back.

  8. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    My (28M) girlfriend(25F) made a new friend at the beach…

    Two days ago I was meeting N, my girlfriend of 1 year, for a coffee. She came from the beach and I came from studying with a school friend. When she hugged me as we met, I noticed a strong whiskey odor coming from her. I asked her if she drank at the beach, and she said “Yea, I made a new friend today and he offered me a drink. He's 45 years old, just came back from Thailand, and was chilling at the beach. Conversation sparked and we spoke for about 30 minutes about life.. then he offered me some Jack Daniels he was carrying in his bag.” I felt it was really sketchy for a 45 y/o man to walk around offering booze to good looking girls who could be his daughters. I immedietly felt like it was obviously a behavior of a man looking for something, trying to meet young ladies….. I half jokingly asked if they also exchanged phone numbers. She answered “Yea we did we said will meet for a coffee sometime”. I shared my feelings, told her he obviously hit on her and she exclaimed “we we're talking about you and me half of the time, I instantly said I have a boyfriend, it was nothing like that, he was just being friendly” and so on… I said I think that's naive to think he was just looking for friendly companionship. Would he approach me, if I was there in your place? Would ge offer me booze? Probably not. Things got heated. She said i should trust her more, that i have trust issues toward her and humanity as a whole. That not all man are like that. I left it at some point and we carried on. Fast forward to this morning when we woke up, we we're both in a good mood, everything's fine. I went to put my phone in the charger instead of hers, and I see a new voice message from that guy. I bring it upt and ask her if she's really planning on meeting him and the all arguement heats over again. It ends up getting into a fight and now she's sitting in bed on her iPad, won't talk to me.. How do I even go on from here? Shes saying nothing and I got no idea how to feel anymore..

  9. My grandmother died and I inherited some money, if you must know. Would you like to see the receipts?

    Seriously what is your problem?


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