Odasuuur online sex chats for YOU!

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12 thoughts on “Odasuuur online sex chats for YOU!

  1. You mentioned that girls have screwed you over in the past and that you promised to stop trying.. You also mentioned making a mental effort to play it off as cool and not desperate.

    This tells me that you have a fear of rejection. You wanted a relationship but developed avoidance as your coping mechanism to handle the rejection.

    You might unconsciously be avoiding dating to this day.

  2. Please do not stay together for your child. Being modelled horrible relationship habits is way more damaging than being a child of divorce

  3. It sounds like she’s trying to be nice and say no, but that she genuinely enjoys you as a friend. I would keep up the same ‘energy’ or whatever and friendship and don’t push things. She knows how you feel, if she ever wants more she’ll let you know.

  4. Here’s my take. Next time you see Mom obviously missing him, carefully open up the conversation and tread lightly… ask her gently if she misses him and then just go with the flow. You could ask her if she ever thought there was a possibility of getting back together. Again, don’t push or give her advice. Just give her time and space to think it through.

    And take the same approach with your dad, at the right time.

    It’s possible that, while missing each other, neither of them have thought about the possibility of getting back together, or maybe have not thought that the other would be receptive to it.

    Most importantly… just tread lightly and take the approach that you’re just tossing out a kernal for each of them to think about. Do not push or get all caught up in their business.

    And… if they would indeed start talking, they need to be left alone to sort out the situation at their own pace.

    Wishing the best for all of you!

  5. Exactly. This gets missed in all of these types of conversations.

    It is so easy to say he’s way overreacting when we are only getting one side of the story, the side of the person who was actually apart of the phone call. If the SO had posted and said his wife mentioned her ex boyfriend of a year randomly called her six years later and that they had spoken for nearly a half-hour, the comments would look somewhat different.

    Like this comment above says, only she knows what the call consisted of. The SO does not know, and it’s very easy for your mind to go down the rabbit hole in this kind of odd situation. Give him a break here. Just ensure him it’s not something that is going to happen again or become a regular thing and all should eventually be okay.

  6. You should tell him to stop these, they only wind up giving you Peronies disease which is a shriveled up curved and scarred cock that don't work right anymore.

    He just needs to accept his dick size like the rest of us.

  7. I guess what I am getting out of this story is that you want your BF to be kicked out of his apartment and go homeless. Right now its naked to get one at the price your paying, it seems to be going up every month. So if the apartment is what he can afford and nothing else, how is he going to get another one.

    He was told by a letter, which will be placed in a file, that no dogs are allowed on the property, either just stopping by or living in the apartment.

    DO YOU WANT HIM TO BE KICKED OUT? Do you want him to move in with you and this is your end game. If you get him kicked out, it might just make him hate you.

  8. I've gotten over it, once I realised that a lot of my stress came from my parents I started to distance myself and I started to improve in every aspect.

    I would honestly say block her, on everything. Maybe get a friend to do it if you can't. Distance yourself and you will heal. It'll be painful at first but once you get over the hump you'll come out better than before.

    And yeah, she'll most likely bounce from relationship to relationship until she sinks her claws into a guy who won't hold her accountable, just don't be that guy


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