Ostin x Kevin x Tim x Marsel the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

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Ostin x Kevin x Tim x Marsel, 21 y.o.


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Ostin x Kevin x Tim x Marsel on-line sex chat

20 thoughts on “Ostin x Kevin x Tim x Marsel the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Getting a compliment from a stranger compared to someone that’s “supposed to” give you compliments is just different. It feels different.

    Plus, guys in general barely ever get compliments. I’m 36 and I can probably count the number of compliments I’ve gotten from strangers on one hand.

  2. Sounds like her coworker is insecure and unsatisfied w/ her own cosmetic surgeries so she has to tell others to get them and put their appearances down to feel better about herself.

  3. You were such a colossal heartless uncommunicative dick when she was going through that. The things you admitted you did I personally find completely unforgivable. Apparently she was also a jerk. So you deserved each other back then. If you are both somehow better nicer people now, great. That's a win for both of you. If I was in your shoes I would leave the past behind. You were so horrible then. Now you know why she put up with you.

  4. Hello /u/fluffyacquatic,

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  5. What do you think triggered it?

    Maybe she found out you were cyberstalking her and wanted to put a stop to it. Seriously, quit, what you're doing is creepy.

  6. She’s in a new country and doesn’t really seem to know anyone other than you. It’s only going to get better if she’s able to make more friends/outside connections. It’s probably exhausting for her too. An unfortunate situation all around.

    It doesn’t sound like a problem caused by you but it would probably help to encourage her to join some sort of group or go somewhere regularly to try to meet people. Making new connections is overwhelming for a lot of people so she might have some pushback

  7. No. Nope. Internet mom here. This would be a dealbreaker for me. She wants a relationship with no intimacy and she said she doesn’t find you sexually appealing. At your age, at any age, touch is vital and sex matters. I think what she said was cruel. You will never be able to forget that. Think about it.

  8. Granted, sometimes it’s common when young children are learning language that they over categorize. Everything with 4 legs is a dog, all dogs are called “spot” like theirs, all grown women are “mama” etc.

    So if all the other sketchy shit weren’t going on here I’d say maybe “dada” is “man that I see a lot” because they don’t understand the concept yet…..

    But this does seem like it’s not that simple in this case unfortunately

  9. I need you to understand that I’m very much aware of the fact bisexual people exist and that I could leave. I also need you to understand that there’s this thing called HONESTY and people deserve that much when in a relationship.

  10. He hasn’t shown ambition or taking steps to be better. So expecting it to just get better is unreasonable and you recognize that.

    Losing someone and ending things with someone you love is never easy.

    If he’s there you won’t be happy. If he’s not, at least you’ll have a shot at being happy even if you won’t be for a bit after you end it.

    Bet on yourself here.

  11. Girl, this is a him problem. And I’m feeling sorry for you because he’s making you feel less than and making you feel like it’s all your fault. Reevaluate this relationship. He doesn’t sound like a good partner, he’s shown you what he is, a liar, gaslighter and maybe he wants the ex. Look out for you. Your husband isn’t all that.

  12. You are totally that girlfriend that has issues. That text was totally appropriate. He actually mentioned her fiancé. I recommend seeing a therapist around your jealousy and control issues before getting into another relationship.

  13. I’m not really sure how it happened tbh, like i’ve known bestfriend for 5 years now and we’ve always been super close! I don’t know if it was bc of my fiancés actions that kickstarted them or what. Its really difficult to explain lol, I still love my fiancé and am willing to work through this with him, but i also on the side have strong feelings for bestfriend ? also most definitely snapbots, thank you!

  14. I would leave this relationship if I were you. My girlfriend journals religiously and I’ve never even had the urge or thought to read it. I can tell you exactly where her physical and digital journals are located at in our house and still I would never breech her privacy.

    The biggest issue I would have is that I wouldn’t feel comfortable or safe leaving my diary anywhere knowing my girlfriend routinely reads, takes pictures of, and throws in my face my entries.


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