P A U L A the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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P A U L A, 22 y.o.


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28 thoughts on “P A U L A the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Question: since it seems like you're pushing back against, and responding antagonistically to the advice you solicited, I have to ask–why are you even here?

  2. Thank you. I have been trying to take care of myself and find a new place to online. But now I feel like this person lives in my head rent free.

    Also, I may have found myself taking with someone new, however nothing is official and I have disclosed that I have recently been through a breakup. They new person wants to proceed.

    I have taken up journaling and talking to someone about this, but somedays I feel so lost and like I can't trust anyone or my own judgements about others. I feel like I lost a piece of myself.

  3. I hope you're not expecting any sympathy here. You slept with a married man. What did you think was going to happen? A fairy tale? Do not spend time with him. He needs to tell his wife and get a new job.

  4. Hello /u/Sensitive_Mix2228,

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  5. So we have had cordial conversation to discuss compromise and I've asked if this is something she can compromise on and her response has been that she doesn't think she can.

    That's why I'm left thinking do we just accept that this will be a issue that arises every so often and just assume that we will make up each time or does this have an expiration date as a result of this cycle one day?

  6. Without being her care provider, I cannot answer that. But yes, having a hysterectomy can accelerate the timeline for menopause and it is worth looking into

    Regardless of what it might be, there is clearly something going wrong for the OP’s wife and she needs his help and support.

  7. Your wife's hobbies sound better than yours tbh, if you don't like her why are you with her, also people don't have to have the same hobbies to be together

  8. I think that instead of asking Reddit, you should ask him where he sees this going. It sounds like he isn’t super observant of his religion right now. So, does he see himself someday going against his parents’ wishes and marrying you, despite the religious prohibition? Is he hoping you’ll change your mind and convert? Or is he assuming this relationship is temporary? You guys can be in denial, but in the end it has to be one of those three. Not all relationships lead to marriage, and that’s fine. But, if each of you spend years waiting for the other to change their mind, that’s a recipe for heartbreak.

  9. Eventually it would be something else that you are uninterested in to get him to say the same thing. It’s a situation where you are the invested party and not receiving equitable treatment. Once in a blue moon when you feel comfortable with spoiling him would be fair but his continually wanting something you are not enjoying is not. Your call from here

  10. You haven’t even finalised your divorce yet and your already infatuated with another woman and thinking you’re going to spend the rest of your life with her????? All while being her supervisor at work?????

    You need to pull back and now, This will SO easily implode on you not just on a personal level but a career level as well.

    What if she’s uncomfortable but too afraid to be impolite as she feels there may be repercussions?

    How do you know she’s not just using you to get a promotion??

    So many potential scenarios here

    It’s not just her you have to worry about….Other employees including your other direct reports may be noticing the favouritism and could approach management with their concerns

    I think you need to distance yourself and clearly get some counselling before you end up making a big mistake here

  11. I looked up the statistic, 49% of men above 30 are single. 27% between 30 and 50. Women are 20% single in that 30-50 group

  12. I don’t see an issue with that, I think it’s important to have alone time in the place you online. My wife and I have separate hobbies and look forward to the other being out for a while

  13. Stop helping him get up. Let him be late. Let him loose money. And let him know now that if his irresponsibility affects your ability to pay bills you will not be renewing the lease with him. He’s too old to be doing this.

  14. I've done this lots of times. There's more than a small minority of guys who won't take no for an answer regardless of the reason, including another “owner”.

  15. Apologize to her. Next time tell her that you are tired, but you can do it for a minute and then you want to rest, or maybe tell her that you are tired and can you cuddle instead.

  16. I mean you know her better than we do. Is she more the type to play games or just genuinely say her random thoughts without a filter?

    I get why you're hyper aware of this situation since not that long ago she was into this guy and not you, even though you were there too.

    Were they friends at work or is this a new development since she left that job?

  17. i start with a new therapist next week. my boyfriend offered up the idea that we could do counseling together to figure how to improve ourselves in the relationship

  18. You should tell her. The telling part isn’t what will devastate her. It’s him doing it that does that. And the truth is the hurt will only increase if the betrayals are allowed to continue.

  19. We've talked about this a few times and while she acknowledges the issue and appreciates me bringing it up, it never leads to any long term changes and she falls back into old habits. I feel like at this point I have to be very blunt and address it and if nothing changes then that is who she is and I have reevaluate whether I want to be in a relationship with someone like that.

  20. I let my whole ass fiancé influence my career trajectory and although I love him we would have had to do long distance if I could do it over lol

  21. His mother is seriously unwell and you cannot be expected to care for her any more. Why can’t he care for his own mother?

    Document everything. And then say you have nothing against his mother, but she is extremely unwell and needs professional care. She is drifting in and out of memories, is very anxious, and the stress of having a newborn around is making her worse. You recommend she be put into a professional care situation.

    If he can’t put his mother into care, say you understand that, but you’re going to have to go online with your parents for awhile. His mother is a danger to the baby at this point. She loves the child, but she gets confused often and is walking baby up while she’s sleeping, getting intrusive thoughts about the baby in danger.

    If you have a doctor, talk to your doctor about what has been happening and perhaps they will also recommend that you and baby go online somewhere else for a few months until he can find a better way of dealing with his mother who is dealing with dementia.

  22. It very nearly did. His stupidity, incompetence, and Covid anti-vaxxers dying by the thousands because they believed Trump are huge factors in why he didn’t get elected a second time, and it was a very close race despite all that.

  23. So basically what yours is hers and what’s hers is also hers, but not yours. That’s what she is laying out for you here. That’s what she expects from this relationship. Your decision to make now is are you willing to deal with this for the rest of your life?


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