Princess online webcams for YOU!

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38 thoughts on “Princess online webcams for YOU!

  1. I was going to drive her home after the movie but I fell asleep, I was already tired from work. Yeah it’s definitely my fault that I didn’t text my wife when her friend came over, I already admitted that to my wife.

  2. With the Info provided, I'd think he is telling the truth now.

    Op said that he was friendly with the guy, so I assume they weren't best buds. And the guy only told him after they chatted for a bit, even then he didn't want to tell him bluntly (is that a word?).

    I'm not saying I'd belive him blindly, but be more careful with how you go about finding out

  3. You are her friend and so much so that she didn't care to hook up with other guys in front of you. In real life it doesn't really work to be crushing on a girl for over a year and then expect her to jump in your arms. Honestly its easier for the random new guy to get her than it is for you.

  4. Actually, there is nothing wrong with talking to strangers, if they are in a sober state and not actively hitting on women like it is in the bar/club scene.

    My wife has been hit on a few times even in these sober settings, and I have no problem with that. But that is not comparable to the bar/club scene.

  5. She's not making bad financial decisions,

    She is 100% making a bad financial decision. There is no justification for selling the house before considering counselling. OP has made mistakes, for sure, but the way that mortgages work, breaking one this early means forfeiting a lot of money to the bank when OP and wifey could just rent it out or something. The decision doesn't need to made this quickly, for a 6 year relationship, why the fuck would you not consider counselling until the house situation is decided? It makes no sense at all…

  6. Sounds like a bunch of issues. He is probably addicted to porn. He also sounds like a straight up asshole.

    If you’ve been together 12 years, why do you think he’s going to change? Have you not been trying to make things better over this time? I bet you have, and things have probably stayed the same or gotten worse. No reason to think anything will change.

    I bet you could do better

  7. A bigot towards people who share her own traits. Literally all it should take to fix that is a bit of therapy and some honest reflection. The hivemind on here that assumes people are unable to change how they feel about things and how they see things is honestly a fucking joke and not at all reflective of the capacity for personal development that so many of us have

  8. Thank you for the encouragement. I feel a bit better knowing that someone – even if that person is just a stranger live, somewhat understands me. I will give your suggestion a shot and see how it goes, but honestly I do not know if that with the letter will work. I have conveyed multiple times why I feel this way without actually attacking him (but i guess that’s just my pov..). I have explained that my parents relationship warps the way I see it and those trust breaches so early on in the relationship make it sometimes hot for me. I know Lisa plays no fault in this and neither does my boyfriend.

    Though honestly, he has said that he does not understand why I feel the way I feel about Lisa. And even if he understands, I do not know how we would proceed after this.

    Again thank you for time and reading through everything.

  9. I didn't get my masters until I was almost 30, it took me awhile to figure out what I wanted to do, but I did work in my general education field during that time. Volunteer, try other part time gigs while maintaining your day job, show that you're making an effort. The financial responsibility is also important. Money and how money is treated is a huge reason people break up. You both need to get on the same page there. They have classes and guides for how to budget responsibly and help couples work together.

    I don't know that this will get figured out in time for you to be married next year. Be patient, work on your goals, and open up the communication with him. Let him know you hear him and you're going to work on these things. Communicate your needs and your expectations as well. Relationships should be an equal partnership, and open honest communication is going to keep it strong.

  10. Have you look into yourself and try to understand what made you do it?. Imagine if it wasnt a scam, you would have cheated for sure rn.

    Internally, out of your own volition, what actions have you done to make sure you dont be tempted to do that again?. Im not talking about live, what if you are on a trip or at a bar and a woman propositioned you for sex?. How do you know that you will not take the plunge?. This is internal. Its within you. If you dont solve it, next time you are going to fall.

  11. Why… do you need to obey your husband’s wishes? If what he wants from you isn’t good why would you feel guilty for “disobeying” him?

    Your relationship with your children is damaged. It’s always going to be tainted with this past. But unless you put your big girl panties on and actually do what you know is right you will never have a chance to build a new relationship with them.

    What’s more important to you? Your husband’s pride? Or your children?

  12. I think you should sit down with the builder and have a ball buster of a conversation. “As you know, we have cameras on the property. I heard your extremely inappropriate conversation with my husband. Regardless of whether anything he told you is true or not, we are only 30% through this renovation, and I am no longer comfortable working with you. Do you have any suggestions for how to handle the situation?” You may be able to wrangle some discounts or something out of him by putting him on the defensive, especially if he said anything out of line. You can finish off by letting him know that since your husband wants to be a big shot he will be handling the project going forward, but if things get fucked up because you were no longer in a position to manage the renovation properly, you expect to be fully compensated for the error, as you would not feel comfortable having them complete any repairs. (I'd get that in writing!) This should at least clue the builder into being on their A-game for the rest of the renovation.

    I'm not sure how you handle finances as a couple, but fuck ups have consequences. In addition to having the responsibility of managing the project solo, I recommend that your husband pay for a larger percentage of the repairs personally. I can't say to what degree, but at least enough to cut into his personal or play money.

    Finally, it's a great lesson in the virtue of professionalism for the builder. There's no reason to be talking to married clients about their sex life unless you're in the therapy business.

  13. Am I a fool to talk to him? What do I do? What’s going on in his head?

    What do you think is happening here? Do you think his gf dumping him means he's realised you're the one? Or do you think he doesn't want to be single and is testing the waters to see if he can rebound with you?

  14. Stay away from that friend. This will destroy your marriage faster than anything. If you do truly love your wife you will not go there. She will pretend not to know that you are fucking your friend while this woman smirks and rubs your wife's nose in the fact that she is taking her man. That is NOT within your wife's guidelines!

    However It's pretty obvious you want this friend since you've already discussed it with her. Do the right thing and leave your poor wife, the love is gone.

  15. The healthy approach to this would be to talk about your feelings to him, and how vital for your happiness it is to go out sometimes. That doesn't hurt the relationship and doesn't mean you will be more distanced towards him. Instead it will make you happy long-term.

    My husband doesn't enjoy going out to restaurants or social gatherings due to his mental health. But he's totally fine with me going there with friends if I want to. It's fine. I can go on a family trip, visiting my father or go to restaurants with friends and coworkers, while he is at home. That's a lot better than me staying in all the time, being unhappy.

  16. What part of it was inappropriate? He should have told the mysterious man nothing. Her own living situation is a private situation and shouldn’t be disclosed to a random stranger who knows where she lives. That’s all levels of unsafe. I assume the guard stonewalled him and gave him zero information.

    I would be more worried that a random stranger was going around trying to inquire about your girlfriend as it could be a potential stalker situation. The guards were doing their job protecting the resident’s privacy and notifying her of the situation.

  17. So have you ever actually really explained why you did cheat? Not the lazy “it was because I'm an idiot” you gave us here, or an excuse, but what was actually going on in your head that made you want to do so? Because that's one thing that might actually change her view that it was because of her, and honestly without being completely honest about why you made such a stupid decision once she has no real way of knowing whether you will again.

  18. I remember the original post and it was like, they were doing just fine without them and then one day he came home and declared that she needed to get over not liking them and start delivering. When she got upset he blamed his friends for goading him into doing that. The ring thing is just next level weird after that.

  19. Think about how this relationship makes you feel, the highs and the lows. The intensity of those feelings, the duration. All of it as a package.

    (Not how it used to make you feel. Not how you want it to feel. Not how you think it could feel if he changed. The actual state of the current relationship.)

    Do you want to spend the rest of your life feeling that way? If not, you should move on.

  20. Again, your reality isn’t my reality. I don’t want your reality. I want the reality of women who I aspire to be like ….

  21. I feel like this is honestly something we'd consider.

    Our youngest is 9 and we have two teenagers. The 9 year old doesn't know everything.

  22. what a selfish mom I'm not considering him and his well-being.

    Nope. You are absolutely considering him by not letting this go. Your husband's reaction was insane. What information do you think would provoke that type of reaction next time?

  23. “Ohhh I wasn’t supposed to have sex with the neighbors cat? I’m sorry. We never spoke about it first. I didn’t know.”

    This might sound stupid but what you said, to me, sounds just as stupid.

  24. Do not have sex with this poor excuse for a man! You will regret it. He’s an abusive manipulator. There are definitely men out there who will be patient and kind. Who will wait for you to be truly ready, and will show you love and kindness while respecting your boundaries. I found one like that. Don’t compromise!

  25. Had to read the title three times to make sure I wasn’t getting mixed up, OP’s partner is definitely off base

  26. You’ve been together for a few months and already wanting her to ‘get rid’ of her companions… I think the relationship needs to end and some growing up needs to happen… you barely know someone within a few months let alone hold any position to ask her to get rid of her cats… this ‘love’ is just the excitement of a new relationship

  27. Sometimes when I say things with complete sincerity, it’s presumed to be dripping with sarcasm. I hear it too sometimes, tbh. I guess I’m just a salty bish ??‍♀️

  28. If he wasn't embarassed for being an insensible jerk willingly over and again physically hurting her during sex warm up it he would be even worse an arsshat, say!

  29. you say you get nothing out of the blue from him, but he paid for this meal you were supposed to pay for. is that not out of the blue?

  30. Literally every time a question is asked by a woman about her partner being a fuckwit it turns out that she is a teenager or in her very early twenties and he is around 15 years older. Jesus…

  31. When you feel like talking to her, remind yourself of the betrayal she did. Cheating on you, not being remorseful and still keeping her affair partner closed. Think of the time she didn’t think about you when she sent those nudes and had sexed with her friend.

    Call instead your friends, go out and have fun.


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