Racheel-boobs on-line sex chats for YOU!

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36 thoughts on “Racheel-boobs on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. I hate my MIL too. I would refuse to live! with that monster in law. Thank god my husband respects my wishes and knows how awful she is to me. We’ve been together more than half our lives. We started dating when I was 15 and him 16. I’m 38 now and he’s 39. Married for 19 years and we have two kids. 16 and 12.5. And during Covid my husband had also pointed out I had been neglecting his needs. I had been working a lot and was under a lot of stress for various reasons. I just wasn’t interested it initiating sex so I kinda just forgot. But I would hate to be the neglectful wife so I made more of an effort. Once things get going then I’m into it. We actually have scheduled sexy times which helps tremendously.

    I would try speaking with her again about why she doesn’t want to attend counseling. And 3 years is a long time being neglected by your partner. Have your parents been living with you guys that entire time? Is there a reason she has been neglecting you? I would see if it is something that can be fixed. Although it may be hot if she is ignoring you or not answering. I come from an Asian household and so glad my parents are not living with me as much as I love them.

  2. Play normal, dont pull out any crazy advanced moves/techniques, doesnt have to be easy just not too naked though If your really skilled normal may be going easy to you

  3. Lay out your priorities and expectations in a partner and ask where he stands. If he keeps waffling, then that's the end.

  4. Hello /u/Gypsy_Danger6116,

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  5. Add to that the fact that birds have very specific needs. You can't use teflon pans or perfume around them or they'll die, for instance.

  6. Obviously I’m against emotional abuse and manipulation for sex. But just to make sure there’s not deeper problems in the relationship, when was the last time y’all had sex? Is it possible she thinks you’re having an affair?

  7. There’s a huge misconception that bi people are being deprived if they haven’t had sex with men and women.

    In the same way that monogamous hetero people don’t need to sample the whole spectrum they’re attracted to, neither do monogamous bi people.

    I do want to echo other people though that your wife could use some therapy since it sounds like her in effect self-directed homophobia is due to religious trauma.

  8. For example, I personally am not actually a 40-year-old former astronaut and current power gliding champion.

    So you're a 40yo current astronaut and former power gliding champion?

  9. Just be honest, it’s the best thing you can do for both her and yourself.

    It would probably be best in person, but once you’ve made up your mind you need to be firm with it. Deciding to stay together because you feel bad will only make getting out of the relationship later more difficult.

    Also, the “we can still be friends” thing isn’t exactly wise. At least not at first. There is tension, and the same problems that you had while dating still would be there.

  10. Thank you I really appreciate it, I asked my friends if he said anything about me because I didn't want to accidentally creep him out if he's uncomfortable with the age gap.

  11. Your husband is a part of your family. Keeping this from him is too big to cover up, and if/when he finds out that you’ve been hiding this, his trust in you will be eroded.

    If you’re insistent on not telling him, perhaps you can tell him that there is a very good reason your sister is moving out but that it is a private matter. If he trusts YOUR judgment of the situation, perhaps he might be willing to help your sister out.

    You’re married now. Your desire to protect your family from your husband’s ire should be a distant second to building a trusting and open relationship with your husband.

  12. Try something fun. Suggest a date night to her favorite restaurant or go see a movie that she'd like. Or even something simpler, like going out for ice cream and a walk. Time alone away from the kids, and the house and all the daily stuff of life.

    See if she is willing to try and have fun together again.

    If not, it's time for a serious talk about your marriage and maybe therapy.

  13. Go have a coffee with them. Don’t sound accusing. Just tell them you feel hurt and it is weighting on you but that you understand and that she is nice, just that you would like to keep your safe heaven.

  14. aye what a mess. she should not have asked a question she didn't want an answer to. you, being self conscious about weight, might have approached the answer differently if you were aware she shared the same insecurity. but the answer you gave, as phrased, was pragmatic and not overtly judgemental. she should not have reacted the way she did. but people don't always react rationally when they are hurt. when she said it hurt her feelings you could have simply apologized for having done so instead of rationalizing your comment, which she probably took as you doubling down. then when she came back you said you were upset with the way she was treating you. but her now thinking you aren't sorry for hurting her feelings (however unintentionally), now thinks she's being gas lighted into the whole thing being her fault. her reacting by threatening self harm is obviously wildly inappropriate and not your fault, and really is an emotionally abusive thing to do to you. and now you're both in this limbo.

    imo, she really needs to seek therapy as she not only threatened self harm but took action to prove she was serious. if you want to stay together you both need to work on your communication since it sounds like you're both doubling down more than de-escalating, although you also have a perfect right to set boundaries when it comes to the way you want to be treated.

    you would also be perfectly valid to walk away from the relationship given the way it's affecting your own emotional well being.

    the only thing you cannot do is let the threats of self harm continue, that's abusive and manipulative.

  15. How about goodbye in 30 different languages? That would be unique. And you can make them appear message after message. Some gentle. Others explosive. Would definitely get my attention. And then I'll have to block you.

  16. Get your wife the push present of all push presents and make sure she doesn’t lift a damn finger during her recovery for starters

    You need to show your wife she is a priority in your life if you have any chance of turning that bus around

  17. They said they didn't see anything wrong with 26/20, they were saying the 85/20 couple you made up would be predatory.

    And to you 26/24 point, a nearly fully developed brain and a freshly fully developed brain are much closer than a nearly fully developed brain and one that's been fully developed for over half a fucking century lmao

  18. Now she always liked to party and dance. We met when she was 20 – so I figured she would eventually grow over it like most people do.

    truthfully, it sounds like she was always up front on the type of person she was and you want her to change that for you. this sounds like an assumption you made which has big implications.

  19. He doesn’t give me money first of all. Secondly do you know how much an average lawyer makes at a medium size law firm lmao. I was trying to make a joke When i said i owe him a Ferrari (he takes me out to nice dinners, i always offer to pay)

  20. I also think he is too old to justifiably be doing this shit. Had an ex who did similar stuff with friends that age. Can someone assure me this isn’t normal bros being bros behavior?

  21. You could have stopped him at any point by saying I’m only interested in the project. Or even walked away. I feel bad you feel gross now but you chose to continue this. He made very clear what he wanted, you were in your t-shirt and undies, and said ok to removing clothes if you want to pursue this. He gave you full control to say no right there. At any point you could have said no but you continued with this. It sounds like you have regrets after the fact. Just inform him you feel this was a 1 time thing.

  22. I think you did the right thing. I think any kind of text or calling her would have just got you more involved in their drama. you don't want her to think that you encouraged her husband at all and you don't want to cause a fight. because he'll say he never said that about going to your place and he was never there alone.It's just better to cut them out.

  23. But it's not a “bit much” to call women who are protecting themselves (which is what were always told to do because of men who refuse to stop assaulting us) “invasive, creepy and weird”?

    There are literally laws in place in my country that allow us to check with the police if a partner has a history of abusing their partners. There may not be “proof” he did anything there either, just accusations and police cautions. There very rarely is solid proof they did anything, abusers are very good at not leaving evidence behind. Asking other women for their experience with him is absolutely no different to asking the police. A practice which is lawful and encouraged. They're hardly going to be honest if we ask abusive men ourselves are they.


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