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24 thoughts on “Rachell live! webcams for YOU!

  1. I replied to another comment, but the confusing part is that he puts too much effort in for it to feel like FWB but his actions when we aren’t together tells me that, that is what it is. It’s almost like a double life.

  2. Thats a naked situation, sorry to hear. Unfortunately things don't always work out like. Ddeep into these religious

  3. I agree, it seems super strange that this happened even with her being intoxicated. I just don’t see how she would not instantly be like “get off of me I have a boyfriend” no matter how drunk? Idk. Seems kind of suspicious even if she came clean about the incident the next day. I would def probe a little more like why didn’t she immediately ask him to leave the room or why was he comfortable making a move on her but then deciding to leave cause she’s intoxicated?

  4. Uh, I just responded. I guess I’ll reword?

    It’s not my business, poster doesn’t have to answer. I notice a lot of people lately on comments and posts saying they are on the spectrum when explaining some behaviours or perspectives. I wonder if some of these people are using the term liberally, or if they have actually been diagnosed. If the latter, it doesn’t really matter. If the former, it’s would be problematic for members society to be self diagnosing these disorders without actually having them professionally diagnosed, know what I mean? A formal diagnosis can facilitate the right course of treatment and assistance, as well as understanding. A misdiagnosis can be confusing and jumble these aspects up.

  5. You reacted perfectly. Any person would be blessed for such a supportive person in their life. Amazing work on being so balanced.

    Your honesty made her admit her lies, so she felt guilty at your empathetic response. However, now is the time to put yourself first. Can you even imagine lying about such a thing? She is disgusting. Take some time to see friends and get some fresh perspectives.

    Polyamory allows for rules to be redefined and redrawn. She has used this opportunity to take advantage of the situation, instead of using her own judgement to decide what's right and wrong. So it seems that your boundaries have taken gradual steps down into an unhealthy relationship. If you were monogamous how would you feel about lying and cheating and emotional manipulation (so extreme that you need to seek therapy) ? It's exactly the same with an open relationship. [Respectfully, on a side note: I think it's interesting that you are fine with her having a full relationship with another woman, but not another man. Do you consider this type of relationship to not be as real? That seems to be a common trend. But if it's just a comparison thing, I get that.]

  6. No advice here OP, I just want to wish you the best. I just lost my dad a year ago and I see my mom go through turmoil over it regularly. Its not easy.

    I do think what you are looking for is absolutely possible though. My great grandfather lost his first wife and he did end up with a lady friend who he ended up marrying. Their favorite things to do together were lunch and going to little auctions, sometimes just hanging around the house. They were together for almost 17 years too.

    Best of luck

  7. I think sending them either an email from an address that you don't use or check would probably do the job of cutting contact.

    The email can basically say,


    I am in good health and happy. It has been 8 years of almost no contact, moving far away, making a good life and succeeding and separating from you was a key part of that success. Some of you have made recent attempts to get my info by harassing my friends and coworkers and this is unacceptable. I no longer consider myself a member of your family. Do not try to contact me again.

    Goodbye and have a good life,

  8. Demanding to share locations 24/7 is dangerously close to control and abuse. He doesnt need to do that for you to manage your anxiety.

  9. You need to leave her. You may not be ready to divorce but definitely should separate. Shes most likely cheating and really does not care about you. She thinks she can do whatever and you will still be there. I know divorce is a big step and thats the ultimate recommendation. You may not be ready to take that step but you should at least leave. Either you pack her stuck and put her out or you leave.

  10. At the same time i understand where he's coming from cos you might want to get married with kids, or move to Antartica. Whatever floats ur boat.. We shouldn't be forcing anyone to make a decision straight away but simply saying 'hey this is what id like to do with my life around this period of time and I'm just letting you know ' is a way to make sure the other person is or isnt on your same page. Don't waste people's time but don't say u want to get married to her specifically right now. Say you're interested in the idea of marriage etc etc once you're around the age of X.

  11. There are lots of explanations for your mom’s reaction so don’t jump to any conclusions. It sounds like she’s clearly uncomfortable with your DNA test findings. Could there have been an affair? Yes. Could there have been a sexual assault? Yes. Could one of her parents have been passing as a race that may have made their lives easier in that time and place? Yes. There’s no way to know for sure what exactly happened but if your mom has been traumatized, tread lightly. I’m sure the last thing you want to do is traumatize her any more than she already has been. She has her reasons and whatever those reasons are, they should be respected. How would you feel if you found out that your mom was sexually assaulted and had no choices. Would you really want your father to know about that against her will? It would completely re-traumatize your mom who wanted to lock that piece of her in a dark room never to be brought to daylight. Your parents are still and always will be your parents and they obviously love you. If I were you I’d give it some time and talk with my mom privately. I hope you find your answers. Keep an open mind and cut your mom some slack.

  12. I think he’s under reacted and been complacent enough to the point that this situation is going to be all that much harder to fix than had it been nipped in the bud early on, or relationship boundaries were established and discussed prior to or early in the marriage. He is waay past the point of trying not to be “that guy”. Besides, he already tried not to be “that guy” and she had a fit about it, which was the point of my post. It’s past that point now. Now’s the time to be “that guy” who actually shows his wife he gives enough care about the marriage that he’s willing to speak up when inappropriate things are being done right in front of his face. Sometimes the under reactions, and meek or complacent behavior sends the wrong message to the wife that the husband does not care enough about her to even be bothered to intervene when he should, like in this case. That’s as bad of a message to send as being the overly jealous type if your wife is thinking “He doesn’t care about me, he doesn’t even care if I do go sleep with men, or that a man is constantly here.”

  13. Reminds me of this women I met while working for a pro abortion non profit. She had gotten pregnant early in her marriage and her husband freaked out because he said they weren't ready. Years later he told her he didn't want kids. She's now not of an age where she can still bear children and has gotten a divorce.

    Do what you want. If you feel ready and want a child, I'd have it. Your bf sounds a bit manipulative.

  14. It's like saying how big death toll of covid was.

    It literally killed 7 million people, you absolute ghoul. Ofcourse youre one of those people who deny the absolute undeniable damage it has done. Its been proven that covid caused an overshot in the total expected deaths of any given year. Dirty pisshead, Gtfo

  15. What's the deciding factor? Stay together if he doesn't cheat? Leave if he cheats? Have you gone to therapy yo help you heal from cheating?

  16. In relationships, this is called monkey branching. Platforming sounds better, I guess, much like “alternative facts” sounds better than “lies.”


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