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22 thoughts on “River-Angell live sex cams for YOU!

  1. I have done this and asked him if he’d consider going to the police. But he said there is no way he’d do that, as he doesn’t feel it was actually assault? Since they were both drunk, he didn’t say no and felt like he could have stopped things at any time ?

    I also asked him if he would have forgave me if I’d been the one who this had happened to and he initially said “definitely not”, before changing that answer to yes. Which makes me worried that things were more consensual than he’s making them out to be and I’m just being naive.

    Honestly right now I don’t even recognise who he is, or what is / isn’t a lie. So I have no idea whether what I’m being told is true.

  2. Sometimes, people have to hear the harsh reality of the situation before they can understand what they have created.

    Have a very honest conversation and just spell it out… I can not continue to financially support us. I need you to find a job, any job, and bring some money in. If not, we will be homeless very soon. You don’t have to argue or fight or bring up the wonderful jobs he's already passed up. Just make it very simple. We are going to be homeless if you don't get a job.

  3. I did apologize, I did several times but he didn’t seem to want to hear it. I feel like I ruined my relationship over something stupid and I regret it. I ended up getting sick so I probably wouldn’t have even wanted to go to the new years party, but i wanted to celebrate with him and all our friends. Its not like they were strangers and only his friends. I knew most of them and we all hung out for other holidays.

  4. Because he's likely afraid the paternity test will confirm that it IS his. They don't want this baby to be his, they can on-line in ignorance if the ONS just fucks off and he can go on as if he never procreated.

  5. If he, at 31 years old, still succumbs to peer pressure, he’s too immature to be in a serious relationship and OP would be better served to walk away.

    If he’s never cheated and OP’s only concern is that he slept with prostitutes when he was single, then she putting the cart before the horse and it’s a bit insulting to hold something that someone did while single over their head if they’ve done nothing to warrant that while in a relationship.

  6. Yeah I’m weird for speaking the truth and because I don’t agree w you – Ofc?. Typical..

    Like I keep saying, you sound too young to even have Reddit. You literally sound like a child lmao. Grow up

  7. Are we done? Can you leave me be please?

    Oh fuck off. You posted your opinion and if you don't want to have the conversation then walk away. But you are being highly inappropriate and irresponsible for suggesting any mental health diagnoses for someone you have never met, and you clearly know that because you knew exactly what I was getting at. Now again, fuck off.

  8. What you’ve presented makes your partner seem very selfish. If all other things are equal then you have every reason to expect him to pitch in. But before you take the reactional judgment from this one sided view, I would encourage you to think about if he does anything for you that’s disproportionate.

  9. What do you feel his actions are saying to you?

    To me, they are pretty clearly communicating that he just wants to use you for money and anything else he can get from you.

    There are so many other ways to meet people that are not incarcerated and will not use you. I would move on from this guy

  10. She lied. She wouldn’t do that if she knew she was being tracked.

    i just….do you know this woman personally?? how can you assume that? you’re a genuine psycho in the way your brain works

  11. Yea, you’re 19 and in a relationship with someone that is almost 30! Go enjoy your youth instead and follow those other feelings. You’ll regret being tied down so young and never got the chance to explore.

  12. i’d just be worried about future employment and shit but idk I trust this guy and he sent them to me? mutually assured destruction? and his family would care way more than mine? my parents seen me very hot before?‍♀️ if they get out I’ll claim them as art or something but ofc you are entitled to your own opinion?

  13. Would you mind sharing some of the things the boundary setting has been regarding? It's difficult without that context to know if that's a big thing, but it does sound like the hurt and misplaced anger could have caused a problem.

    BPD, in particular, is something I would recommend bringing up in a counselling session, perhaps, as it can impact relationships. Is she seeing a therapist and such?

  14. This is BS, a paternity test would be needed first. Second, he would have had notice of a hearing and not just received a letter about having to pay child support. Of course, he could have ignored it and these are the consequences.

  15. So. He's got insane anger issues and you're exposing a young child to abusive behaviour. He's mentally unstable, on drugs, booze or all of the above. Nice fella you have there.

    How far does this need to go before you wise up and move out? Black eye or two, split lip? Maybe a nice concussion from being smashed into a wall? Gut punch? Maybe a good old fashioned broken jaw from one b. slap too many? How many more do you need to fill out your ER bingo card before you wise up or become another statistic?

    You and your daughter do not need to walk out of this guy's life. You need to run. Talk to your college advisor. See if friends are able to take you in. Maybe put college on hold for a bit and get a job. Study part-time in the evenings after work. It's harder, but better than a life of this.


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