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30 thoughts on “roseburn the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. It's a little concerning that you're dating someone 8 years older than you and in a different stage of life than you are. 18 to 26 is a pretty significant gap. It can also lead to a power dynamic shift that can be very unhealthy and toxic.

    Her telling you that you're overreacting to being hit in the head (drunk or not) is gaslighting. Alcohol or no alcohol, she hit you. That is abusive. It wasn't a light and playful slap, it was you being whopped in the head.

    I would highly suggest you reevaluate a relationship with someone who tells you that you speaking up against violence against you is “overreacting.” And pay attention to how much power she holds over you in this relationship. It's most likely really not healthy at all.

    PS: If you were both drunk in an empty parking lot, I hope it was within walking distance of your home, because that's also a red flag.

  2. Block her and never be in any contact with her. She's being insane and will dump you for anyone that will out spend you or keep multiple people spending in her

  3. I don’t think you’re the problem necessarily, I just don’t think you guys are compatible.

    Having a truly healthy, commuted partner is the same as having a best friend. Personally, the moment something hilarious or noteworthy happens, my boyfriend is the first to hear about it. Since he’s my best friend, he loves to talk to me, listen, and regularly tell me about his own stuff in detail.

    That’s not to say that you’re wrong for not being a talker- some people are and some people aren’t. In this case, you simply aren’t compatible. She wants you to care about/engage with her day to day life. And you just aren’t interested in that.

  4. Let her leave. Having a baby is taxing to the body, mind and pocket. I hate ultimatums.

    Does she work? What are her plans after having the baby? Would she a a sahm or go back to the workforce.

    You are young and deserve to plan your life how you want to run.

    Clearing your cc debt is the wisest decision you can make.

    It would hurt but she has to go

  5. wwyd if you found out she kissed others while going on dates with you but without a label and met with her ex weeks into dating you?

  6. OP can't kick out her stepson, and her husband obviously won't.

    I just can't wrap my head around how so many people get married without ever discussing what the relationship with the stepchildren will be like.

  7. If you weren’t exclusive, he was free to kiss and date others. He didn’t do anything wrong.

    Perhaps you should start by figuring what about the situation that hurts you, and then figuring out how/what you need to get over the hurt.

  8. Real similar situation with my (now ex) wife. I just knew something was up. One night she went out ‘with friends’ and when I woke up and looked for her, she was nude on the couch.

    Here’s the thing. My (now ex) friend and co worker was kind of obsessing with my wife and I had no idea. I hate saying this, but he was the way more attractive of the two and certainly had his pick of women. My ex had given birth a year earlier and was definitely not in the most attractive phase of her life. But he obviously wanted to hurt me and I think my ex kind of liked the little game they were playing before it got darker.

    Assuming this post is real and the story is accurate, it’s not certain that they’ve had a sexual affair (yet), but she is almost certainly flirting with the idea of it. She met your old friend at the wedding. You weren’t there. She didn’t have you to talk to and he probably has great stories about when you were younger. They dance, he offers to help get her a job. They exchange numbers and start texting about the job. He then gets her the job so now she feels a huge debt towards him. That’s a big thing getting someone a job. Now they’re going out, maybe still just with work friends and he’s there and he’s her friend and it feels nice.

    If it ends there, it’s shitty, but humans are flawed. I don’t think it would be a deal breaker for me if she came clean about what’s happened. If they’re f*ing then you gotta walk away.

    The problem is they work together, so you can’t say they shouldn’t talk. It’s tricky.

  9. Im honestly not getting what I want. He doesn’t like kissing either and isn’t very touchy. I thought he was just slow to catch feelings and would eventually like these things but no.

  10. Yep his own mother favoring his cheating wife must be incredibly painful. Betrayal on top of betrayal. You deserve it.

  11. I find it impossible to miss a connecting flight just because they’re getting food. It could be that they intended to extend their stay in that city together.

    I don’t know you but did you just accept the not many other options excuse if he can stay in a hotel room near the airport? Ask him if the sleeping arrangement with the family friend. Have they shared room or even bed? Was the stay extended over the weekend or just for a night? Check if it’s possible to see when the flight rebooking was made. Was it done after they missed the flight or prior?

  12. It's going to happen. You are not suitable for each other. So either end it, or be roommates for financial and child rearing benefits.

  13. Op don’t let these people change your opinion on your girlfriend. If you truly know your girl and don’t think she’s sleeping with the coworker TRUST YOUR GUT! My partners location was showing up in a shopping store for hours and not texting me which is very unlike him. I was very worried but I was certain he lost his phone considering he’s kinda clumsy lol. But my friends don’t know him like I do and they assumed the absolute worst of him. Yet I was right alllllll along

  14. Thank you so much for this thoughtful response. It helped bring me back down to earth, so to speak, and remind me that adults of the opposite sex can be friends without anything malicious occuring.

    That said, while I don't think an affair is on the docket, I'm struggling with what to do with my feelings about what I am perceiving as a mutual attraction. Obviously, this falls squarely in the 'things I can't control' category, but I'm still wrestling with trying to be a good and trusting spouse and feeling like all they'll do is go 'get their flirt on'.

    Not for you to solve, for sure, just voicing my concerns. Again, really appreciate the thoughtfulness of your response.

  15. It's an incredibly sad and, yes, dangerous thing to do, but you have to think of your health first. If her depression is dragging you down, you need to do whatever you need to do to take care of it. Just let the people close to her know what's going on in case she gets suicidal.

    That said, has she tried transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)? I just finish TMS treatment, and it did wonders for my depression. I went through years of trying one antidepressant after another and nothing worked, but TMS did. It's extremely noninvasive, involves around 30 sessions. You sit in a chair wearing a funky helmet that uses magnets to induce small electrical currents in your brain. And it's extremely safe. It's like jumpstarting the battery on a car.

    Good luck.

  16. What do you mean keep him satisfied so he won’t look elsewhere?

    The mathematics of a threesome with an outside proves he has to look elsewhere to find the third?

    He’s trying to guilt you into it.

    If you absolutely don’t want one then that is totally fine and you should not back down.

    Does he care more about you or getting his dick wet from some strange pussy?

  17. Let your girlfriend make her own choices because she's a grown ass adult and don't give a crap if her parents “don't approve” or are “disappointed” because it's not their lives?

  18. Why aren’t you working on expanding your social circle beyond him?

    When do you decide to take action on that?

  19. NC, they are dysfunctional and your therapist should not be giving you directions….YOu will be sorry in a few years you did this….Go no contact….


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