Salome-Thomson on-line webcams for YOU!

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28 thoughts on “Salome-Thomson on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Hello /u/Alone-Obligation7424,

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  2. My mom has been here since delivery (we’re Asian, and practice “confinement” after delivery). My dad came a couple weeks ago, and double masked on the flight and tested as soon as he got here. My parents and I did not travel anywhere over Christmas and New Year because I wanted to protect the baby from the tripledemic. It was just my husband who was out of town.

  3. You're overthinking. He was your boyfriend for a long time, and you're sleeping together – I think it was just a habit-reaction, a slip of the tongue.

    Don't make A Thing out of it. If he brings it up just say, “Yeah awkward, right? Just habit, no biggie.” and let it go.

    Also, He said it was okay and he doesn’t judge me I should hope not. There's nothing here to 'judge'.

  4. I knew of a woman who was toxic, abusive and violent who has a history of abusing boyfriend to the point they finally break, start screaming back and or breaking stuff. Then she would call the police and do the restraining order routine. The police and courts eventually caught on after she did this with boyfriend number 8 and friends of her getting no harassment orders on her.

  5. No you’re so right, because I am going crazy hearing about him! Setting boundaries is sometimes nude – though necessary:) thank you!

  6. I had a bi bf he was closeted and told him it was ok if he experimented. It just never seemed to be enough he was obsessed with experimenting with men usuallyi f was casual encounters of oral sex like you described.

    But his nonstop obsession, he spent hours sexting or collecting d pics. And sharing them with me but I didn't want them. And I was so over it. Idk if he was sex addicted so much as extremely repressed and now that he was experimenting his closeted sexual urges were insatiable.

    Anyway he's now married with kids. So either he settled down and was fine after experimenting or he is still doing it behind her back.

    Anyway I think if he's closeted and hasn't had a chance to experiment he prob will have a strong urge to do so especially now that he's started. That's just my biased opinion

  7. Definitely save the evidence of this. If she's willing to lie and destroy someone's reputation over a suspected crush, just imagine what she'd be capable of doing to YOU in a divorce.

  8. She is using you as her therapist. It sounds like she has major attachment and self esteem issues and those things won't get fixed through a supportive friend. I agree that it's best to draw a boundary at her dating life. It can be really heavy to listen to this kind of sobbing and self-deprecation. That's why therapists have training and are paid for it. You don't and you're not.

  9. Speak honestly to him about your feelings and I'm sure he will pressure you of his love for you. I think you need reassurance.

  10. It’s weird that you somehow think you’re a good friend to her while shaming her for her sexuality.

  11. It’s such a ridiculous premise though. He’s going for round two to make her shit more grammable.

    i can’t even begin to comprehend living with shit like that. My wife and i had a nothing wedding that came after a nothing proposal (she proposed to me while i was trying to get some unit tests out of the way). Then we went to europe for a month. We kept taking pictures of us proposing to each other, proposing to inanimate objects, proposing to elderly people in the park. We “proposed” with anything we could find that was donut shaped (i proposed to so many trains and she kept proposing to loads of old lady bathroom attendants). Fucking have fun, stop worrying about how scenic shit is.

  12. sounds like he is using you as a place to stay free.

    He has other bills, isn't paying rent, but decides to go play instead.


  13. Break up with him, and if he does in fact make your life a living hell, escalate it legally if it makes logical sense and/or talk to your landlord to get out of the lease. You can't feel unsafe in your own home. Good luck.

  14. If she can't even give you a good reason the answer is absolutely no. Also, her word that she won't tell means absolutely nothing. To be fair, even if she did call the cops, simple assault isn't THAT bad and if you have it in writing that she asked you to do it I can't see a prosecutor actually trying to go forward with it. Unless, of course, you accidentally hit too nude or she hits her head and gets REALLY hurt or potentially dies. Seems like a bad idea and not worth the trouble.

  15. Your bf is either an obnoxious immature jerk who should not be in an adult relationship or he is doing some pua style negging and should be ditched faster than a sack of maggot infested potatoes that stink.

    Plenty of more reasonably behaved and compatible single guys in the dating sea. Good luck!

  16. If you were working for a great company, one that you loved and believed in, but they wouldn't pay you, would you stay or go?

    You need the money. You think it sounds selfish, but it's not. It's a valid need. Same with sex and intimacy.

    If the time hasn't come in 4 years, it's never going to come.

  17. two years and you cant let something go…well then let the person go and move on, you wont have to think about it as much…What does your therapist say to do, as they are the best positioned to help you and not people on the internet? ps zero request for advice.

    I panic like this, I jump to a break up, I say crazy things, I block him. Then regret it.

    have your therapist give you some new 'tools' to stop this.

  18. Well, I have been blackout drunk many times in my life, and I have never accidentally had sex with someone. I’m so sorry this is happening, especially right before a holiday. The best and only thing to do, really, is wait for the storm to pass and take care of yourself in the meantime. Try not to stress about deciding whether to talk to your Mom or not. Just let a few days pass and then pick things up when you aren’t feeling as overwhelmed. Best of luck

  19. First things first, I'd find the person who gave your father your address on the side and sever all ties immediately.

    Secondly, I would consider moving house and threatening them with stalking and harassment – getting a restraining order.


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