Sammigrey on-line sex chats for YOU!

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15 thoughts on “Sammigrey on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. You’re not entitled to friendship after you break up. If anything it’s better to not be friends with someone you were previously involved with. It’s not her being difficult it’s her closing a chapter in her life and moving on. Plus you rejecting her could’ve hurt her and being friends would’ve dig deeper into that wound. Honestly you need to do some self reflecting and maturing, she handled it like a champ.

  2. Thank you so much for this thoughtful reply. You've given me a lot to think about. I've read the 18 signs you posted and they do indeed apply. I'll certainly see a psychologist myself, that's an excellent idea.

    And thank you, I'll be sure to let you know if I have any questions ?

  3. Find an article about a celebrity's engagement ring and start a convo with your girlfriend like “look how ugly/expensive/weird/unusual this engagement ring is” and then try to subtly steers the conversation to her tastes

  4. I sent her the link to this post so she can see all the advice others give her. I’ve been trying to give her advice for awhile now, but she wanted an unbiased opinion from others. Thank you!

  5. You've got two options. Either you end your relationship and pursue something with Ryan, or you and Ken figure out together what's missing in your relationship and work through this as a team.

  6. “And the truth shall set you free.” What do you think happens if you were to kiss her and she notices that you have no idea what you’re doing? She either would know that you lied or you suck at kissing and in both situations you’ll lose her.

  7. Reddit is not the place to get answers about this. It’s skewed against trans people and all the complexities being trans comes with.

    He kept something from you and that’s not okay. But it’s a lot more complicated than that. You need to check in with yourself and read up on this from other people with trans partners.

    You may be more open to this than you realize and have just been blindsided. Think about how much you care for him and what matters most. If that means splitting, that’s okay. But the answer doesn’t have to be break up. Strap ons exist, for starters. Bottom surgery is not a necessity.

    You’re both very young. I hope you handle this with an open mind and open heart.

  8. If you’re putting girlfriend in quotes, you need to just stop interacting with her and move on

  9. Racist comments: I told him if I was old then he should be in a grave and he said my comment was childish. I begin to say if I’m so old at what age should men want date me at 19??? And he’s saying comments like men are always in their prime no matter what age and ideally don’t make sense because why date a man a lot older when men do die before women and I would want to raise a child together. Then he started being racist saying well statistically the number reason for black men dying is heart problems because black women nag and nag all the time making them have heart attacks and die. Which the reasoning was complete bs. Regardless of race if your with someone who bags all the time that’s your choice. He stated I’m just saying satitics then he began being racist towards white men saying if someone is kidnapped what color pops up in your mind. I clearly stated I don’t see a color I see an obsessive crazy person that would kidnap someone he continued to say that’s not what I’m thinking and not what pops up in my head I’m thinking too much into it. I watch true crime all it takes is a crazy person to do that not a race.

  10. I have a feeling that all your “talking about it” ends with him saying what he thinks you want to hear, and not changing his views at all. Because it isn't a main focus in his life, he's fine with giving you the answer you want to get the annoying discussion to stop.

  11. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I (F36) have always felt like I’m much much more invested in my relationship than my boyfriend (M33) is.

    We’ve been dating for just over a year. He is a workaholic and also very keen on having his own “me” time. I’m the same most of the time, however, I have expressed frustration at times that we don’t see each other more often and that we never really do anything together except have dinner once or sometimes twice a week. He will seldom stay over and when he does stay over, he will be out of my front door before 7 am the next morning to go work on his hobby projects. I barely ever see him in the daytime. In general, I’ve always felt like I’m putting 10x more time and effort into the relationship than he does (stupid I know). If there is a crisis of any sort, you can trust him to completely disappear.

    For obvious reasons, I’ve totally given up on the idea that this will ever become a serious relationship. The situation actually suits me great, because (as of the past six months or so) I suddenly have a lot of stuff going on in my life, meaning I don’t really have much time for a “full on” relationship anyway. In other words, I am quite happy to doddle along in this not-quite-relationship for now.

    Anyway, a couple of days ago, out of the blue, he totally lost his sh*t with me because I haven’t begged for him for marriage and children?! Apparently getting married and having children is now a must have for him and it needs to happen ASAP?!?

    I asked him why he has had a change of heart to make this relationship serious all of a sudden. He got really offended saying he thought it was always serious?! To be clear, I have to basically beg to see him for even an hour a week and now he is angry that I haven’t suggested marriage and kids to him??

    TLDR; BF puts almost zero effort and time into relationship and I barely ever see him, but now suddenly wants marriage and kids. And he is angry that I haven’t “asked for it yet”.

    Should I just run? It feels like I’m being manipulated somehow, but not sure why or how.

  12. I'm glad you're leaving. I'm just curious, is he taking the 4 yo with him on this trip or does he expect you to take care of his child while he's gone?


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