Serenityxoxo live webcams for YOU!

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16 thoughts on “Serenityxoxo live webcams for YOU!

  1. Never ever move in with someone until they’re finished with their schooling, there’s a graveyard filled with dead relationships that women have walked away from once they finish their graduate school and lived for free for years

    You’re not married, stop playing house where she gets everything she wants and you’re stressed out from the burden and there’s no guarantee she sticks around

    Get your career going, get your money sorted then revisit this in a few years when she’s done and you’ve got yourself on stable ground

  2. I'm being pedantic here, but that would be positive punishment (adding something undesirable to decrease a behavior). Still abusive either way!

  3. That phrasing of “making it up to her” and “can use his hands for an extra couple weeks” along with the overall tone has me skeptical that was the commentor's intention. Also that it was a separate commentator and not OP saying it. When I hear “no sex until they make it up to you” that feels transactional.

    It feels less like that commentor was trying to be reassuring/supportive of OP in telling her that and more that she was angry on OP's behalf (which is fine but again if the implication was to withhold sex and intimacy as a “punishment' for weeks then that isn't helpful. Not saying that isn't a possibility, but it doesn't read to me that way given the totality of circumstances.

    I absolutely agree that she shouldn't force herself to have sex if she is legitimately uncomfortable and that comment is weighing on her. (Though if that discomfort legitimately lasts weeks to months for that comment then I think there are bigger issues in their relationship. I don't know how reasonable that is)

  4. Its clear to me that OPs parents will not allow her to have both an inter-cultural relationship and a parent-child relationship.

    Its shitty, but OP has to decide which one she wants.

    Good people who you have a connection with don't grow on trees. If she allows her parents to drive this one away, she should keep her dating within her parents' range of acceptability to save potential future people the hassle and heartbreak.

  5. Woah I woke up to this … not ignoring anyone but wow. First of all, thank you everyone for their comments. I’m taking each one of them in.. whether or not there is context which I’ll give a bit below .. it’s still good for me to process and I’m learning. So thank you, but some of ya all maybe take a chill pill.

    I don’t do this for social media … I barely even touch my social media. I do this for learnings. I live in San Diego and I’ve always been “afraid” to venture out. Being that it’s 30 min away it was my first start to do something outside of my zones. I was very sheltered.

    I’m a caretaker. I’ve gone more than one day in the past before. I like to go on these “one day trips “ too because yes while many of you stated it’s good for other “ one day” volunteers. It’s a good start for them to see beyond what they normally see. Come back & help more. And yes we donate. Food. School supplies. Clothing. Etc. I’m not going to get in it anymore than that and prove anything.

    The whole post was to point out the differences between my view of “safety” and his. And my view of not needing to ask “permission “ or “consulting “ and his. I’ve been in emotionally abusive and controlling relationships in past. And I may be, just triggered and overreacting ( as is he as he reads the news everyday .. ).

    I’ll always trying to learn and get better. I recognize I’m not always “right” but I do have good intentions.

  6. It was very selfish of your bf to keep this from you for an entire year.. that’s not fair.

    I’d understand the fear of rejection and hesitation in telling someone new at the start of a new relationship but lying about it for an entire year is low.

    You’ve taken it very well considering but just remember you have every right to feel uncomfortable or however you want to feel about this – take a break to figure out how you both feel before proceeding

  7. Stand up for yourself and tell her if she can't figure out what it is that she did wrong in this situation, you'll be the one filing for divorce.

  8. Seriously. My husband is a foot taller and over a 100lbs more than me and he’s never laid a hand on me let alone left a mark. This is not normal. OP don’t stay in this relationship. You have requested him to be more gentle and he ignores these boundaries. Please know you deserve to be respected and cared for in a relationship.

  9. She literally could just be making this up for all you know. You tell her she either reveals or source or you're through, and that going forward she will be straight with you as you are with her

  10. OP, this man choked you and you're here talking about his therapy sessions?! People who choke their partners KILL them. It is literally the number one predictor of that.

    Abusers use therapy against their partners, not as some way to change. You can already see him doing that. Not that you should stay anyway, but just if you're wondering…HE WILL NOT CHANGE.

    This man is not safe. You need to form a safe exit plan. Do not let him know you are leaving, because he still stop you, with force.

    OP, please take the replies to this comment seriously, because this man might kill you if you stay. He will not change.


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