Sevarasi live! webcams for YOU!

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22 thoughts on “Sevarasi live! webcams for YOU!

  1. It says a lot that you care still and it’s always understandably very hot to end a relationship when you still care for someone. Good luck

  2. Something like this exists? Well dayum, that's good to know. I wish I had some gold to give you for that info but unfortunately I don't have any.

  3. Hello /u/ThrowRApplePaella,

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  4. I was in a prop abusive relationship where I was constantly torn apart. My husband helped me get out as well. However, he and I joke all the time. He has helped me heal by telling me am I being ridiculous when I tear myself down. He has called me an idiot when I am taking emotional burdens that are not mine. Here is why it works, because I hear the love in his voice. You can relax a little. Let your husband be your husband. Let h express his love, and frustrations, and all emotions with you. Don't take his emotions from him. Let him continue to love you. You need therapy to deprogram the abusive and reactions, or it will deteriorate this relationship.

  5. Yes okay but let’s be real. She’s 35! The latest women can usually have children and not have some serious repercussions is like 42 and that’s pushing it. So you’re telling me, she’s going to break up, find a new man who wants to marry her and let alone have children in a very few short years. All while being totally broke unable to support herself. Yeah right. Oh, we also assume this mystery man can and wants to support a woman, himself and these kids? The chances are pretty slim in my eyes.

  6. There’s therapy for everything! I’m sorry you had to go through all of that.

    Deep breaths!! Take a few days and just focus on yourself.

  7. Yes, it's very fast. u became deeply involved b4 u got to know him. U came out of an abusive relationship and u prob were hurting so u jumped into another, but chances are the relationship u are in is also abusive. We have a tendency to be attracted to the same personality type from one relationship to another, meaning we psychologically need to finish what was broken. If u step back and look closely what are the similarities in this relationship? U feel happy bc it is new, and prob feel comfortable bc of the similarities of this relationship to ur last. He may look different, talk different smell different but chances are he is the same.

    I came out of a long-controlled abusive relationship, and I then jumped into another bc there was deep sexual attraction, she was different in many ways but was the same. Once the newness wore off, both of our past relationship issues came out, the issues of my/our past came forward. We needed to fix ourselves first b4 we got involved in another relationship. I went into therapy to fix the issues from my past as she did also. We parted ways but on a good note.

    We can't fix broken past relationships with new ones, we need to fix ourselves first otherwise we just keep repeating the same pattern.

  8. He says you're too much? You're too young to deal with that controlling and hypocritical mess. Get yourself a guy that sees you as just enough, one who wholeheartedly celebrates your muchness and embraces it

  9. Is he upset more that you and your brother slept in the bed together or that your brother was in your shared bed at all, with or without you there?

    In any case, he's overreacting on this to a startling and concerning degree, especially given that you gave him different pillows to use and you changed the sheets entirely.

    I will admit that I wouldn't love if my husband told me his sister slept in our bed with him one night, but ONLY because I don't love the idea of someone else sleeping in our bed, period, not because I think there's anything sick going on between my husband and his sister or anything awful like that – I just view that bed as my/our personal space, that's all. If they shared a bed in a hotel room or elsewhere, whatever, who cares.

    But I certainly wouldn't react anything like this, not at all.

    In your case, it doesn't even seem clear from your post what his actual issue even is. Outside of this incident, how does he get along with your brother?

    He needs to talk to you rationally about what his real problem is here rather than just calling you names and getting angrier at every single part of this. Therapy may be needed – ASAP. Best of luck to you, truly.

  10. He gets off work around like 5 and then either goes skating or like picture taking. He’ll still text me but made it clear that 9 is the earliest he can do. I’ve offered to join him in skating and he agreed but that’s never happened and I fear of pestering him to take me

  11. This is seriously immature not sure I would want a long term thing with him anyway. I agree time to say good bye

  12. You choose to have a child, so your fu… job was to provide for his. He owns you nothing.


  13. The boys mother is not really in the picture anymore and based on OPs replies he will be trying for custody.

    So yeah he kinda did just decide on his own but I understand this child is in need of a stable home life.

    Both he and his ‘possible soon to be ex wife’ both agree the child deserves his father, but she can’t bring herself to stay with someone that has children outside of her.

  14. yeah, i figured women went through it a fair bit, hence the question. These feelings genuinely came out of nowhere. People would always ask if we were dating, and I'd always say no, she's like my cheeky sister. I think knowing that it was never going to go anywhere I'd tried to gently reduce contact, but her messaging me, hanging out etc was getting a bit difficult, so thats when I said that we might need to see each other less because I was starting to like her a bit too much. I basically needed her to work with me on the not seeing each other so much. However now its happening im definitely feeling terrible! -I guess knowing that she's with someone else isnt helping things either!

  15. I don't think he is. At least I hope. It's more the thought that he might see me as an attractive woman first and his daughter second. I'm afraid he is sexualizing me… even though I do know it's probably my mind going too far.

  16. Children's brains are like sponges. They will absorb the good and the bad. If your situation with your parents is a constant source of stress, that will affect your child. My parents have been arguing for over 50yrs. I told my sisters several years ago to try to minimize the amount of time they spend around them.

  17. Yeah, really. OP is trying to paint herself as a victim in this update, when it's her dumbass self, pride, and need to “one up” her friends that caused everything…. and put her BF in a sexual position he was uncomfortable in.

    She needs a half dozen shrinks, to deal with this much crazy.


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