Sharlin live! sex chats for YOU!

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11 thoughts on “Sharlin live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. I find it very weird being intimate with someone you friend has been with. Like they’ve seen your friend hot and shared bodily fluids or might have even said i love you etc. At the end of the day you can’t stop them from doing things but you can express your feelings to your friend and be prepared for the friendship to potentially end if you can’t come to terms

  2. OP I divorced my shitty cheating ex-husband after eight years together and felt the exact same way you're feeling. I felt so defeated and like I would never be able to trust ever again. I got married again this winter to a man whose loyalty I never even think to question. He acts like I hang the moon and stars in the sky and am the best damn thing ever, even when I'm no bra, holey t-shirt, morning breath nasty. I never thought someone like him could exist. He also went through an awful abusive relationship where he was cheated on constantly. Being a cheating rancid sack of garbage is definitely not the norm.

  3. Want a weird fix?

    You say fuck it. I am going to give this guy the best reletionship possible. You do such a good job at it where it would be laughable if he was to cheat on you.

    You make it so it would become his loss, not yours.

    That way if it does ever happen, you can brush it off and take your premium reletionship to someone who deserves it.

  4. i have always always always, ever since i was in high school, been completely against freshman/ senior relationships in high school. 14 vs 18 is entirely different. he used his higher status as an older kid in school to influence you into thinking he’s cool and jump on you as soon as you turned 18.

  5. I don’t expect to be given the benefit of the doubt for something I may not have done, when I’m asking for advice and opinions on what I have. As kind as your words are, they’re more hopeful than a herald for what lies ahead for me on this post.

    I guess I should have made it more clear that I’m not upset at what he chose to do, just the double standard at play.

    Yes, it’s always easier to help people with their problems than confront your own, I understand that. But we have never shied away from the truth with each other, whether it was what we wanted from in life, our past, our hope for the future or what we expect from each other.

    I guess I chose to be angry rather than confront the sadness that my partner who saw me struggle with the same issue he was facing chose to let me do it alone and feel like I was some sort of aberration than go through it with me.

    I chose to put this out on Reddit, I can’t chose what people have to say about it.

    Choices are everything, they make us and they break us.

  6. if you were in heavy make out and your penis got hot, i think you should be fine. my wife once text me “go home right away after the game finished, im horny” and i get a nude on.

    most times real person has bigger effect than porn.

  7. It sounds like you need to have a direct, frank convo about it. Let him know you support him 100% if he is struggling right now but you need to know if he’s just wanting to pull away from you and that’s okay if so. Dating is all about figuring out if the 2 of you can problem solve and communicate together. This is a good test.

  8. there are airplugs for sleeping , maybe you could try that as for the light issue you could wear one of those eye masks


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