Shy-murai online sex cams for YOU!

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11 thoughts on “Shy-murai online sex cams for YOU!

  1. If she has 6 years to live!, at least they’ll be 6 better years without that piece of shit in her life

  2. No, not a sexual thing. He has a crush on her and has for years. He’s trying to play the good guy bc he’d “never date his friend’s ex “. /s

    He’s playing the long game. Waiting for her to realize he’s the one or grow old enough to settle for him. So no, nothing sexual now but just wait.

  3. You end the relationship and move on. He has shown you who he is and will continue to be the cheater he is. Believe him. He is just following his dads footsteps.

    Do you want to spend the rest of your relationship wondering with whom he is communicating, who is he seeing when not with you?

  4. I brought up how I felt and he apologized for how he approached the conversation. He still want me to include my father though

    That's not an apology. That's “I still demand you do what I want no matter the cost to your own mental health, but since it seems like you're starting to get second thoughts about marrying me I'm going to dial back the aggressiveness a tiny bit, temporarily, until I've got you stuck with me. Then I will run your life.”

  5. Oh girl, if he was my friend I'd tell him to break up with you because that just seems like way too much drama down the line.

  6. A lot of couple have this battle. It’s fixable. He needs to be self aware and he needs to grow up. Want to have big boy sex and make big boy babies then it’s time to be a big boy.

    1 video games = relationship killer. 2 his mommy probably did everything for him. If this is the case your husband doesn’t know how to do anything. 3 – starting thinking of everything, including money, as “ours.” You’re married!! You eliminate so many arguments when everything is “ours”

    He has to want to be a partner. So a few things here. He isn’t going to get sexy time with you when he’s playing video games all night. He has to know when and when not to play. He needs to pick, with you helping, 2 night per week to play.

    Make a big chore chart and list them all and who does what. If he doesn’t know how to do something – show him. He will discover that most of them take 10 min or less and the more he does the more time you have for sexy time.

    You need to realize the power you hold. Think of it like this. You own the most valuable piece of real estate in the world to him, but he doesn’t get to visit this land without being the partner you need. Picking up what I’m laying down? He ever bitch when he’s trying to get it on and you say you’re tired?? Well, you wouldn’t be so tired if his ass helped out more.

    By learning and doing the chores daily he is developing habits. Good habits.

    Lastly, be a fucking husband and father. The worst feeling he will even have is knowing his wife resents him.

    I was this dumbass in my 20’s. I have 2 babies and played call of duty all night and slept downstairs often. I was a terrible partner. One night I was watching basketball and my wife came downstairs with a baby in her arms asking for help. I said “but the game is on.” Her face and her reaction changed me. I knew right then and there I needed to be better. I turned off the game, I have only played call of duty with my now teenagers a handful of times, and I make sure I get shit done around the house.

    My life has been pretty kickass since then. My wife actually kind of likes me now ?

    A lot of this is maturity, but I can tell you that if he wasn’t raised to do a lot of housework then he truly doesn’t understand. It’s overwhelming and he doesn’t even know where to start.

    Go hang out with your family or friends for a night or two and leave him alone with the kids. Tell him laundry needs done and whatever else – it is truly an eye opening experience. My wife still talks about how I was like “holy shit this is a lot.” You can’t appreciate something until you know how nude it is to do.

  7. You are totally right. If you love the person, get out right now so you can find yourself again and properly love the person


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