SiraVango on-line sex chats for YOU!

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28 thoughts on “SiraVango on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Personally, I think it depends on the gathering size. All the times my friends and I played cards, there were at least 6 other guys there sometimes more. He’s not going hang out with his cousin. He’s hanging with other guys and interacting with them. Or maybe have him talk to the other guys to get them to stop inviting him. Now any gathering that has minimal attendance in which he will have to have in depth interaction is a no go.

  2. You put a firm boundary in place that you will no longer tolerate her mind games, and a second boundary that you won't tolerate her disrespecting you and your relationship by entertaining another man's interest. And that the next time she entertains his interest you are ending it.

  3. No.

    Having a college degree doesn’t not matter in a relationship.

    It only enforces trust of employers and customers.

    Not being “useless, unreliable, and untrustworthy” matters in a relationship.

  4. No, off course not. I had a master but lost it to my husband during a chess game… He still loves me now he does have a master and I don't.

  5. You don't think it will break the relationship but I think it will if she is timid and shy. Instead you should spice up your love life with her first before bringing other people. You could also look into swingers clubs near you and see if that's something she might consider but that's after she gets more comfortable talking and doing other things that will spice it up.

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  7. Listen, just hear me out. I need you to understand that, even with or without you realizing it, the moment she told you she cheated your behavior changed. Because you're feelings changed, and it more than likely is showing itself. Trust me I've got a lot of experience unfortunately. You may not notice it but trust me, she did. I understand yes this is a bad time, but you need to understand your only hurting her and yourself by putting on this false charade, that let's be honest, your more than likely not even good at (you seem like an average human).

  8. It has been a merry-go-round of issues: in the first week of December, she expressed that her “reputation is so ruined” the only way out is killing herself. I took her to a behavioral health center (same place I've taken a suicidal friend in the past) and they said in order to take her in so late at night was if she was referred from an ER. I took her there, and she came out with a pamphlet about depression in minors. She 'passed' the mental health evaluation, probably because she didn't mention any of her delusions. Also, she's not a minor. We went back home, defeated.

    A few days later, I took her in to the county behavioral health center and was able to sit in on her visit with the clinician and provide additional context. They scheduled her two appointments (one with a psychiatrist, one with a therapist) and she went to those in mid-December. I assume they didn't jump to treatment options since they were the first visits. The next ones are scheduled in the first week of January. Hopefully they can provide therapy and medication.

  9. Honestly, my husband has eaten my or my kids' leftovers… and it has ruined our day, too. My hibachi grill steak leftovers from Christmas Eve ended up in the wrong car, and I am still sad. You have a little extra saved, you feel like it's an unexpected win, then somebody with no understanding of your saving it just eats them.

    You didn't do it on purpose, but it really sucks. Always ask before eating someone's leftovers, and maybe get your partner a little something special and say sorry.

  10. You could have grown a spine and left your husband if you were unhappy, but nope, you had to cheat. And now you're dragging your kids into a mess, I truly fear for them. I hope your wonderful musician is not a pedo creep, which he could totally be and you wouldn'tknow becausethey can mask their usual behaviour for 2-3 years without cracking.

    We will find out in 3-5 years I guess. But yeah, not leaving before cheating makes you the kind of people I rather dislike.

  11. Silica will dry your weed too much and it will affect quality ( terpenes) You don't want it that dry. They sell humidity packs that maintain a certain humidity in your jar (60%) that's perfect for storage and maintains quality and potency

  12. Hmm, go get an STI test, also don't just believe they're 'return to our app' notifications. I get those kinds of notifications on installed apps for games I haven't played for a while, not apps I deleted or uninstalled.

    I admit I don't use a Pixel, but a Samsung Galaxy S series phone, but I would expect Android platform phones to all kind of work in a similar fashion.

    Honestly, it's down to your instincts. How long you've been together, how trustworthy he is, if you've ever caught him telling lies… is there a pattern that indicates he is or isn't trustworthy?

  13. We’ve both made it very clear before that sexual stuff is not okay when one of us is asleep as I’ve made it clear many times I can’t consent while I sleep. I’ve been sexually assaulted in my sleep before

    he just assaulted you again. don't tolerate it and end things with him.

  14. Alright no need to be mean here, I came asking for advice on how or if to approach it. I obviously don’t want to hurt his feelings that’s why I haven’t brought it up.

  15. She tried to treat you like another one of her children, surprised Pikachu face when she saw that you could just drive away.

  16. Keep an eye on them, request open phone/social policy. She seems to keep her stuff together so far (being honest and not sexual) but who knows what may happen in the future if she continues.

  17. He’s now told you who he is: BELIEVE HIM. This is a big red flag and a sign of future and present abuse. I (62F) advise that you learn the lesson about yourself this has to teach you and get on with your life; without him. Much love to you. You can do better by just being without a partner if this is all you find. Love yourself most!

  18. To clarify, I laid this out because wasn't sure if I was over-thinking things or if an 8 year age gap was acceptable. I was never trying to validate it or force him to grow up faster.

    Regardless, thanks for your input. I'll put aside those feelings and tell him that I'd rather we remain friends and that he should find someone closer to his age.

  19. I think people don't use “it's the thought that counts” correctly. There does need to be some kind of thought there for it to count.

    If I buy someone a blue scarf because I know they like blue and I know they wear scarves, and it isn't quite right for some reason, they still hopefully feel appreciated because I knew their favorite color and their style.

    If I buy a gift card for a steak house for a vegan, I've put absolutely no thought into it.

  20. Come on. Also, at 40 years old, midlife crisis probably, it’s common as well. Either way, I think you should move on. Good luck.


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