Sonya the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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Sonya, 21 y.o.


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27 thoughts on “Sonya the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. The amount of times I have had to convince a man that I DIDNT enjoy oral and not to try… like dude just take my word for it yeah? I know what i like

  2. Maybe if people didn't weaponize the metoo culture ruining peoples lives over he said she said, then people wouldn't call you toxic.

  3. You need to leave your dude. If he hasn't changed that after that conversation then he's just that type of individual. Especially if he's in his late 20s

  4. Hello /u/__joculator__,

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  5. The Baby is less than 2 weeks old. If this was a kid around 10 I'd understand but the baby hasn't even gone 2 full weeks! Has MIL said anything to you? It's not sustainable to take a baby to his mother's everyday!

  6. To be fair, she isn't seeing other people; she made it clear she wanted to see me exclusively after our third date, which I agreed to. Part of me wonders if things I've said in ignorance about my exes has made her feel the need to fire back.

    I was worried about the ED thing but it's not an issue personally. I know I'm more than capable at pleasing people and if anything this is her hang-up. I can't change the size of my dick so it's not really worth worrying about.

  7. I'd move out if i could, but it's not feasible. What's worse is I'm unemployed and he works from home. I've tried not hanging, but I give in each time.

  8. I think that last question is exactly what she is wrestling with. From what she tells me he has begrudgingly altered some things but hasn’t fully grasped what she needs from him to be happy.

  9. So, quick question, what have YOU done in the past year and a half? Have you made changes too? Or do you just like to complain?

  10. I read your comment where he says that the pleasure of it's the most important aspect to it for him. While maybe he had a fantasy of rape or at least having sex with someone who could not stop him from doing whatever he wanted. Obviously he did not use any kind of lubricant and or unless he sodomized you. Or both. But in any case he didn't forget. He just was the selfish bastard, either was super horny and didn't give a crap that you were passed out or saw his chance to do whatever he wanted and took it. He probably figured you wouldn't remember in the morning if you woke up cuz you were so drunk. You should probably get a medical exam just to make sure everything's okay and possibly see a therapist for a few sessions just to get out any residual feelings you have or will have later on all of this especially if you end up breaking up.

  11. Well, you know if he goes and she goes – she is gonna try something. And if they are all on vacation and drinking – ugh I just wouldn’t want that to happen.

  12. So you were actively trying to get pregnant for 2 years – which having unprotected sex is – and then he is surprised that you got pregnant? This is a decision you have to make for yourself. Act like he won't be there emotionally, paternally or financially because he most likely won't. If you are ready in every way to be a single mom to two kids then you shouldn't have any issues keeping the pregnancy.

  13. Why would a 43 year old man be interested in a 23 year old woman?

    That's the value you have in his eyes. He's keen you don't get any ideas of independence.

    You're a possession to him. Find someone who values you.

  14. He already said he was cutting him off. Do you want him to risk getting arrested and having an assault record? Trying to hype him up to go attack someone because in a drunken stupor you decided to confront this guy and snatch his glasses off his face and act belligerent.

    This is shit I’d expect from high school age kids.

  15. Well, he blocked you, so there’s nothing left to do, right? He sounds either too unstable or too wrapped up in himself to try to pursue anything serious.

  16. Brilliant, you the assume the blame for the relationship ending and work,on yourself and she gets a pass! Brilliant!

  17. Don't be passive. Don't wait to see what develops. Your marriage is the most important treasure you have. Defend it. Many of the other commenters have suggested how, with many different implicit assumptions. Only you can decide which path is correct and command your defense.

    However doing nothing seems like a bad option. The trajectory you described is not good. It may not be a problem now, but if you do nothing it seems likely to become a problem. Marriage is not a steady state that that once achieved requires no sustainment. It must be constantly refreshed, rebuilt and defended. Don't take it for granted.

    My own sense: (1) It is not acceptable for a married person to go out for a drink alone with a colleague of the opposite sex, and your wife shouldn't have dropped that fact when telling you. I don't think this is an unreasonable boundary to set. However, there seems to be a generational difference on this. I've (62M) been with the same woman for forty years and I'm pretty sure she'd be furious if I did that, and I can't imagine her doing it. Millenials will use their favorite vocabulary and call me “insecure,” “manipulative” and “controlling,” but I'm still married to a woman I love and many of them are divorced. This boomer's OK.

    (2) My sense is that the dying bedroom is a symptom, not the problem. Therefore toys and tricks in the bedroom won't solve it.

    (3) There are too many tragic stories on Reddit that start out with the story you just told. I often think when reading them, “why didn't you do something to defend your marriage when you could, before it was too late?” Make your ending different.


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