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3KSunny |, y.o.
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To Start live video press there
Sunny |, y.o.
Room subject:
To Start live video press there
20 years? 20 YEARS?! Idk how you have done this for 20 years. Also, the fact that his poop clogs the toilet 2x a month is concerning for his health. 20 years?!?!?!?
What do you think the intention of sending private messages are? Like he knows he doesn’t stand a chance in getting a response from these women.
I was adding onto your comment for OP with an “and” because I agree with the train for thought. Not an uncommon approach on reddit
First of all why are you dating a girl who's 8 years older than you? lol.
Man, you can do what you want but I wouldn't have even entered a relationship with her. The fact that she's having lunch with a dude who she has banged is just weird, move on my man. You can do much better.
It’s gonna happen – we all know. I still foresee a marriage between them lmao
We would have only got few thousand each so it is not even worth it to take to court. And I kind of just want to tell my other family members so they know the kind of person she is because this is beyond frustrating.
Seriously lol. “Babe, you knocked the armrest right into my balls again”
Exactly, which is why I'm concerned that so many people here are giving the advice to tell the wife. There are real life consequences outside the reddit bubble. I really hope OP is seeing the comments below those advocating for it who are pointing out the very real dangers of doing so.
You say this:
I’ve been talking to for 3 months
And then this:
We’re supposedly official and have been exclusive for awhile
I don't even know how that works. If somebody told me they were exclusive for “awhile,” I'd think “ok, 6 months minimum, but probably a year or two.”
And this:
We’re supposedly official
Supposedly? You are “supposedly” exclusive? Three months tops in a relationship in which you think you are exclusive. And he is already saying he wants your children?
It definitely makes sense to make sure you are both on the same page about wanting to have children as early in the relationship as possible. But 3 months is hardly enough time for somebody to be able to know that they want to have YOUR children. Assuming that this was a response to one of your questions: I think you are moving a little too fast with some of your questions.
She is plaobably sleeping around bro. She's being way too shady.
Did she say specifically because of the crying? Maybe it’s because you shut down? There could be some cumtural differences that maybe this isn’t acceptable in Sweden, but in the States I don’t think people would typically respond like she did.
It's not easy to get a vasectomy either. Men also been turned away because “they're young and might change they're mind”
I'm also not trying to downplay woman getting they're tubes tied I'm not saying it's painful either.
But I'm seeing it as if simple and easy when it's not especially when it comes to the success rate. Tube tied has a much higher success rate than vasectomy. And while yes I get vasectomy are reversible doesn't mean they'll Will be successful
Lots of people can have trouble staying stimulated in a relationship for sure, but people with ADHD can be especially difficult because they get bored even easier.
If you see it happening in every single relationship it’s worth at least checking.
Is this the first time she's done something like this? If so I'd let it go. It's her sister whom she doesn't see much .. you can tell her you're bummed you didn't get to hang but I wouldn't over think it
Walk out and never go back. This type of controlling unreasonable jealousy never gets less. It ALWAYS escalates
If your first reaction after 7 years is to call your gf disgusting after a concerning change in her behavior, I’m afraid you’ve got bigger problems and one of them might be you. Something is clearly going on here and she needs your support right now. Try having a mature sit down conversation with her about WHY she’s suddenly stopped brushing her teeth at night?
I don’t think you have any reading comprehension skills lmao
66 is absolutely not elderly. Most people are still working at 66!
Tell him you’ll give him an invitation when all the back child support is paid up.
Either he doesn't pay up and doesn't get an invitation.
Or he does pay up, attends your graduation, and you freeze him out the whole time.
Mine were 1 and 3. He was an addict and he basically does not exist.
These are all important points, OP. I never had a support network and it was hot. Plus, staying with him is going to me miserable for you and the kids. They will have such a better life sway.
And don't jump so far in the future. Take it one day at a time and just get settled and healthy.
Cheating = the chopping block. Move on.
You don’t
She has subscribed to the thought that “I deserve love without trauma”
She is 100% correct. She deserves someone that can treat her right and not cheat on her. Sounds like she has solid self respect and self esteem and you fucked up a good thing by thinking with your dick.
Learn that lesson for your next relationship.
My BF does this to me on occasion (in front of MY friends or family). I have called him out on it right then and there in front of everyone! I want him to know when he is doing it but I don’t really think that is probably the right way to approach the issue though because it makes everyone feel uncomfortable and I think it makes ME look bad. A better way to approach this is right after it happens, silently get his attention that you need to speak to him privately. Then go somewhere and explain what he just did to do (he may not even realize when he is doing it) and that you will not allow it! Explain exactly what he did (and since it just happened, he can’t deny it). Tell him how it makes you feel and how it his comments are perceived by others. If it keeps happening, tell hi that you will not allow it, and you will not want him to go place with you when you are with your friends and family. Set boundaries now or it will get worse.
Oh you think her liking the message says she was in? I took it as her acknowledging the message but uncommitted
I can agree with you that such marriage is certainly a great thing. The problem lies in the fact that it only works if both sides are loyal people with morals. Of course, you can't really know that in most cases. People who thought they can trust their partners also get betrayed.
I know I am not the best at judging a person in direct contact, I have been blinded by what I wanted to believe about someone before. No, this wasn't about cheating, but the point is I understand that just because I trust someone I can be wrong. I do not advocate for constant spying, and supervision, however should anxiety struck, or partner does something questionable enough, you should be able to have a look into such things like accounts/messages.
Naturally, I do not expect it be the case from the very beginning, and even more importantly it would be mutual arrangement. This is also a display of trust. IF my partner can have a look at my messages, this can mean they can find harmless, but embarrassing things, or sth else to take advantage of were they malicious. It is a scary prospect, so agreeing on it is a sign of trust in your partner.
There can be different arrangements as well. You know, some people have jobs that do not allow other people to be informed about anything going on in them. In such cases, a different arrangement would be necessary (as secrets are a duty). More so than that, an arrangement where we are allowed to ask a partner to see their messages is another option. This is more difficult though, it would usually be done in rougher times in the relationship, and only serve to aggravate issues.
The longest he's held a job is three months.