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24 thoughts on “SussanaLopez online sex cams for YOU!

  1. SSRI (Zoloft is one) and SNRI can have sexual side effects for a large percentage of people who take them. They can go away, but it seems like for most people they don't. There are other meds your partner could take, they just need to talk to their doctor. Wellbutrin, for example, can actually counter sexual side effects and/or treat depression without sexual side effects. But yeah your partner would have to really have an open dialogue with their doctor(s) and also with you about trying to meet needs in the relationship and medical options. Mental health is no joke, there's always so many factors and it kinda sucks that the treatment options are still “hey, take this, see how it works for 8 weeks. Oh, you can't orgasm or maintain an erection? Try this one for 8 weeks or so. Oh, no orgasm for 4 months? Try this combo of drugs.” It can be really frustrating and a lot of patients are uncomfortable discussing how medicine effects their sex life with their med people. (And is probably very frustrating for your partner too)

  2. Hello /u/Annual_Assignment_65,

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  3. he's not an asshole, she got him something that he doesn't plan on using, not everyone wants to cook with a cast iron skillet, also she didn't put thought into, her mom did

  4. His phone is his… just like your phone is yours.

    Their customizable for a reason; to put what you like on there. He obviously likes that picture of you.

    It’s okay if it’s not a perfectly taken shot or not a couples pic. Maybe he just prefers to look at candid photos of you, they’re the ones that show what real life is like the most.

  5. Nope, he’s going to kill you. Stay quiet and compliant enough to plot and start making clear, dedicated plans to get. the. fuck. out.

    Let your actions speak the words he won’t listen to.

  6. Thanks for your reply! I agree it is something that a therapist would help with but right now we are tight on money and I was hoping there was something that may help at least as nothing seems to. I know it sounds corny as we’re young but I really do love her and she loves me, so I want to try everything before breaking up comes into the equation.

  7. A relationship is not something you just have and keep. You need to always be actively working on it and maintaining it. Even when you are living together or might be married for 30+ years. It's like a plant. If you stop taking care of it, it dies. NEVER take a partner or relationship for granted.

    It seems very obvious you do not have the time/priorities to be in a relationship. Even though you might not intend it that way, your GF might feel like an afterthought/low priority in your life. I wouldn't blame her for not wanting to sit around and wait for you X years into the future before you finally have time for her and YOUR relationship.

    You need to think very hot if you are in a position right now to be in a (romantic) relationship. Everything you said you are busy with is something for yourself and that comes off very selfish towards your partner. It's fine if these are the priorities in life you chose, but then be honest and don't get into a relationship that you don't have time for.

  8. Yikes, what a controling freak.

    First of all:

    How are your home and you deserving to be loved and valued connected in the first place?

    Hey….! They are in no way connected.

    He is playing manipulative games with you trumping the “I am the provider, you could at least…. ” card.

    I don't know what home he would come home to and what that batshit would make me do, honestly.

    “Spotless” huh? How about cleaning it up to that state yourself then, hubby?

    Depression is an illness. He has no respect for xou and thinks you are an idle loafer.

    And as long as you don't play by HIS rules, he puts you on love withdrawal.

    Which is another version of “silent treatment”.

    I would really consider if I would want to stay with such a psycho..

  9. I mean…you made a dumb fuck comment…does it not count after a few hours anymore? If you edited the comment and said.

    ” I posted this and didn't really think about it and was corrected in the comments.”

    Then I wouldn't have said anything. I'm not gonna let a dumb comment slide just because other people already said something.

  10. No, he was a great support, but also treated me in ways that would send me running under normal circumstances. Both can be true. People are both good and bad. He helped relieve my stress at times, but was also there to pile up to it during other times

  11. In all you have written, I fail to see one single reason for staying with this man. He is dead weight. You are already operating like a single mother. He is acting like an extra child. Why are you with him still?

  12. Honestly, nobody should have to be subjected to your family, not even you! All they care about is their meal ticket slipping away. If you leave, your family will actually have to step up and support themselves like they should have been doing your entire life instead of having their child pay their bills. You definitely have the right spirit in telling your family to fuck themselves, I would recommend that you continue doing so, and go on-line your life happily in spite of them.

  13. He's 14 years older than you are. He treats you like an object, only there to entertain him, because that is what he thinks of you.

    Your wants, needs, and emotions are inconvenient to him.

    Take that for what you will.


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