Sweettjulianaa on-line sex chats for YOU!

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11 thoughts on “Sweettjulianaa on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Yeah. I think she is still too young to be more mature about discussing things. I hope she understands that someday. If not, I think you deserve someone who understands you more.

  2. Yeah true. It is early enough now where we have time to figure out what we wanna do. I just don’t wanna end up wasting either of our times

  3. Is it normal to have guests help around like that? That's not an invitation to come over for dinner.

    I mean you could tell him, hey next time would you mind helping out with xyz it would mean abc to me and my family.

    However, if you need your mother's approval when she's difficult to please and no one is good enough for her , you'll be setting yourself up for a difficult possibly lonely life there.

  4. yes, believing adults can make their own decisions is dense. if op has this much of an issue with it, he can make his own decision to break up with her. im an introvert and dont like drinking, but i dont control other peoples lives. if you dont like it, dont do it, but you arent morally better than other people for it. america is far past the days of puritanism.

  5. Any advice on how to deal with this argument?

    Yeah, let her walk. The clue was the long distant part. She probably wants to (or will soon tell you she wants to) 'take a break'. What she won't tell you is that this is because she has someone lined up and it won't be cheating if you are on a break. This way if it works out the story is that it was fine that she met someone new, the past will be muddy and no one will remember she was dating you when she started entertaining this guy.

    Maybe even worse is if it doesn't work out, maybe it plays out as a multi-week fling, then she just calls you back up to resume the relationship. Nothing lost on her end, she gets herself a hall pass with the Mr. fun guy and if you ever find out she will remind you that it's your fault for not respecting the hallowed and very important woman's day, so really you got what you deserve.

    I've dated women like this when I was younger and I thought we had something special because she always seemed to come back. I thought sure we fight over nonsense stuff but there's just this connection between us. Then I just found it was her way of cheating with out technically cheating.

    Line up a new guy, let it progress to the point that she thinks she can move on to this new guy, then pick a fight with you over nonsense so that it's your fault some how. Then say 'I can't do this, I think we need a break', then 10 minutes after she hangs up the phone head over to that guys place.

    Seriously women are much less crazy than guys like to think. They are actually pretty straight forward. In my experience when a woman seems utterly illogical then she's trying to create a reality distortion field. Where nothing is something and that something is a problem. When you start to realize this is happening, ask yourself, what does the solution to this problem enable? Because it's the solution to this problem that she wanted to have happen.

  6. No, keep it to yourself. This is the couples disconnect and also the only one where compromise isn't possible. It would be incredibly unfair to him, and even if he has the same feelings, he'd end up resenting you.

  7. I’m fat and I’ve had many fat partners over the years in various stages of mobility and we always found a way to get the job done. His lack of interest in problem solving this is an absolute dealbreaker and you should move on.

  8. It sounds like she is making some internalized guilt and shame about you. That stuff can get really toxic unless she has some individual therapy to untie that knot. It doesn't belong to you, and it's going to sabotage any acts of service that you give her until she has some perspective around it.


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