Tailan (30) and Patrycja (25) the naked live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms Tailan (30) and Patrycja (25)

Tailan (30) and Patrycja (25) on-line sex chat

39 thoughts on “Tailan (30) and Patrycja (25) the naked live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. You’ve already gone the douchebag route by having a relationship while still married. Then you, for whatever screwed up reason, have unprotected sex with your wife. Maybe you and the woman who you cheated with, because an emotional affair is cheating, deserve each other. I do know that your wife deserves more. More honesty, respect, basic decency oh, and those vows. Ditch the side piece. Stop all communication. Start living with integrity. Look up the word. It covers a lot.

  2. My low self esteem wants me to believe otherwise but you’re all right about him wanting more than just a “friendly” night out. ?

  3. As someone in a pretty long relationship myself, the idea I’d ever throw away near a decade of love for something like what you said is abhorrent. He should be supporting you for sharing something so scary and intimate. I’m sorry this happened OP.

    yeah not to be apathetic but this guy sounds like a fragile little asshole.

  4. Past always dictates who we are, the decisions we make. That's why every person in the world seems unique. Because of our different experiences that shape pur character.

  5. Manipulated? You’re being played like a freakin muppet. Live this douchebag excuse of a man and find someone who respects you. He cheats on you and you have to report to him? Where do girls find these idiots?

  6. Did read your story and a bunch of the top comments, there's nothing to add there everything's been said.

  7. Not arguing isn't exactly an improvement in her quality of life. It seems that the medications made her unable to feel any anger, or perhaps anything at all. At that point it's bad, because she also can't feel GOOD emotions if she feels entirely numb. This is most likely why she's unsure of her feelings for you. If she can't feel happy, how does she know how to feel?

    I think she should definitely work on changing medication with her doctor. After not feeling anything for 2 years though? That's rough. I feel like someone should have checked in on how she felt with these meds.

    Right now, do your best to be loving and supportive. Maybe with the right medication things may come back to her. I hope so, anyways.

  8. We don't make enough to hire someone.. and our space is small enough that I think we have the ability to handle the work ourselves.

  9. He won't stop. He just doesn't care about the health of other people. As people are saying, wear a mask (good quality) and use hand sanitizer, the same measures we used for covid since 2020, and polish your resume, you need to aggressively start searching for another job

  10. It all sounds really suspicious but there is nothing that screams concrete evidence here. I would insist on booking a hotel room just for him and having a serious conversation when he gets back.

  11. She eventually wants to be a mother but for now just… sits around and spends her husband's money? How is that even a thing? Why would anyone want that? SAHM makes sense but she's literally just shallow, judgemental, entitled dead weight.

    This asshole wants to be a trophy wife while her husband thought he had a partner. Horrifying.

  12. It's a shame they have been together for so long and years later this comes up as a problem it should have been dealt with earlier. Now we are all arguing on reddit over it.

  13. How is there a chance she isn’t mines, when my kid literally looks exactly like me? She even has some of my bad habits from when I was a kid.

  14. Unfortunately the cat is out of the bag. While you have every right to feel hurt by her comments, she has every right to have and voice her opinions. The problem is that 9 times out of 10, especially with the older generation, pointing out that you are hurt by their words/views will just make matters worse, as it appears to have in this situation. And now things are just awkward because you reached out to her directly about this. So unless you basically bury your feelings and suck it up and “apologize” or play nice, things are always going to be awkward with her. You can pretend it never happened and suffer in silence, or try to broach it again with similar results.

  15. People should also be very very cautious about the clinic they go to and the donor sperm they get. The amount of sibling pods being found across the US is becoming a very real problem and clinics have almost no oversight, even if they say they have real ethics.

  16. They are just not compatible. I'm a female, and at times, I feel like I was pressured to become a mother when I really didn't want to. They should not make the same mistakes.

  17. Does he actually use a wash cloth to actually scrub himself, or is he *only* lathering himself with soap and rinsing it off?

    As a guy, I didn't actually start scrubbing myself until like age 22. Then I discovered the magic of scratchy washcloths.

    I can't imagine ever going back to just doing a lazy lather. I use two soaps now: a normal irish spring for my whole body, and an orange Dial “anti bacterial” soap that I don't use daily, but I do enjoy giving myself a super deep anti-bacterial scrub on my feet like once a week that makes me feel comfortable.

    Also, this might be a thing related to either diet and/or genetics. If it's his diet, then he needs to eat better. Does he drink enough water?

    However, if it's genetics, then there's a chance that you and him are a little too genetically “similar”. I hope this isn't offensive, but are you guys the same race/skin color?

    Science has shown that couples that are too closely related (like brother and sister) can and will smell really bad to each other. Nature does this to avoid inbreeding. who knows, maybe he's a distant cousin of yours or something?

    Anyways, I wish you luck and I'm sorry your sense of smell is so good.

  18. Let her have him! She’s acting that way because he allows it. Taylor been playing cat and mouse games with your man since college. She knows she can have him at anytime and the fact that he is so hooked on her gives her ego a boost. Don’t be the poor woman he settles for because Taylor doesn’t want him.

  19. Dump his ass, and upgrade to someone who acts like an adult.

    My gf and I both work, but she makes more money than me, got promoted a few months ago and might already be up for another promotion since one of her superiors quit and I couldn't be more excited and proud of her.

    Her successes are my successes, and mine successes are hers.

    Your bf sounds exhausting. Keep doing well in your ambition, and if he can't handle it, then that's his problem.

  20. Sorry, but your fights doesn’t sound like you are both married or 28

    You sound like you are both in your teenage years…

  21. Alright so if someone's sad and you need to console them you do. Sometimes a partner might be like “why were you talking to that attractive person” making it about machismo not empathy and sympathy.

    Now, you get out of that relationship and suddenly you're able to care for everyone fully and completely without the cloud of your ex making you overthink the “careful with the hug. Too long and they might get the wrong idea.”

    You're free to smile at a guy and that feels good. Do not misinterpret freedom for love. If you do find love it'll come without regret so let this new dude be the one to put in the work.

  22. Wow. His reaction is so incredibly over the top it's tough to even believe. I grew up with dogs, had one for a lot of my 20s, have dog sat a bunch, been on thousands of dog walks and not fully clipping on their leash happens. Sometimes you're just distracted, sometimes they move just a little, sometimes the gate on clip starts to fail… so much can happen.

    Is he right to maybe be a little shaken up? Sure, ok. But nothing happened, you don't habitually endanger the dog, I assume, it could have easily happened to anyone… the dog is fine.

    To say those awful things to you and suggest ending the relationship sounds like he either is looking for excuses to leave OR he is being emotionally abusive to mess with your head and have control over you. Either way, this relationship sounds horribly troubling and I think you need to unclip his leash and let that man go. He is no good for you.

  23. That's something you talk to a lawyer about.

    And you know….don't sleep with people before having the abortion talk.

  24. I agree with what you're saying, but it's stakes, as in wood that you hammer into the ground, to mark out property lines, or tie ropes to.

  25. some dude stole my doormat yesterday, luckily i found you, if you looking for a spot to stay at to get stepped on just dm me

  26. Personally I wouldn't put up with someone addicted to social media like that or who stays in contact with an ex for no real reason (that's assuming it is innocent and they've actually just remained friendly)

    Secondly, she did not tell you what that guy said just to be open and honest. She wanted you, for whatever reason, to feel jealousy.

  27. I spent my teens and early 20s barely socializing. In school I studied (not that well) and played sports, and after school I worked and focused on my career.

    I'm now happily married and make close to six figures. Would 'socializing' have been the healthier thing to do for someone my age?

    What's 'healthy' for one isn't necessarily healthy for all.

  28. These things just make me go brrr, I've had it happen to me a lot of times (not in a marriage, just girlfriends), and trust me, once you find a person who doesn't do that kinda thing, who you can't even imagine doing something like that, you'll never even consider going back to forgiving and tolerating such nonsense, you just don't need that in your life. At this point, knowing all I know and all that's happened to me, I'd very much rather be alone over having to stress myself about a girlfriend, not to mention a wife.


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