TamaraMilano online sex chats for YOU!

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32 thoughts on “TamaraMilano online sex chats for YOU!

  1. This. All of this right here. If you're so deep in the rabbit hole you stomp on my boundaries, I don't want you in my life.

    And he is absolutely trying to control her. That's why he wants to move her to a Muslim country. She will have no rights there, it will be impossible for her to escape and if she does she may never see her child again.

    This dude is a walking red flag.

  2. Don't do it then. You're 18. You're young. You will regret doing this when you're older just to make someone happy for a short time now.

  3. Kids didn't seem to be told to say nothing, he didn't hesitate to tal about her. Also, OP seems like she glanced over him not wanting to talk to her family, sus. Seems not great communication but okay decisions aside from the talking part.

  4. They basically trained the dog to do it. Our dog pees all on his own.

    Please don't tell me they have to poop 1st for the dog to poop!!

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  6. Pretty sure you can contact the dating website and report that someone made a profile of you with personal information included without your consent. You don’t even need to tell your parents about doing that. Pretty sure what they have done is fraud and illegal.

    We only have one life to online and you have got to live! in the way that is true to yourself. It’s good to hear that you are getting support for your mental health issues. It’s sad that your parents are so dismissive of your needs and wishes. If I had to wager a guess, them having this kind of attitude towards you has also had a long term detrimental effect on you. We all need to be seen, heard, respected, and encouraged to be true to ourselves. The fact that your parents blatantly go against your wishes and dismiss your needs is not healthy. I wish you the best and hope you can lay down healthy boundaries and stick to them for your own sake.

  7. Two things I'd be saying to your daughter;

    I'm entitled to my own space, time, and general freedom. No one forced her to have kids. If she doesn't want to be a parent, she shouldn't be having kids.

  8. You’ve become her parent.

    Has she even tried to get counseling? Or are you the only one putting forth the effort? This is not balanced. Her fear of men isn’t showing as she has an emotional affair with “Bob”.

  9. Your husband has a strong fetish. Thats normal

    You have a strong boundary, thats normal.

    He needs to respect that, and you will need to accept what his fetish(s) are.

    Thats it. If he cant respect that you dont overly enjoy this, IE it doesnt happen frequently or ever, then thats a problem.

    He can enjoy other things in your sex life just because he cant get his fetish fix.

    Now if he becomes manipulative or whiney about your boundaries, then again, thats a problem.

  10. As a guy who has been on the receiving end of what you've described, please leave him the fuck alone. He deserves better and you're making it impossible for him to move forward if you're still in his life.

  11. I have a couple of thoughts here. First, I can apoericate how a bad childhood leads to poor choices.

    But that isn't an excuse, it isnt license. In real lifebifvyou make shitty decisions, there are consequences.

    You do neither yourself nor her any benifet by not telling her in straghtfoward terms of your hurt, anger and disapointment in her.

    And you have every right to those feelings, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

    You should demand an explanation of her actions followed by her sincere apology. That is the bare bones miminum.

    And if she can't do that without blameshifting, gasighting or trickle truthing you, you must dump her.

    Because she will do this again, except she will be more careful to hide it.

    I wish you luck.

  12. I can’t tell if it’s more due to Reddit’s weird sexual fixation/curiosity on incest or the “no contact,” “raised by narcissists” crowd whose blood boils at the thought of a parent influencing a child’s relationship.

  13. Tell him everything you just said here. It sounds to me like he is making the best of a bad situation. Letting him know it's okay to be sad and disappointed with them and that you will be there to lean on is something. It doesn't sound “manly” by some standards but I know myself and plenty of other men will definitely admit to feeling better when their significant other just holds them. It is reassuring in a tough world.

  14. I’m realizing if maybe the best thing would have been for me to break up with her earlier whenever either incident happened. I really didn’t want to make her choose but she seemed like she would get really unstable if I left her and I really do love her. But the only way I could see her with me would be if he was out of the picture because I think their relationship is inappropriate and we both now believe he likes her. And if they are to remain friends after everything that’s happened I don’t think they could stick to certain boundaries and Id have trust issues. But that also has to with my insecurities.

    Thanks for the advice.

  15. Well hey, if you can’t back up you option you can always just tell someone you disagree with they are creepy! Constructive and original! Is now when we start doing “your momma” jokes back and forth for the win?

    Yes, she can be as upset as she wants, I wouldn’t try to take that from her. I’m just adding a reasonable perspective as to what the situation may actually be, which is severely lacking through this thread.

  16. I want to believe he will but you're 100% right about him just being more careful and better at hiding his dirty dirty little secrets..

  17. He did it on his own. I never suggested it I would feel some type of way as well. Thank you for your advice it has helped. We talked and I left my feelings out of it.

  18. How did people exist before sm? His infatuation with sm indicates an illness that inflicts a lot of people these days.

  19. The more parents the better!

    My partner doesn't like step dad, he refers to himself as “bonus Dad” which is cute.

  20. Your concern for your daughters is admirable but I do think you're worrying a little unduly.

    An awful lot of what marketed as teen porn is actually women like Anjelica Ebbi or Gina Gerson who are in their 30s but just happen to look young.

    I personally also do watch that kind of thing sometimes for me it's mostly about the body type and the age isnt really anything I consider as I know they're a comparable age to me.

    I don't actually have any attraction to teenage girls, even at university when I was in my early 20s I found the idea of dating my slightly younger peers quite unsettling and tended to go for for.people.who bit older than me. I really don't think him watching teen porn has any relationship to how he feels towards your daughters.

  21. Then you clearly don't understand how painful gender dysphoria is.

    He needs those hormones because they are helping him feel more comfortable in his body, making his outside reflect what he has always been inside.

    He's not changing himself, he's becoming more of himself. It absolutely is making his life better.

    It's ridiculous to think that he should stop taking hormones just to make life easier to comprehend for his grandparents. Would you tell a diabetic to stop taking insulin because their relatives don't understand how blood sugar works?

  22. It sounds like he was just stating to unwind and not think about something stressful (work) by escaping into a TV show and you randomly just started talking to him about the one thing he’s trying to escape from.

  23. I'd change my wedding plans if my sister or SIL was pregnant. No one else. We only have one each, too, if I had 2-4 sisters and so he did, we would have probably had to go on anyway.

    I actually had a family member give birth on my wedding day, and while it would have been nice to have her there, it's actually nice to have a baby in the family whose age and birthday I know.


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