Tarafisher live webcams for YOU!

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I wish I could smell you on me, I really need you to fill me. Would you help me get some pleasure?: INSTAGRAM @tamara_fisher_ multigoal FUCK PUSSY 399 [291 tokens remaining]

18 thoughts on “Tarafisher live webcams for YOU!

  1. Send the letter and tell him this is why you had to leave the relationship. If not he will probably sit there and thing about what he did wrong and not even think that his mother would be the cause. He will probably fix the things he thought we the ender while not look at the actual cause. It will also hurt him in future relationships bc they probably won’t hold out as long as you did.

  2. This is the process, talk to people on an app, multiple people and then pick the one you like most and see how that goes. He wasn’t THAT interested, didn’t know you or met you, and was clearly talking to many people that possibly he could connect with and it’s easy to move on from one to the next as there’s zero investment

  3. Ignore them, childbirth doesn’t give someone a free pass to let communication completely break down. If the roles were reversed your post would be bombarded with “Girl you deserve a man who will talk about his feelings”, but as you’re a dude you’re apparently a piece of shit for wanting to work on your relationship.

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  5. He is on medication for his mental health and he sees a psych every few months. Its just too expensive for him to go super regularly, but he definitely is big on therapy and MH supports.

    We planned to write the letters, read them separately and then come back together and talk through it and see if we think we can salvage things. And to see if our wants and needs align.

    As for your questions, he sometimes gets defensive and quick to anger when we discuss things. Other times he will validate my concerns, but seems to not know how to address them, even when I tell him in specifics. I'm a good communicator in general, but I can get defensive at times too. But usually doesn't take very long for me to relent and admit fault. My bf thinks I'm a pushover at times, but I think I am just actually good at self reflection.

    As for whether he wants to write the letter, I gave him the opportunity last week to ditch the idea. He said he wanted to do it. And honestly, he hasn't made any other efforts to “save” our relationship so part of me wanted to see if he could just commit to this one small thing. And I want to see his thoughts on our relationship without any bias. I want to hear it straight from him, and not have to lead the whole conversation for once.

    Thank you so much for your advice, I really appreciate it. These are honestly the questions I needed to be asked, its hard to unpack it when its all so overwhelming. So I really appreciate it a lot.

  6. Would you trust her to be your gf? She has no boundaries finding another bf when she already has one.

    If she does it to him, he will do it to you.

  7. everybody to the psy, now !

    the whole thing is a sexual trauma. divorce won't resolve it, only change the situation.

  8. Seriously! I feel like multiple times a day, it’s a story about a woman in her 20s with a man at least 10-15 years older than her who is a piece of shit and the woman posting is like “my boyfriend talks about sexual assaulting my friends, am I overreacting?” Like do people have NO common sense???

  9. He needs to stop jerking off completely. He's likely desensitized himself to regular sex because a hand squeezes a LOT harder than a vagina. Also, he should have his prostate checked and try medication before any procedure. He could have a medical issue.

  10. I am taught the same way too, that as a man we should provide, taking money from women is just straight up no-no. However, just because we are taught in a certain way doesn’t mean it’s always the right way. Take me for example, I overused my credit card buying expensive stuffs for my gf(she didn’t ask for it, it’s just my way of showing how much I appreciate her) 3 years ago because I got a promotion and I thought well why not, I will be earning a lot more from now on so yeah I could pay a little debt, it wouldn’t hurt.

    Well yeah, covid happened and the company I worked at went bankrupt and left me with no job anymore, I resorted to working at my buddy’s place and getting paid the minimum wage(because he’s having a hard time too and I appreciate him going out of his way to give me a job so I can get my shit together). More than half of my salary would go into paying the credit card debt and I remember feeling very ashamed of myself to a point where I wanted to break up with my gf so I would not burden her.

    My gf is very against the traditional way of “men should provide” thing from the beginning, and we even argued about it a few times because I wouldn’t let her pay for dinners. She is all I have left when I was jobless, and she is there for me all the time too. She knew I was too stubborn to take her money, so she offered another way around, instead of handing me money, she took me to restaurant and I said to her that I wasn’t going to afford this and she was like well I gotta eat too right? She started paying for food and even started cooking at home to save more money. We survived that crisis, and she’s still here with me.

    So yeah, my point is, if you want to help her financially, that’s okay, but make sure you’re helping her within your budget. If you want to give her money, that’s fine, but don’t go out of your way to make your life nude. A good way for me to know whenever I can lend money to others is I make sure I am only lending money that I am sure as hell not going to use in near future.

  11. You’re not that important to him as you think. Your relationship isn’t that healthy if he chose to lie to your face to hang out with his boys.


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