TaylorBenett on-line webcams for YOU!

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11 thoughts on “TaylorBenett on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Well, we truly are just friends (or were friends). Think of a good co-parenting relationship: exes with mutual respect for one another that have a friendly rapport. I would have concerns too if my significant other was talking to an ex if they still had feelings, but it's not like we have feelings or flirt. Nothing has happened to justify the concerns, so my theory is she's insecure. And it doesn't sit right with me considering she barely knows him and is demanding that he lose a very close friend with years of history. Just wanted to clarify

  2. i guess by ultimatum i also mean tell her i’ll be moving out. i’m 20 so i still online with her because i don’t have a job that can pay for an apartment yet. the ultimatum isn’t really for purposes of her getting sober, but just so she won’t get a car because she could kill someone else driving. i thought the accident would be rock bottom for her, and she goes back and forth to rehabs and detoxes constantly, at least 15x that i can remember. i just feel like as her daughter, i have a responsibility to do whatever i can to stop her from having access to a car. if she killed someone on the road i don’t know how i could live! with myself

  3. Maybe you can do one of those Amish-type things where you “leave the farm” so you can do all the drugs in the world, then go back to him (if you survive). It's as sensible an idea as listening to your friend.

  4. This is probably the most aggravating post i’ve read here today, because its pretty clear you’re going to dismiss the well-deserved harsh comments as people “not understanding of your lifestyle.”

    It is so ridiculously fucking irresponsible that you let this person be introduced to your daughter. A 5 year old should have ZERO knowledge of any of this shit. This is between you and your wife.

  5. I am baffled how people don't know basic human anathomy & science and downvote posts that say truthfully – that male and female fertility starts to dropp in their 30's, with some people more sooner than later. Also, having a significally younger partner tends to help.

  6. You can’t “make her understand” anything, because that’s not the issue. The issue is that she has some deep insecurities and nothing you do will ever fix them. Her going to therapy might help, but that’s a long process.

    Actually, her behavior is extreme enough that she might even be cheating on you and projecting her cheating on you.

  7. Ok sorry, let me get this straight….

    Problem: You feel that your partner does not desire you, or show that she wants to be with you sexually (she does not tend to initiate, doesn't perform all of the acts you would like etc.).

    Solution: Replace her with a literal inanimate object…

    And NO, it is not the same as dildos which you use together. There are plenty of male sex toys that you could have purchased that would be totally inoffensive but you spent $1k+ to buy a sex doll. That says to me 'my wife isn't sexually compliant enough, I want a female body with no feelings that I can use as I please'.

  8. Sounds like you don't want to classify him as a rapist, but he has explicitly done something against your consent twice now. While you are consenting to sex itself, you have established boundaries that he has violated.

    Maybe you don't want to say out loud to yourself that he has raped you. But really think about how his actions look on paper. And think about how it's made the thought of sex feel lately. That is not a normal reaction to sex where all parties are consenting adults.

    Please take care of yourself.

  9. Idk I think it’s partially because I’m only her second bf she never introduced her first bf to her parents her parents are Taiwanese immigrants and we’re super strict with her and I just think she doesn’t want to be judged and lectured by them

  10. This is the wrong place and time for this argument. If you can't look at a specific instance with a decent amount of specific information without your bias or personal gripes clouding your judgement then you don't need to pass on your opinion.

  11. You look like a joke when you let some frat boy's opinions dictate how you online your life.


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