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38 thoughts on “Tefavega live webcams for YOU!

  1. I'm going to give you my testimony and maybe it will help.

    I wish I had lived my life like yours. I got my first kiss at age 11 and lost my virginity a short 4 years later. And I can tell you that it lead to a life of promiscuity, trust issues, and anxiety. I also caught an STD because one of the men I trusted didn't disclose. This lead to feelings of unworthiness, disgust with myself, and even suicidal ideation. But thank God that He did not give up on me or turn His back on me. God saved my life and fast forward 7 years, I married a man who is better than I ever could dreamed of!! All the men from my past can't even hold a candle to him lol and he could care less about my past. But not a day goes by that I don't wish I would've waited for him.

    I'm telling you this because your virginity — your virtue — it's a gift. A treasure. One that truthfully shouldn't be given away freely or casually like the world believes it should. Yes, sex is amazing! But with the right person, and preferably the person God created for you. Many Christians get a bad wrap because they tell everyone to abstain, but they never explain why. Here's why: God is all for sex, believe it or not. The book of Song of Solomon is actually written about sex between a married man and woman. The reason why we should wait is because you take a piece of that person with you for the rest of your life. You don't intend to, but it happens. Sex is literally where you become One with another person. That's why it's best in the confines of marriage.

    Now, I'm not saying don't date. I'm saying don't get pressured into having sex or feel obligated because you go out with some guy X number of times. You have sex when YOU'RE ready. Any guy that you date that doesn't respect that you want to wait or if you're not ready, leave him. He's not for you. But the guy that's understanding and patient — he values you for YOU. And he's the one who will respect you in the end.

    There's nothing weird about you or wrong with you. You are perfectly normal. And you're God's child and He loves you. And if you trust Him, He won't lead you astray. He has someone for you in mind and you shouldn't feel pressured by the world to just do it because you're a certain age.

    I hope this helps! I'm sorry if it seemed too preachy … it just felt like something you probably needed to hear. I wish all the best, hun! ??

  2. Honestly, it sounds like he’s setting you up just to be a sexting partner. The way he evades your questions and hasn’t asked you on a date makes me think he’s a lost cause. You deserve someone who wants a real relationship.

  3. OMG. 1. He didn’t tell you 2. He is completely switching up what you’re mad about and using something else to get you to stop talking about the real issue 3, he COAHED your children to not talk about her? 4. Messages don’t just delete like that

    He is being secretive and lying. He most likely is cheating and being unfaithful and if he hasn’t yet he will. Regardless of all that he has crossed some serious marriage boundaries. Do not let him manipulate the situation and gaslight you. Talk to him and set your foot down. Fire her and make it clear to never do that again. Seriously talk and find out what is going on. There is nothing hood happening when someone is being secretive and deleting things.

  4. When my hubs and I married 42 years ago we were both conservatives, it was great. Now one of us isn’t, and we’re missing out on being able to discuss real world happenings because one of us gets angry fast. It’s sad. I love him, would never leave him, but a whole aspect of life is shut down for us. He misses us being in the same page too. One of us thinks the other is dumb, that doesn’t help. Then there’s James Carville and Mary Matalin, he famously liberal and she famously conservative. They married and some years in she flipped. It all depends on how tolerant you BOTH are, and how you treat each other despite holding opposite philosophies.

  5. So you're doing, what, 15-25% of the household maintenance work? Ordering in food 3 times a week (and completely ignoring that she still cooks those days, just not for dinner), writing on the calendar, and picking up toys every so often? What, do you want an award for the whole 10 minutes of work you do for the other people in your apartment? It takes more than that to preheat the gosh dang oven, dude. You're not special.

  6. i see everyone saying i’m too young in the comment section. there is not an age limit on issues, i have dealt with addiction and i am just asking for help. if you aren’t interested in giving me advice please just stop commenting, it’s annoying.

  7. Hello /u/gennnk,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  8. I live! in one, and because of that can confirm that it's misogynistic. Just like Christianity, or most religions. Just as a singular example, it takes two women to provide witness to financial situations, the equivalent testimony of one man. That's not equality.

    Dated a Muslim man for half a decade. Have spent significant time in a Muslim country. Can confirm, still treats women as second class citizens

  9. I think you should say this to your girlfriend and try to dig all the truth that happened on that trip, say something like to forgive i need to know all the entire truth, maybe then when she says all the things she did with the coworker you can be in a biggest peace of mind

  10. How many times over the last 5 years have you expressed your needs, and how many times has it been unresolved in 5 years..Good luck to you. Time to move on.

  11. You admitted that you romanticized the relationship, which sounds like you both knew and agreed would be FWB.

    You can only manage your own expectations and thoughts so, unless you tell him you want more, he has no fucking idea.

    Every relationship includes risk. If you want more out of it, you have to be willing to put more into it and take that risk by opening up.

  12. He sounds terrible and I hate to bring this up but so many of these large age gaps when early to mid 20 year olds date older guys never work out because these guys think they can manipulate younger women into accepting their poor behaviour

  13. You’re a 22 year old adult woman. You can do what you want, their fundamentalist oppressive bs aside. You also don’t have to tell them about your bf, and if I were you, I wouldn’t tell them shit until you’re independent.

  14. Again please dump her so she can find someone better.

    What are you going to do if you get married and have kids? Force the woman to attend your family holiday but refuse to attend hers? Force your family to separate on Christmas so that you can do your own thing? You don’t need to be in a relationship.

  15. Don’t listen to this person telling you you’re pathetic. You’re going through something extremely challenging right now and it can be naked to sift through feelings. As much as I agree with what the person is saying (leave her) I don’t think they needed to simultaneously be rude to you. You 100% deserve better and I’m sure deep down you know what you need to to. That voice that’s telling you to move on is right.

  16. Yup. I’m just going to move on and act as if it never happened. At the very least this was a learning experience for the future.

  17. You don’t trust him and for good reason. Kick him to the curb. You deserve better. He’s just going to continue spinning it anyway he can to have the setup he has right now.

  18. You're welcome! Hoping the best for you two. I won't make excuses for him, but I'm not going to denegrate him either. In your mid 20's y'all are still growing and maturing in so many ways, so if this is the worst thing you two got going on right now I'd say y'all are in good shape.

  19. Bruh. I would never leave my wife who is pregnant to go on a trip with a female I just game and chat with… definitely sounds like something else is going, and he has some hope to blow someone’s back out before the baby comes.

    Or I can be wrong and it’ll be a completely normal trip with just chatting and gaming. Could happen, right?

  20. I'm so sorry for this experience. I can relate as an ex boyfriend was totally excluding me from anyone's or any important event from his life, always finding sketchy excuses as to why he would comportmentalise. There were other points that became extremely uncomfortable and further incompatibilities so I unfortunately broke things off after a year. There was many amazing points, but it felt more like a futureless fling than a committed and connected relationship.

    If the sense of belonging and connection is important for any fulfilled relationship and marriage, you will unfortunately be sad, grow frustration, resentment, and relationship burnout.

    I would suggest to clearly communicate your needs and feelings, so you can work together on how to shape a future where you'll both be fulfilled, specially considering the challenges that any relationship brings. If no compromise can be made after a certain timeline, sadly you know the inevitable decision you'll have to make.

  21. That’s exactly what this is. Normally, I think it’s ok for people to err on the side of caution and provide help to someone just in case the story is real, even if it’s unbelievable, who knows – it might help someone else. But this story just takes it way too far.

  22. They are definitely not saying it to be kind, that's for sure. I would suspect this isn't the only time your friend is cruel to you if this kind of thing is am average Tuesday.

  23. Than she has no say or input.

    Haha, this is legitimately one of the most succinctly terrible pieces of relationship advice I've ever seen on this subreddit.

  24. Eh? You say ily but that’s not enough? What’s he want, you to get on one knee “I doth profess my undying love and devotion henceforth and forever more”?

  25. Why the fuck would you tell her this? It will only give her a complex about her appearance. Just break up with her

  26. It's always acceptable for her to turn down sex.

    It's not acceptable for her to try to tell you what you can do with your own body by yourself.

    Frankly, I've never thought the “you don't need to masturbate, I'm here” was ever a fair or reasonable arrangement in the first place.


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