the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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36 thoughts on “the nude live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. You're the one that posted here, you're the one that's still responding. It seems like you didn't want advice, and more like you just wanted people to tell you that he's a bad person.

  2. Be a professional and act like you are adults and you will be fine. It may seem like an impossible task, but you are there to finish your education. You can do it.

  3. You were completely manipulated and still allowing it, but to each their own. I think we all, you included, know that relationships built on a foundation of lies NEVER work out. Good luck

  4. feeling like I don’t deserve better

    Do you have examples of other women that also deserve to be in emotionally abusive relationships with men they dislike?

  5. That crossed my mind that she was either drinking and remorseful about the situation maybe past failures of the past years lead her to texting me. Yeah it’s pretty shitty on her. Trying my best to seek out that woman. I thank you for the response.

  6. Never will work to keep relationship. May allow you to find sex. No committed relationship fairs with open relationship. Read some of the Reddit posts and infidelity. People are destroyed by infidelity not their feelings hurt that too. They’re financially ruined. They have a hot time trusting anybody you think it won’t work because she suggests it and that she doesn’t want anybody else right now. Either commit to the relationship work out some kings or let her go and move on with your life.

  7. but it was what was needed.

    Do you have any idea how much worse this could have made OP’s trauma if everything hadn’t gone perfectly with the girlfriend? Do you have any idea how bad the terrifying exposure completely outside of his control, which I shouldn’t need to explain is kind of a trigger for parental abuse victims, could end up being for him even with his girlfriend’s acceptance?

    This wasn’t tough love, this was some irresponsible jackass playing armchair therapist (incredibly fucking badly) with someone else’s trauma. And I guarantee you this dipshit had no plan whatsoever for what to do if OP just had a breakdown right there at the table over having ownership of his own story getting yanked out of his hands.

    OP’s friend is lucky this didn’t explode in his smug face.

  8. A lot of people here calling your friend an asshole, but he's your friend. He seems to know you well enough to know when pressure is necessary.

    And your gf seemed to be at her absolute limit with the situation, which maybe informed his decision to be so forward about everything.

    Ultimately everything worked out, yay.

  9. Print out screenshots and whatever else you can to prove she's trying to contact you. Get the order dismissed. Never, ever contact this woman again. Why are you even calling her your girlfriend?

  10. I'm glad you have a safe space to return to. Ignore what the larger community will say and especially the lies his mother will tell. The most important thing is your safety, that man will hurt you again and his mother will encourage him. Those creepy mother/son relationships are whole lot of crazy to try to unpack.

  11. If you need resources for help please DM me your general location or intended location. I’ll happily help find you places that can help you get on your feet and get you safely away from this situation.

  12. Please leave your husband as soon as possible. Do it for you and your childs safety. Please. I don't know if you have parents/ if you have parents you have contact with, but if you have… Ask them if you can stay at their home for as long as you need. I'm very sorry for what happened and I wish you and your child the best

  13. They are NOT your friends, happened to me and soon I realised my position in the group. It is better being without pet snakes than being bitten by unknown ones!

  14. I have low self esteem. She always told me it was her anxiety and mental health that was the reason, so i would always let it slide I guess. Never had anyone there for me that I could talk to, she was the only one I could open up to. I just have low self esteem.

  15. Stay happy, mate. Your partner’s jealously is off putting. Let her know that if you need a job recruiter, you’ll be sure to let her know. Otherwise she can fuck right off.

  16. You should be extremely offended by everything about this guy. Don’t date men who cheat. You’re not different. He will cheat on you too.

  17. Yeah because a guy will have sex after thinking “well she can't get pregnant twice”, a lot of these women will try get pregnant in the time they are “pregnant”

  18. I left my narcissist ex for many reasons but one of them was that I had no doubt he would cheat on me if I got overweight or less attractive even temporarily, which is basically inevitable when having a family and getting older. He was on Tinder during a time I had gained maybe 15 lbs about 6 months into our relationship. Piece of shit.

  19. Absolutely. These men just can't cope with the fact that their gf would leave them if she knew any better.

  20. how big is your big family and how much of your savings would you be using? Are you close with your family? Do you plan on inviting your second aunts 3rd cousin simply because “they're family”?

    It's hot to judge without knowing the specifics because big and family are kind of subjective terms. My “family” is huge, but i barely speak to 95% of them. Do you have a budget? Is there things you can compromise on? Like a photographer is expensive, live bands or DJs are expensive, centre pieces and flowers are expensive, venues are expensive. Can you reduce those costs?

    What does he want to use the savings on? A downpayment? College funds for future potential kids? Kind of depends on your current financial situation and how much you plan to spend on a wedding. I don't think you should be offended. But i do think its very important to be on the same financial wave length as your partner. Financial issues are one of the number one reasons for divorce, so hash this shit out before the big day.

  21. Again, it's not about escaping my boyfriend. I've been doing this since before I knew he existed. It's about getting away from EVERYONE and having a solitary weekend.

    I would happily relax in a cabin with him the remaining weekends each month. I'd call his mom right now and ask her to babysit one weekend and take him to a cabin, or to a beach resort, or an adult only cruise, if he'd go with. But he would want that to be a replacement for my weekend instead of doing it on any other weekend.

  22. No she said it was my nutty pillow. This is a guest bedroom at my parents house. I’m only staying here to watch their dogs for the week

  23. That, and the fact she got away with it + was willing to blackmail a kid means she probably never stopped.

    The only advice (besides obvs tell) I have for OP is do NOT alert her that you are telling, and counsel your father to investigate bwfore confronting so he can find out if it's still happening or not.

    He will probably want to act on emotion when wisdom would hive him a clearer picture of what he should do.

  24. How much are you actually talking? She's feeling just like you, bud. You're both acting shy and trying not to seem too eager or vulnerable. Take charge or let time do what it's gonna do with y'all.

  25. You cannot control your parents or siblings relationship with your ex. You brought your ex to live with your family. They developed a relationship with her. It’s unfair for you to expect them to cut her off because you have moved on. You can set boundaries for yourself but you cannot set boundaries for other people. Tell your family you won’t visit if the ex is present, you don’t want to hear updates her life, and your child isn’t going to meet her.

  26. Dude, break up with him. He can’t respect your life with your dog, then he can go. The fact he also places humans before animals is concerning


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