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44 thoughts on “ThisIsFuckingFun the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. I think you're right. I don't think a man who is truly in love with his wife could be so callous with her feelings, so many times, for so long…

  2. Well tell her how you feel. If you’re not ready you’re not ready. She can either accept it and wait or find someone who has the same sex drive as herself

  3. She's taking advantage of you. Leave.

    And fyi, screaming is not a form of communication. It's a form of verbal abuse.

  4. Youtmr instincts to kick her to the kerb are 100% correct She is not a empathic towards your daughter and is selfish, assuming your description of her is accurate

  5. Youtmr instincts to kick her to the kerb are 100% correct She is not a empathic towards your daughter and is selfish, assuming your description of her is accurate

  6. You can’t trust her man. You should just end it before you get more emotionally involved. Doesn’t seem like she wants a committed relationship anyway, and all that will come from this for you is pain and wasted energy. Plenty of other girls out there.

    Side note, you mentioned T has pictures of her on his phone (I’m assuming these are NSFW pictures). If you have pictures of her too, I highly suggest you delete those. You can get in serious trouble having them, even if you two are close in age.

  7. I dealt with the same thing for a long time, several times with the same person because I'm dumb. Just wanted to say to you that everything will be ok in the end homie. Your life will be better than you ever imagined.

  8. I don’t need to do 100% of the things in the Quran. My gf doesn’t even do some of the things a dedicated Muslim does. She doesn’t wear hajab either but she is muslim. As a Christian I also don’t think you need to do 100% of the things in the Bible to be a good Christian or qualify as a Christian. But yeah anyways converting to Islam is still required in order to marry a muslim. And that’s just that

  9. This sounds like a misunderstanding. Does it happen often? To me it sounds like you both misunderstood each others intentions and alcohol likely didn't help either. You were both kind of pushing each other and no one wanted to give in, it happens.

  10. He never outright said if I'd leave he would. He implied it by saying am the reason he didn't kill him self. And more bad things has happened to him since them. Just a week ago one of his family members died. I feel bad for him obviously but it makes me feel guilty just thinking of leaving him

  11. I can hear it now, when you break up with him…”See? This is why I don't date women over 30! They have too much confidence and self-respect for me.”

  12. You say “I know you want to come, it my grandmother can’t handle new people visiting her right now. I know it sucks, but her needs come first right now. I hope in the future you visiting might happen, but right now it will be me and my sister. Thank you for understanding.”

  13. Bidet seat or bidet attachment and not only will your issue be solved but I swear she will be happier. I can’t believe I waited so long to get one! What an absolute game changer, highly, highly recommend.

  14. It’s hot to say. They keep telling me I’m older and I just take them at their word but I don’t see it either

  15. Is he giving you a five-day vacation for a girls trip before his party?

    If not, why not? That’s the only way this happens.

    Also, how many nights and weekends currently does he take the kids soup to nuts while you go to a spa or just sleep or watch TV in your bedroom? If not, why not?

  16. You don’t need “reason enough” to break up with someone. If you are no longer happy in a relationship, you don’t need to justify ending it.

    That said, you cannot force someone to change their ways or get help. You can only change what it in your control. Keeping him in your life, or not, is within your control.

  17. I'm guessing she thought the sex was actually bad or not-great and that's why she's cooled off. It may have also occurred to her that she showed a stunning lack of parental judgment, allowing her two girls to spend time with an unvetted guy in his own apartment after school.

  18. Don't think of her as “used.” Think of her as not suitable for a relationship with you, now that you have known her quite a while over varying circumstances.

    I suspect you want her back because you don't relish finding someone new. Even so, that's what you should do, and move on from her. Also, it really isn't helping anything that you continue to hang out with her. Those are hours you could spend dating and meeting new people, which is a much healthier choice for you.

  19. He's lucky you're a good dude. Don't blame you at all for having that as a personal standard. It's terrible that your “friend” actually did that to you.

    Along with how to handle him…it kinda jumps out that you were having sex you hated for damn good reason, and were at risk of passing out, and still didn't call it off.

    It's hot to not worry about that a bit.

    I know it's not always easy to make quick judgment calls in the heat of the moment, but you shouldn't have to put up with being hurt during sex, accidentally or otherwise.

    I hope you'd usually be willing to walk away as needed, even if it's awkward or abrupt, you know?

  20. I love seeing how weird these reactions are to hair of a beloved, lifelong , loved animal. They’d love to know what I collect of animals that weren’t even mine 😉 lol

  21. Well she clearly has little respect for you or your agreed upon boundaries. She is testing your resolve littler by little and you are whining but conceding ground each time. May be time to find that missing backbone. Now it’s a sugar baby date to a ball, next it’ll be an open relationship you didn’t want. Just saying

  22. This is not an issue about money. It's about her not respecting you, her lack of social skills in that she doesn't know what is mainstream as far as what people typically earn—she is immature.

    I don't want to come off as mean. Sorry, I'm just going to be blunt. It's better than just stroking you to make you feel good.

    But, you were never a power couple. She is from a different social class than you. It's not her income, it's how she was raised. Her parents seem like they have money. But, they probably earned it themselves. Your gf probably got where she is at so early in her career because of her parents social network. She is new money. And she is behaving badly. But, it's not unusual.

    I had the same experience when I was your age. I dated the girl for 2 1/2 years. My time with the little spoiled, only child princess was a distraction. But, she had some good networking contacts. I mean we had dinners with numerous influential people. Public figures, names your parents would know. I had numerous opportunities where I was offered career building work. Also, social responsibilities. Names of things/places you would know. I turned them all down. I wanted to make my own way. I didn't know the the system is kind of rigged.

    I get it. You don't care about money. You don't care about ambitions. You're making pretty good money for your age. I think you're probably smart and social. So, I think in just a few short years, your attitude might change. Money is only important when you don't have enough. The world constantly changes. But, it may leave you behind.

    Knowing what I know now, in my opinion, you should embrace her life, submit. Tell her you thought about things, and you think she's right.

    “Babe, you're clearly much better at networking. I need your help! Could you and maybe your parents introduce me to the right people?”

    Her family social world is probably small. It's a little click just like you and your parents have. It just so happens her's has money and are influential, your's are not. They know the value of creating a strong social/career network, you and your family don't.

    This is a hot pill to swallow. It's all about love with you. But, you're going to lose her soon. Plus, she only works 32 hours a week! I would hitch my wagon to her's.

    Bye the way. The comfort level in business class is really nice. You want an experience? Fly in business class. You land ready to hit the ground running. You're not wiped out from the long flight.

    Good luck to you.

  23. Don’t feel naive! Life’s all a learning experience and lessons come at different times for everybody. Don’t be upset though you dodged a bullet with him and him leaving is just making space for someone good to come along 🙂

  24. She calls me insecure when i asked why shes on everything.

    She's right and you're wrong.

    she says shes doing it for herself.

    See? She wants the attention. She wants to feel attractive to a large number of people. She wants to feel attractive to more than just you. She's doing it for herself.

    Now, if you decide that you don't want to be involved with a woman who wants to look beyond you for approval, that is your right. You can dump her and move on. But if so, make sure to take the opportunity to learn a lesson that many men, even some that are older than you, have never learned: there's a difference between a girl who's wrong for you and a girl who's wrong.

  25. Also, we weren't bullying him, it was all jokes =

    “Jokes” at other people's expense is one form of bullying.

    He never told us it hurt him

    It's not someone's job to tell you that your shit behavior is hurting them.

    that wasn't our intention

    Doesn't matter.

  26. you can look at it two ways since you don't know him. he is a compulsive liar and does this a lot or you put him on the spot and he got nervous so told you something to settle his nervousness.

    could be one or the other. You can chalk up to he got nervous or you can cut your losses. No one can make that call for you. It really could be either.

  27. My man.

    Break up. You are not compatible. This is why we date people- to see if we are compatible.

    it's been 4-5 months. Cut your losses.

  28. Hahaha I honestly wouldn't. But I've been a fool in the past who never checked my man's phone. But turns out he is the one actually cheating by isolating me. Don't wanna be the same fool again.

  29. Sometimes it has nothing to do with hygiene and you're just not hydrating enough, but his disgust either way is unwarranted. If he's going to make you feel that way over something as common and normal as a UTI, imagine the other shit he won't be able to handle.

  30. Dude, why are you even questioning who’s in the wrong? SHE IS! Always reverse the roles and think about how you would handle a situation. Would you be acting this way towards her if she did the exact same thing? I’m assuming you wouldn’t, you would most likely be excited for her and wouldn’t even care that she was on the phone with her friend for less than 10 minutes right? If this is just a fluke, then whatever, deal with it and move on. But if this is how she acts constantly, kick her ass to the curb.


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