Tina on-line sex chats for YOU!

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37 thoughts on “Tina on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. LMAO, his religion is based off of human sacrifice to appease the angry blood God. Of all the world religions its one of the most absurd.

  2. Idk about you but buying someone something and expecting them to do exactly what you want in return seems pretty entitled to me.

  3. Hello /u/Awkward_Hat_3776,

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  4. How long have you been together? It’s not cheating, but I also don’t understand why he even disclosed this. Why did he?

  5. seriously. I bought the first box when I was ready to lose my virginity to my long term bf. I figured if I couldn't buy them, I wasn't actually ready.

  6. Personally I wouldn't. I get that yall get along better now but id rather make an effort to see him more often than live! with my parents again.

  7. Believe me if we didn’t live! together I would have a long time ago. The fact we live together makes the situation much harder as I want to be 100% sure she likes me before escalating otherwise it could be awkward. Plus it doesn’t seem genuine to me if we’re drunk.

  8. Talk about invasion of privacy and trust. Plus doubling down trying to make you feel like you are wrong.

    I would never stay with this person. Trust would be gone

  9. You aren’t obligated to stay in a relationship you aren’t happy in to protect someone else. As very hot as it might feel, her mental health issues aren’t your responsibility, and you can’t fix them for her – that’s something she has to do (with the support of others, sure, but that doesn’t have to be you). Hopefully she has other people in her life to support her through this difficult time, but if you no longer want to be in a relationship with her, the best thing to do is clearly and kindly end things.

  10. He didn't overshare, as your relationship isn't his former fling's business. “No thanks, i am unavailable” is all she needs to know.

    You should be mad if he said “i am seeing someone” to his close friends and actively makes them unaware you are living together.

  11. Someday it will be you and/or your children that will be the targets of that rage. And it will not get better, only worse. One day it will be you instead of the door, then he will apologize and say he will never do it again. But he will. And it will be worse. And he will be so sorry. But it will happen more frequently. And you will end up needing medical care. But he just lost it, it was a mistake, he'll be so, so sorry. He will swear to change. But he won't.

    A tale as old as time. When people show you who they are, believe them.

  12. Your husband is a piece of shit, he got what he wanted and is upset that you've checked out? It's like he wanted you to either be happy about it or upset. Your best friend needs to be cut from your life fast. She has no business wanting to sleep with her friend's husband just because she likes him on a physical level.

  13. He's deranged. He's so stupid he doesn't understand that he and your best friend even asking for this is what destroyed everything?

    There's no coming back from that.

    He's the one who doesn't “get it”, and I would have zero issue letting out a whole string of words that would help him see what HE did to his marriage.

    If he and your best friend truly love you when theyvasked about this in the first place, they'd have never entertained the idea of continuing the conversation after you'd left him when they asked.

    He doesn't love you. He just doesn't want to admit he fucked up royally.

  14. Yeah that’s a good point. I still don’t think gossip is the right word, but you’re right that you should be your partners advocate. It was a dumb thing to do by OPs fiancé. If it was a one time thing, people have momentary lapses in judgement, but there’s no way to know from our perspective. This doesn’t seem like something that would warrant a break up, but absolutely a serious trust discussion.

  15. You don’t get to hold something that happened after your break up against her. If it bothered you that she moved on, you shouldn’t have gotten back together with her. If you aren’t happy with your relationship/her drinking, it maybe be time to call it quits.

  16. This. This is perfectly worded.

    I'd also add “Reach out when you are ready to talk. I'm going to give you space to process this.”

    Do it before he blocks you.

  17. She doesn’t trust that this is temporary. She is convinced my sister will always live! with me. Maybe a break is the only option but hoping that we will one day find each other is bit unrealistic

  18. He was dating your car, not you.

    He was a massive piece of work.

    I feel like this may be a fake story because the age range is that exact reddit hate sweet spot.

  19. YOU broke her trust. You don't get to demand she just forget and move forward. You have to earn back her trust. But it's too late for that now. She has changed, she will be harder, more reserved, slow to trust, and skeptical… There has been a build up of hurt, and you just expect her to forget and forgive because you apologized? An apology without actual change… just empty words. Sounds like you have a history of apologies without change.

    She can't trust you, why should she?

    It's done, it's over. Move out, get therapy, work on yourself. Perhaps you won't emotional destroy the next woman that falls for you.

  20. definitely not meaning to come at you but you (or maybe even your gf) not thinking that being with a woman is not the same as being with a man is internalized homophobia. you are basically saying that a woman being with a woman is not on the same level (emotionally or physically) as a man being with a woman, which is not the case. again, i am not trying to come at you because this is something that i, a lesbian, used to think before i worked through my internalized feelings that come from the way society treats gay relationships in general. your gf is cheating on you with her friend, if her friend was a man how would you feel? because obviously your gf is into this friend and somehow she thinks it’s ok to talk sexually, get horny by, and even fuck someone else while in a relationship w you (regardless of gender) which should probably be a deal breaker for you bc it sounds like you really love her and i promise you that you deserve more. lastly, bi people can be completely monogamous. this isn’t about her wanting to explore some part of her, this is about he wanting to explore cheating on you.

  21. Here’s my advice, take it with much thought and prayer (if you’re a believer). If you love her and want to keep your family whole and not poison for your kids do three things. Don’t raise your voice. If you must disagree, talk it out calmly and agree to talk after you both have cooled off if a calm discussion can’t be accomplished. 2) when you talk to her about this advice (if you choose to take it), make sure she agrees to handle disagreements in the same manner, and hold one another accountable, reminding of the agreement to stay calm, or take a break from the convo until emotions ease off. 3) if you want to make it work, (even though I’ve never used therapy or counseling), a lot of people recommend therapy and counseling. It probably won’t hurt and would be money well spent if it helps save your marriage and make a happy family stay a family.

    *I know my grammar isn’t perfect. I struggle with run-ons and punctuation. It doesn’t bother me, but sometimes makes me feel ignorant. Please, if you want to correct me or offer tips just inbox me. It’s welcome.

  22. She's also robbing you of happiness. It doesn't make her a bad person and it doesn't condemn what you had. You just stayed way longer like 2-3 years longer than you should have.

  23. Are you sure that she isn’t just sick of hearing about your relationship? You’re still in the honeymoon phase and you’re getting engaged. I can see a scenario here where perhaps you, without realizing it, talk waaaay too much about Luke. I don’t know you so I’m not accusing you, just pointing out a possibility

  24. Genetics – some people are naturally slim and have the metabolism for it, some people have a thicker bodytype and have to work a lot harder to lose weight, and usually bounce back quickly whenever they managed to starve a few kilograms off.


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