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40 thoughts on “triple34Dlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Confidence and social skills are key. Besides people come in all sorts of looks and, their isn't any look that everyone would view as ugly. I've had a lot people refer to using those sorts of words but, I've also had people use opposite words. As for being Ace? As a fellow Ace I'll tell you : sometimes it can cause problems depending where on the spectrum you are however, it still won't be much of a problem, theirs loads of people out there who are similar, and, more people still who put romance first.

  2. A few weeks ago, my phone died after a night out with my friends. When I got back home he was crying saying he was scared something happened to me. My phone died at 12am and I got home 12:40.

    Yes. He never wanted to spend time alone unless he was withdrawing.

  3. If you don’t think there’s anything going on between them, I’m not sure what to tell you. I don’t think he really has a choice. Are you allowed over there while she’s staying?

  4. Honestly currently her actions are saying she is wanting to be more. Thank you for your comment I really appreciate the advice

  5. Hello /u/PsychologicalMine356,

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  6. Contrary to modern social movements – men and women generally just aren't the same, the way we interpret and react to things, different degrees of sexual vulnerability and appetite. That's why it is more concerning for a man to whip out his penis in public compared to a woman whipping out her bits. Not saying op's wife was right at all, but just trying to explain why reactions might be different.

  7. I’m gonna go a bit against the grain here. I don’t really like kids or babies either. But when I started dating my wife she made it pretty clear that was a requirement. I decided it would be worth it for her. Over time I’ve really come around to the idea of having kids and am excited to have MY kids though I still don’t care for other people’s kids at all. I had more runway though, I had this conversation at 22 or 23.

    Idk if you like standup comedy but if you do you might check out “the new one” by Mike Birbiglia. It’s on Netflix. For some reason it changed my view on the whole thing.

  8. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    My partner has a friend that he once considered a brother. His friend moved to the US and he later followed but in the 4 years we’ve been here we’ve seen this friend twice. When we had our sons he sent over a generic gift, which was of course appreciated but it was clear that he didn’t really get us anymore. Well this friend is now getting married and we are not even invited to the wedding. BUT my partner is planning his bachelor party ?? I find this super strange since they really aren’t that close. I asked if he had a best man and it’s his brother and asked why he isn’t planning it. He said because the brother is overseas. They have friends flying in for the bachelor party and are making it a 5 day event out of state. I said absolutely not, we have a 2 year old and a 5 month old. I shouldn’t have to be taking care of 2 kids on my own. He then said he’d pay for a babysitter for the evenings(where is this money coming from ??). I asked if he could leave Friday afternoon after the kids are at daycare and stay until Sunday afternoon and he said no. 5 days in my opinion is way too long. I rarely ever say no. On average he goes out twice a month with friends for dinner/drinks while I stay home with the kids. I respect that he has friendships that he maintains but he also has a family. I am not comfortable with it, and I feel like that should be enough. I’m not sure how to continue this conversation where it looks like we aren’t going to compromise.

  9. I found I still had the “Hinge” app on my phone last week. I’ve been happily in a relationship for 2 years and am currently shopping for rings.

  10. Rushing into a very serious decision because you “always thought” it would happen that way is a terrible, terrible idea. There is a lot more to marriage than just signing the papers to fulfil a dream you had when you were 13 or something. I think its important to be with someone who shares the same goals and values as you (along with other things, obviously), and it sounds like thats what you have. Do you want to leave and marry someone just because they're willing to do it within the next 6 months? Do you want to marry someone who's not right for you because it fits your timeline? Sounds like a recipe for resentment and divorce, and I imagine thats not what you're looking for.

  11. Well actually I did say go for it when he said it the first time. He accused me of not loving him and leading him on

  12. Dump her ass. She's wildly insecure and will not be a good partner in the future. Imagine dealing with bullshit bombshells for the rest of your life

  13. Well, start slow. You could say something like “I had fun on our last date – when can I see you again?” and that puts it more in his court to complete the arrangement.

  14. Bro shut the fuck up. Is anyone here fucking celebrating this? Get your insecure ass out of here. Do you want to not feel like a second rate citizen as a man? Grow a fucking back bone and find some self respect instead of finding random places to spew your insecurity

  15. You will be surprised that sex is so much better now. You are more mature, you love and desire your husband, and you don’t have your parents’ good luck!

  16. He said he doesn't want to get laid with me, just seeing me as a friend and likes to talk with me, and have no other interests than that. Is it possible for a guy and a girl to be just friends in your opinion?

  17. We are sexual, just not having actual penetrative sex, and we know we’re definitely compatible. The chemistry is very strong. Like I said, our relationship is perfect, no major issues. It’s just the porn, and my concern over it.

    We’re definitely not rushing into anything. Getting married young isn’t always an indicator of that. He had gfs in the past he had sexual relationships with; none of them he knew he wanted to marry. We have the same goals, same values, and we respect each other. It makes us a great team, and our families support us and our endeavors to raise a family.

    We recently took our couples course for marriage over this past weekend, and he’s very open to me about his guilt in regards to watching porn because he knows I’d never set out to shame him. I understand people’s perspective/opinion which says that it’s totally fine and natural, but we know it can easily damage relationships. He’s even been honest with me about the ways his past porn addiction tainted his view of sex and affected his dopamine reception and expectations for relationships at a younger age.

  18. Why do you let this woman be mean to your daughter?! Man up and protect her from your evil stepmother wife.

    Your wife must be really really super naked for you to put up with this.

    Get snipped for sure.

  19. This is a tough one for sure OP.

    Where you are now, are you both safe? This means physically, financially, mentally, and psychologically. If the answer to any of those is no, then there is a big issue.

    Have you set up childcare where you will be moving to? This one is very important as you want to make sure that once you do leave, you NEVER have to go back.

    Both of my parents are abusive and it was hell having to live! back with either of them when I truly needed it. I made it work but it was only me.

    I know there is a lot to consider and it's a scary time. Reach out to resources in the area you will be going to to make sure you can set these things up.

    When this semester is up in 4 weeks, how much longer do you have in school? These are all things to factor in.

    It sounds like you are a great mom who is trying to break the generational curse of abuse in your family. That is so very hot and I'm so proud of you for recognizing this isn't right and now who you want to be.

    Also, know you will have set backs and to give yourself grace. I'm still learning this one as I'm very hot on myself. I'm learning though.

    While I can't tell you what to do, I hope this was helpful in you making the best decision for yourself and your child. I wish you both the very best of luck.

    If you ever are in dire need r/Assistance can be a nice source. You need to read the rules and comply but there are some truly wonderful people who will help out there.

  20. why does it matter? it’s an enagagement ring, typically that ring is given to one party and the other is given their ring when they officially get married.

  21. OP, you must speak up. It may not seem to do any good in the moment, but C is losing friends and now she's going to start losing family. It's time.

    Call her and ask her to meet you one on one for coffee in a public place, to discuss what you had talked about at that event. Tell her that you're worried she's being indoctrinated into hate. Tell her you won't be a part of it, and you won't support it even as much as seeing her partner. Tell her you'll always care about her, and if she ever wants to get out, she can come to you. But you won't go to any place where her partner lives, and you won't see him anymore, and you're going to tell your entire extended family this. Ask her to reconsider her relationship and don't waste your energy arguing iwth her. Just tell her this is how it's going to be and she can decide whether or not she wants to bring the children to visit you.

    I'm sorry about this, but this is really the only thing you can do, besides telling the entire extended family what they told you.

  22. So are you officially back together with bf? You should definitely have taken some time being single between the relationship hopping. You’re not allowing yourself to process, grieve, and get over either one. Does bf know all about J? Does J know you broke up with him to go back to bf? Just be sure you’re not playing with other’s lives while you get your own figured out and that they get an informed decision on their relationship as well…. As to why you’re more excited by J, could be new relationship energy. We’re you excited like that at first with bf?

    Bottom line, got your own place now. I’d recommend be single for a while. When your mind has quieted you can reach out to one if you still want to. Option 2, which isn’t as good, I’d pick one and commit to him. Block and go no contact with the other.

  23. Her body, her choices. Feminism in a bit shell. Means she can chose to be a stay at home mom if that's what she wants.

    You have a choice… Accept her and accept him. Or don't. You can go to contact if you don't like her choices but those are your options.

    Accept her and her husband… Give them your opinion if you feel the need to but in. Otherwise? Deal with it.

    You definitely went to far but not too far too far. Not unsavably too far. Maybe.

    Apologize from the heart… Not for your opinion but for not being an adult about it. Then take it from there. Or go no contact if you can't tolerate a “right wing” husband for your sister.

  24. Move on. I’ve been in this exact situation but I was the one that broke it off. At some point I just became unable to enjoy him and the relationship anymore. It’s like the “love” or “spark” faded away. There were a few big issues that I think contributed to that, even though I had never brought them up to talk about them with him.

    But other than that, there really wasn’t a reason. Not one that I could articulate at least. We hardly ever fought – so it wasn’t like all my other breakups where we could just no longer get along and be together. I still feel a bit guilty all these years later as it was completely unexpected for him. I blindsided him and he took it naked.

    At first I was too sure but I realized I need some time for me, only me. Up until that exact moment I had spent everyday for years thinking about guys, talking to guys, dating and sex. I was what I called “boy crazy”.

    So what you write sounds exactly what I did. And if it’s truly the same then he won’t be coming back. Time to move on.

  25. If she’s not willing to defend you against her own family members being shitty towards you, there’s definitely something wrong. Just because her sister is family, doesn’t mean she can’t call her out on her shit. If she’d rather let her sister badmouth you and berate you every time you’re around, she might not be worth it. I know as a person in a relationship myself, if my brothers started badmouthing my boyfriend like that, I’d speak up against them and call them out. It’s like a very old good friend saying something fucked up, real friends will call friends out on their bullshit. If she loved you, she’d tell her sister to knock it off.


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